Chapter 3 : New Beginning

"Let's go and get our monthly ration from Dante Sir's house," Alex said, looking up at the sky.

Katz also looked up and said, "Come on, we need to hurry. It looks like it's going to rain any minute. The wind has started blowing, and there's lightning. We need to get back to town fast before it starts."

Agreeing with Katz, Alex replied, "Yeah, the weather is really bad today."

Saying this, both of them started walking quickly and then began running as they descended the hill.

Suddenly, Katz exclaimed, "Ahh... Shit! My uniform is going to get soaked! The rain had to start right when we were on our way to Dante Sir's house. Couldn't it have waited until after we got there?"

Hearing Katz's complaint, Alex snapped, "It's not in your hands to decide when it rains! Just shut up and run faster. I need to get the monthly ration. There's only three days' worth left at my house." With that, Alex started running even faster.

Katz, who had been complaining, picked up his pace after hearing Alex's angry words.

Meanwhile, deep in the valley...

Underneath a large tree by the edge of a pond, a young man, around 20 years old, was lying unconscious. As the rain started falling, the man began to open his eyes.

"Ahhh... Ouch... It hurts so much.

Where am I?" he groaned, touching his body with his hands in pain.

"I was near the clothing factory. How did I end up here?" he said, trying to recall what had happened.

When he remembered, John was struck by a deep shock.

"How can asking one question result in such a severe punishment? Their eyes are blinded by greed. They couldn't even understand a simple thing I said."

"This world is so cruel, God. The rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer."

"They have so much, yet they can't share even a little," he cried in frustration, thinking about his struggle-filled life.

"I worked for hours, sometimes on an empty stomach, hoping that one day I'd get a decent job and be able to eat two meals a day with Uncle Tom."

"I believed that, but these people didn't even have the time to listen to my explanation."

"And they threw me into this valley, thinking I was a thief."

"I can't go on living this life of hunger. I don't have the strength anymore."

"I can't bear this struggle-filled life anymore," he said, stepping toward the pond to end it all. But just then, a powerful bolt of lightning struck.

"Ah... Maybe I don't need to jump into the pond after all," he muttered, as a large bolt of lightning struck the tree next to him, setting it on fire but leaving him unharmed.

"Whatttt... I survived? How... But why... Why me..." he cried, bewildered.

Then, suddenly, a sound started playing:

["Installing. Please do not move. 1%... 2%... 3%... 4%... 5%... 6%... 98%... 99%... 100%." ]

[Congratulations, Host John. The INFORMATION SYSTEM is now ready for use.]

John, in shock, started putting his fingers in his ears and wiping his eyes.

"Did someone just call me? And what is this light in front of my eyes?" he said as he tried to touch the light he was seeing.

"What... I can only see it, but I can't touch it," he said, and at that moment, the voice spoke again.

"[Yes, Host John, you cannot touch

this Screen."]

"Ahhh... Ahhhhh... I heard the voice again! Am I going crazy? There's an unknown voice speaking in my mind," John said, panicking.

["No, Host John, you are not going crazy."]

"Then... are you... G...od? Are you God? Oh my God... Yes, my last wish has finally come true! Thank you so much, "

"God, for getting me out of this struggle-filled life. And sorry, Uncle Tom," he said, a little happiness appearing on John's face.

["No, Host John, you are not dead. You are completely fine."]

"What? I'm not dead and I'm completely fine? How?" he said as he started checking himself. The wounds on his body, caused by the fall, were now completely healed, and he didn't feel any pain.

He looked around in shock, thinking it might be a dream.

"How is this possible? Just now, my body was covered in wounds, and now they're completely gone," he said, stunned.

Then, the voice spoke again.

["That's because, Host John, I healed you, and you can check the information about yourself on the screen."]

"But how can I read this? I've never studied," he asked, confused.

["The INFORMATION SYSTEM has directly sent the knowledge of these words to your brain, so you can read them clearly now."]

Hearing this explanation from the unknown voice, he calmed down a bit and asked to confirm,

"Are you sure I'm not dead?"

["Yes, Host, you are definitely not dead. If you don't believe me, you can pinch yourself."]

"Yeah, you're right. I was thinking of doing that anyway," he said, pinching his stomach with his fingers and wincing in pain.

"Ouch, it hurts."

["That's because, Host, you are not dead."]

"Hmm... So, I didn't die, even after being struck by that terrifying lightning."

"But I still don't understand how this unknown voice is speaking in my mind,

and why there's this strange light in front of my eyes with words on it, and I can read those words clearly," John thought to himself,

as magical things started happening to him. "When I was little, Uncle Tom used to tell me magical stories where the hero had magical powers."

"And maybe I've also received magical powers like the hero in those stories," he thought, and

then asked, "So, what are you? Who are you?"

["I am an INFORMATION SYSTEM, and I am a hub of all kinds of information. You can get any information from me,"]

the voice said, then fell silent.

"So, you give me information, but I need action, not useless information," John said, irritated, thinking that information wouldn't end his struggle-filled life.

["Host John, information is the one thing that can save a person from all kinds of dangers. You are underestimating it. I have all kinds of information that can help make you a powerful man."]

Hearing this, John calmed down a bit and asked, "So, tell me, what kind of information do you have?"

["First, go to the Info Profile and complete your profile."]

"Hmm... Alright, fine," he said, looking at the screen. He could read the words clearly because the language information had been sent to his brain by the system, and he could understand it.

John saw that "Info" was written in the corner of the screen, and he touched it.

[Information About Host]

| Name: John

| Age: 20 years and 6 months

| BP: 120/80

| Strength: 5.9

| IQ: 90, Level - Average


Host, if you do not misuse this Information System, remember the conditions given below:

1. No one should know about the system.

2. You can only seek help from the system if your life is in danger.

3. The system will only provide you with information, and you will have to work hard because of this information.

4. If you break the 1st and 2nd rules, you will lose your life.

If you accept these 4 conditions, place your fingerprint below.

John carefully read the information and thought to himself:

"I didn't even know such details about myself, and now that I'm seeing them, I feel a bit embarrassed. And these conditions... well, I don't really need them."

"If I were to go and tell someone that I'm hearing a strange voice in my head and seeing a strange light in front of my eyes, people would first hit me, and then call me crazy. I'm not that stupid to put myself in such a situation, so these conditions are basically meaningless to me."

With that thought, he placed his finger on the screen. Immediately, a voice said:

["Congratulations, Host. You have gained 5 IQ points for signing."]

Hearing this, John looked at the screen:

| IQ: 95, Level - Average

"I feel like my mind just got a bit sharper. Is this because of those 5 extra IQ points? If that's the case, I need to increase my IQ level," he thought, and then asked,

"Alright, tell me, what kind of information do you have?"

["Yes, Host John. Here is the list of information available:"]

| 1. Technology

| 2. Business

| 3. Architecture

| 4. Agriculture

| 5. Politics ...,....

["If you need information on a specific topic, you can search for it, and the information will appear on the screen in front of you,"] the voice explained, then went silent.

Looking at the screen, John thought to himself:

"So this light is called a screen. Hmm... Right now, what I need most is a way to get enough food to fill my stomach," he decided, then said aloud,

"I need information on food. Can you tell me about that?"

["Of course, Host. There is one solution to your problem, and that can be solved through AGRICULTURE. But you'll need to work hard, and it will take time,"] the voice responded.

"I've been working hard since I was a kid. You just show me the way," John said seriously.

["AGRICULTURE is a system that can elevate the food supply to the next level. In this world, agriculture is at a low level, but with the system's information, you can produce an abundance of food, so much so that you'll never go hungry again,"] the system explained.

Hearing this, John's eyes started to sparkle with excitement, and a faint smile appeared on his face. He quickly said,

"Alright then, I want information on AGRICULTURE right now."


See..... Yaa... Next Chapter [ Agriculture]