Chapter 6 : Searching for Potato


"Uncle Tom, Uncle Victor, both of you have misunderstood my idea. If you listen to it once, you'll also be included in this idea, I promise."

"If my plan succeeds, you'll never have to go hungry again in your life."

John, motivated by the prospect of not having to struggle for food anymore, spoke passionately, knowing that they were all struggling for basic sustenance.

"You're not considering the risk of breaking into a large warehouse, are you?" Uncle Tom asked with concern, clearly worried.

"What are you talking about, Uncle Tom? Before talking about breaking into a place, just look at my body. If this frail body were to try, it would collapse from exhaustion."

"Even if I did break into a warehouse, how long could I sustain myself? A month, two months, or even a year at most. Eventually, the food would spoil or run out."

"My idea is a lifetime solution, which is perfect and safe," John said, looking at their faces, waiting for their reaction.

Victor, intrigued, said, "I'm interested in your idea now. I'll listen without complaints."

Victor understood that John's eyes showed determination. If John had the courage to propose such an idea, it was worth listening to. Victor looked towards Uncle Tom.

"Alright, if you're so confident, I'll listen as well," Uncle Tom said, finally agreeing.

That was exactly what John wanted.

John began explaining,

"So listen,My idea is that instead of relying on already discovered food sources, we should find a new, different food source.

if we find a new food source and start cultivating it, there are three main benefits:"

1. The higher-ups won't know what we're growing, and we won't face imprisonment.

2. We'll get food without working 16 hours a day for others.

3. If we increase the crop production, we can organize and take control of the fields ourselves.

"Now, what do you both think about my idea?" John asked, observing their reactions.

The two looked at him with wide eyes, as if they had discovered a treasure. They were shocked and at a loss for words, unable to express their feelings properly.

"Say something, why are you just staring at me?" John asked, sensing their reaction. He felt happy that his idea had made such an impact.

"Y... you're John, aren't you? No one else?" Uncle Tom stammered, struggling to believe what he was hearing.

"Yes, Uncle, I'm your John. Do you remember ten years ago, a woman..." John said with a hint of mischief, enjoying the confusion on Uncle Tom's face, knowing he would never see this situation again.

"Alright, I accept it. You are John," Uncle Tom said quickly.

"John, your idea is solid from my side," Victor said, placing a hand on John's shoulder.Victor has found a hope that could lead him to a better future; this hope is now visible in John's ideas.



"Alright, then it's a yes from me as well," Uncle Tom said finally.

"Then how will we find this new food source?" Victor asked seriously. He knew that if John's plan worked, he wouldn't have to work 16-hour days and could work on his own terms. Understanding this, Victor wanted to delve deeper into the plan.

"Victor asked a good question. After all, how will we find the new food source?" Uncle Tom agreed with Victor's inquiry.

"Well, Uncle Victor, you're here. Otherwise, I would have come to you anyway," John said, addressing Victor.

"Why?" Victor asked, confused.

"Do you see any land like that? Empty land that's neither too wet nor too dry, just right for rainfall," John asked Victor.

"Hmm... Empty land that's neither too wet nor too dry," Victor thought for a moment, focusing hard.

"Yes, I remember. One day, when I took a different route to Milltown, there was a big valley on the road, and on the other side of that valley, I saw land like what you described," Victor provided the location.

"Really? That saves us a lot of time with your information," John said happily, getting up from his broken table.

John asked, "So how far is that land from here?"

"It will take us about 4 hours to get there," Victor replied.

"Let's go then. We shouldn't delay a good opportunity," John said, grabbing both of their hands to get them up.

"Wait, have some patience," Uncle Tom said, starting to get up slowly.

"Victor might get even more late for work if he comes with us," Uncle Tom said, looking at Victor.

"No, I won't be late. It's just 11 AM right now. I have to go to work at 4 PM, so I have plenty of time. And if I don't come with you, you won't be able to find that place," Victor replied.

"Alright then, let's go right now," Uncle Tom said to both of them.

"Yes, let's go!" John said happily.

"Okay," Victor said.

The three of them set off together from Oakville village towards the valley to search for a new food source.


At the same time, on the Milltown side…

"Good morning, Mr. Dante," the factory manager said as Dante Ward arrived.

"Yeah, alright, manager. I received a notice that some people from the Capital are coming to inspect our factory tomorrow, so I don't want any mistakes. Understand? No-mistakes-whatsoever," Dante ordered sternly and angrily as he walked toward his office.

"Tchh, no matter how much honesty and hard work I show, it never seems to matter to this man. What a life! Even as a manager, I'm treated like a dog," the manager cursed Dante Ward in his mind.

"Listen up, everyone! Tomorrow, people from the Capital are coming to inspect our factory. I don't want to see any mistakes. If anyone makes a mistake, they'll be fined and lose their job. Understand, everyone?" the manager loudly ordered, venting his frustration on the workers.

"This is so wrong. We'll have to pay a fine, and we'll lose our jobs too. This is really unfair," one of the workers said softly to another.

"Shhh, don't say anything Jack , someone might hear you. If anyone hears and tells the manager, you'll lose your job, and so will I," the other worker said with a slightly angry face.

"Alright, I won't say anything, Brother Stephen," the Jack replied.

"But Brother Stephen, when will our debt finally be paid off? How many more years do we have to work like this?" Jack asked in a worried voice.

Stephen placed his hand on Jack's shoulder and said, "Jack, don't worry. We'll pay off our debt quickly if we work together."

"Yes, I just wish we could finish it soon. We're working so much overtime,"

Jack replied, a bit more calmly.

"Endure the pain a little longer. We'll find another job later," Stephen reassured him gently.

"Let's get back to work; we can't afford to stop," the manager shouted, and everyone got busy with their tasks.

Inside Dante Ward's office…

Fuck... Fuck... Fuck... Those damn Capital people came here under the pretense of an inspection and took ration and 50 silver SOL from me.

If they come again, they might take even more—ration and another 50 silver SOL, maybe even more. They just come here to rob me," he raged alone in his office.

( Note : SOL = Currency Word )


Meanwhile on John's side.....

After about 4 hours of trekking through the valley

John moved steadily through the valley, his thoughts focused on the new food source he and his companions were seeking. The sun was high, casting long shadows as they walked.

"Uncle Victor, are we getting close?" John asked, trying to gauge their progress.

"Almost," Victor replied, his eyes scanning the landscape. "Just a little further, and we should find something."

Uncle Tom, who had been quiet for most of the journey, finally spoke up.

"We should be prepared for anything. This area is unfamiliar, and we don't know what we might encounter."

John nodded, feeling a mix of hope and anxiety. The thought of finding a new food source was encouraging, but the uncertainty of the journey weighed on him.

As they continued, John's mind wandered back to his struggles in Milltown and his hopes for a better future. He glanced at his companions, grateful for their support.

"We'll find it," he said, trying to stay optimistic. "I know we will."

Victor and Uncle Tom exchanged determined looks, and together, they pressed on, driven by the promise of a new beginning.


John and Uncle Tom were resting under the shade of a tree, as the sun was very hot. Victor, who was ahead, started recognizing the area.

As Victor got closer, he could clearly see the place and, excitedly, called out to John, "John… John… Come quickly, look! This place is just like you described!"

Hearing Victor's call, John immediately ran towards him.

When John arrived and saw the area, it looked empty and spacious, not too wet and not too dry. It seemed that if there was heavy rain, the ground would handle it well.


"INFO, is there a chance to find PO-TO-TO here?" John had forgotten the exact name.

[It's PO-TA-TO Host, 90% chance you might find it here.]

"That's great!" John said, delighted.

"Let's go, Uncle Victor, let's check it out!" John said, looking ahead.

"OK ," Victor agreed.

"Wait, I'm coming too," Uncle Tom called from behind, still resting under the tree.


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[" The first step towards a better future."]