Chapter 8: First Potato Eater

"What is this, John? I'm seeing such a strange thing for the first time, and it looks to me like it's some plant's waste that has hardened. "

At this age, you're showing me plant waste?" "I think this is poison."

Uncle Tom said, squinting his eyes.

"Uncle, who told you that plants produce waste, and how did you even think that I would give you poison to eat ??"

John said, putting his hand on his head.

"[Haha, Host, the people here haven't developed their intelligence that much,]" Info said with a slight laugh, making fun.

Why Laugh? Because the Information System knows everything, especially about human feelings, so Info showed a bit of humor while speaking.

"It's all because of those bastards, the PATRICIANS. They always taught the Dregs to live with less knowledge, and if anyone among us shows any talent,

( Note: Patricians: UPPER Cast. )

... Dregs : LOWER Cast )

"They make them their servants, drowning them in debt and ensuring they never progress in life. It's all part of their plan to keep us cleaning the dirt off their feet," John said angrily to Info.

"I will take revenge, one by one, on every single Patrician bastard. I won't spare a single one," John began to promise himself in his mind.

[Host, if you want to eliminate this caste system, you'll have to work very hard.]

"Yes, INFO, I will work tirelessly to destroy this system, and I'll need your help," John said seriously, asking INFO for assistance.

[Of course, Host. That's why I chose you. I have all kinds of solutions, but to get my help, you need to increase your IQ level.]

When John heard INFO's words, he understood and asked, "So how do I increase my IQ?" John realized the importance of IQ when his IQ status had increased by 5 points. Since then, he had been thinking about how to boost his IQ.

[To increase your IQ, you need to grow potatoes successfully, and harvest them properly. Once you accomplish that, you'll gain 15 IQ points.]

"So I need to use knowledge effectively? In that case, from now on, I'll stay here on this land," John decided in his mind.

At that moment, Uncle Tom spoke up, "No, John, that's not what I meant. I just felt like there might be poison inside, so I said it," Uncle Tom corrected himself.

"Yeah, John, these things do look quite peculiar," Victor said, looking at the potatoes.

"Oh God, what do I do with these two?" John muttered to himself, frustrated.

"No, Uncle Tom, Uncle Victor, this isn't poison, and Uncle Tom, this isn't waste either. Instead of explaining, "

"I'll show you by eating it myself when we get home. So no more questions—just pull these plants out exactly the way I did, and nothing else. Got it?" John explained to both of them.

Since explaining without proof would be a waste, he decided to gather the plants and take them home, instructing them to help collect the plants.

"Alright, fine, but Victor needs to go to work. He's already late," Uncle Tom said, noticing John's angry face, and brought Victor into the conversation.

"Yeah, I'm already late, so I'll head to work now. You guys can take these, and I'll come by in the morning after work," Victor said.

"No, Uncle Victor, today we found this place because of you, so you'll get a reward tonight at my house. Please, take the day off—I promise you won't regret it," John requested, urging Victor to take a break from work.

Victor thought for a moment, "I haven't taken a day off in 6 months. What's the harm in taking one day off? The work will always be there, and I have a feeling that tonight will be the happiest night of my life, so I don't want to miss this chance." After thinking this over, he told John:

"Alright, if you're insisting so much, I'll take the day off."

"Yes, Uncle, I promise this will be the first night you won't go to bed hungry," John said confidently.

Hearing this, Victor's eyes welled up with tears. Not wanting to show his emotions, he turned his face away and began pulling up the plants, knowing how much struggle they had all endured just to get one proper meal. The sadness was deeply understood by all three of them.

Seeing Victor pulling up the plants, Uncle Tom and John stepped forward to help him, beginning to uproot the plants as well.

They spent about one and half an hour uprooting the plants and gathering them in one place. While doing this, they lost track of time. It was already 6 in the evening, and darkness was beginning to fall.

"These are very heavy; how can we carry them all together?" Uncle Tom, sitting among the twisted plants, said.

"Uncle Victor, can you make something from these vines so that we can lift them and take them?" John asked, looking at Victor.

"Yes, I can make something. It will take a little time," Victor replied, as he had made baskets from vines before and had previously made them for John as well.

Saying this, Victor started heading towards the large trees. He climbed up and gathered the vines from the trees and began making baskets very quickly, causing John and Uncle Tom to be astonished at Victor's speed.

A little later...

Victor had made three baskets and placed them down. "Here, this is enough for us to carry everything," Victor said.

"Yes, this is enough. Thank you very much, Uncle. Let's fill these baskets with the potatoes," John replied.

John clarified that they only needed to gather the brown-colored round items.

Uncle Tom carried the lighter baskets, while Victor took the heaviest one, as he was used to carrying heavy loads. Finally, John carried his own basket and they set off.

It was already dark, and they moved quickly by the light of the moon.

By Night 10 o'clock, they reached their home and began unloading the baskets from their heads.

"Arghhhh... Ouchhh... My back and neck," Uncle Tom cried out in pain as he sat down.

"Uncle Tom, I'll give you a massage in a bit; you should rest now," John said while sitting on his broken table.

"Yes, Brother Tom, you should rest a bit," Victor, who was accustomed to carrying heavy loads and felt less pain, said as he sat down.

"Alright, fine," Uncle Tom said, and with a groan, he went into his house.

"John, I'll come by after going home," Victor said as he headed to his house.

"Ouchhh..." John murmured softly, feeling the pain after both had left.

"So, what should I do next, INFO?"

[Host: Now you need to boil the potatoes. Fill a large pot with clean water and boil them.]

"I need to boil these potatoes, and I don't have a large pot. Maybe Uncle Victor has one. I'll go get it," John said and headed towards Victor's house.

"Uncle Victor, I need a large pot. Do you have one?" John asked while standing outside Victor's house.

Victor's house was a wooden hut.

A frail woman wearing a tattered dress, which looked like it hadn't been changed in days, stood there. The dress was a bit discolored woman came out and asked, "Ahh... John, is that you? Victor is currently taking a bath. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, Aunt Clara. I need a large pot for boiling something. I thought you might have one, so I came to ask."

"Oh, okay, one minute, I'll be right back," Clara said and went inside. After a while, she returned with a large clay pot.

"Here you go. Is there any happy news today?" Clara asked as she handed the pot to John.

"Yes, there's great news. Also, Aunt Clara, you should come with Uncle Victor in half an hour. Alright, I'll be going now. Thanks for the pot," John replied and started heading towards his broken house.

"I've never seen him so happy before," Aunt Clara said softly as she watched John leave.

Just then, a voice came from behind.

"Yes, I've been seeing him smile since this morning," Victor said, standing at the door.

"Oh... you've had a bath. John invited me, and what's the matter?" Aunt Clara asked, looking back.

"It's a surprise," Victor said as he started dressing.

"What kind of surprise makes you so happy?" Aunt Clara asked, knowing that Victor usually doesn't show much emotion or happiness and today seemed different.

"You'll feel the joy once you go there," Victor replied.

Meanwhile, at John's place...

John brought the large pot inside, filled it with clean water, and added the cleaned 3 kg of potatoes. He then took two shiny stones and started a fire.

After a little while, the fire caught, and John placed the pot on it and waited.

After half an hour, the water started to boil quickly.

[Host: The potatoes are now cooked and ready to eat.]

"Yes, it seems so," John said, staying in place as he was watching the time to see how long it took for the potatoes to boil. He planned to note this down so he could share it with others in the future.

He took a piece of wood, tested a potato by sticking it in, and then placed it in cold water to cool.

The smell of the potato was so tempting that John couldn't resist.

After a few minutes, the potato cooled down. John picked it up and examined it closely.

"What a smell! I can't control myself," John said, taking a bite of the potato.

John took a bite of the potato and said, "Wow, this is incredible! The flavor is amazing—I can't believe how good it tastes. It's so satisfying. "

"This is definitely worth all the effort. I can't wait for everyone else to try it!"


I think this Journey very Interesting..... What you Think Guys... !!!???

See... Yaa.... Next chapter

[ "Breaking the Chains of Hunger" ]