Chapter 12 : The Inspection Day

Five Days Back...


In the Director of Trade's office...

On a large, sturdy wooden table, several big books made of brown paper were piled up. The room had wooden shelves filled with similar brown paper-bound books, each weighing between 5 to 8 kilograms.

In the middle of the room sat a man in a red suit and yellow pants, with a large, brown leather belt that looked very expensive, indicating his uniform's significance.

The man sitting at the desk picked up a bell from the table and began ringing it.

Ding... Ding...

"Yes, High Lord . How can I assist you?" A guard, dressed in a red uniform, entered the room after hearing the bell and asked.

"The new year has started. I need the Milltown report. Please bring it to me," the officer, seated on a high wooden chair, instructed the guard.

"Certainly, High Lord . One moment, please," the guard responded, and went to fetch a large file from the shelves. It looked to weigh around 5 kilograms.

"Here is the Milltown report file, High Lord," the guard said, placing the file gently on the table.

"Is there anything else, High Lord ?" the guard asked, checking if any additional orders were needed.

"Nothing else. You may go now," the officer replied, still seated.

"Okay, High Lord," the guard said, and left the room.

"Hm... How much fabric has been produced in Milltown this year?" the officer said as he opened the book and began reading the report.


1. RTM produced 200 tons of fabric this year, a 20% increase from last year.

2. Income: 500 Silver SOL per year

3. Workers: 309

"Hm... RTM has had a good business this year, and we've benefited from RTM."

After stamping the report, the officer moved on to read the next factory's report.


1. GT produced 220 tons of fabric this year, a 22% increase.

2. Income: 525 Silver SOL per year

3. Workers: 350

"GT also had a good business this year, and we've benefited from it. GOOD."

After stamping the Greenwood Textiles report, the officer began reading the Ward Textiles report.


1. WT produced 210 tons of fabric this year, with a 10% increase in business.

2. Income: 515 Silver SOL

3. Workers: 405

"Hm... WT didn't contribute much this year, and there are so many workers compared to other textiles factories, yet the production was so low this year."

Saying this, the officer stamped the report with "Inspect" in red ink and rang the bell.

Ding... Ding...

"Yes High Lord, what can I do for you?" the guard asked as he came in.

"Tell the inspection officers to go to Milltown and inspect the textiles factories," the officer ordered the guard.

"Okay, High Lord," the guard said, and then left the room

Half an hour later...

"Sir, MAX, you have received an order from the High Lord (Director of Trade) ," the guard in the red suit said while handing over the notice.

Max took the notice, opened it, and began reading.

"So, my first task is to inspect the textiles factories in Milltown," Max said with a slight smile.

"What does the order say, Captain?" asked the man standing beside him.

"It says we need to go to Milltown and complete our task. Get your horses ready; it will take us four days to get there," Max instructed his companions.

"Okay, Captain," everyone replied in unison.



"So, Max, how did you end up here?" Alex asked angrily.

"Oh, I came here to inspect," Max replied with a smile.

"So, are you the inspector officer?" Katz asked.

"Yes, I am. Let's go inside the factory then," Max said, looking at Alex.

"Why are you looking at me? Just go and do your job," Alex said angrily as he walked towards the gate.

"Same old bastard, never change, you scoundrel," Max said with a laugh, patting Katz on the shoulder as he left.

"So, Katz, can you tell me about Dante Ward?" Max asked quietly, making sure no one else could hear.

Katz replied without hesitation,

" Sure , Dante Ward is hiding a lot from the government. Alex knows everything ,

I only know that the report sent to the capital is all fake and the factory's income is highly exaggerated."

"Oho... this feels like hitting the jackpot, but how can I get more information from Alex?" Max thought to himself.

"Do you know anything else, Katz?" Max asked quietly.

"No, Max," Katz replied.

"Tch... How foolish! Even after staying with Alex, this guy has so little information," Max cursed Katz in his mind.

"So, what are you getting out of guarding Dante Ward?" Max asked.

"I'm getting a lot, Max. Alex is slowly, and without raising suspicion, making his moves, and I'm just getting my share," Katz said with a sly smile.

"Clever ass bastard," Max thought to himself, referring to Alex.

"What's Alex up to these days?" Max inquired.

"Three days ago, Alex disguised himself in torn rags like a Dreg and robbed Dante Ward. Since then, whenever he sees anyone in torn clothes, he assumes they're a thief and calls us."

"Just two days ago, a Dreg came to the factory asking for work, but Dante Ward thought he was a thief and called us, and we dealt with him."

"Happy with this, Dante Ward gave us a month's worth of rations and 10 Silver SOL," Katz said, laughing quietly.

Hearing Katz's words, Max was shocked, his eyes widened, and he grabbed Katz's shoulders tightly out of jealousy.

"Ouch! That hurts, Max. Let go of my shoulder," Katz yelled in pain.

"Oh, sorry Katz," Max apologized, letting go.

"Holy shit...10 Silver SOL and a month's ration? What kind of joke is this? My salary is 2 Silver SOL a month, and you guys are making five months' worth of my salary in an hour with your scheming," Max said, filled with anger and jealousy.

"If you're both making such a profit on your own, now that I'm here, I deserve a share too," Max said seriously to Katz.

"Ask Alex about that, not me. If he agrees, you'll get your share," Katz explained.

"Hmm... alright, I'll convince him tonight. But first, bring in a Dreg without anyone knowing who I am, okay?" Max said quietly and started walking towards his team, while Katz headed towards the factory.

"So, Captain, did you make any progress?" one of Max's men asked.

"Yeah, a lot, and there's going to be even more. Get ready to celebrate," Max replied with a grin.

"I told you, joining Max's team would be beneficial for us," a girl said as she grabbed Max's hand.

"Yeah, Sister Emma, you were right," another man laughed.

"Emma, you're praising me a bit too much," Max said with a slight smile.

"No, darling, you deserve the praise," Emma said, placing her hand on Max's shoulder.

"Max, I brought him. Ask quickly what you need to," Katz said as he brought an old Dreg and stood him in front of Max.

"Good job, Katz," Max thanked him and then looked at the old Dreg man and asked,

"How many hours do you work here?"

"S...sir... 16 hours, and from tomorrow... 17 hours...." the old Dreg man said fearfully.

"Holy shit, 17 hours of work in the factory," Max thought to himself in shock, and the others were equally stunned by what the old man said.

"Here, take these 5 copper SOL. As soon as I come in, give me a little shove, okay? Now go inside," Max said with a criminal smile as he threw the 5 copper SOL on the ground.

"What are you looking at? Pick it up, you Dreg bastard, and get inside quickly. Do exactly as Max sir says," Katz ordered sternly.

"O...k... sir..." The old man stammered in fear, quietly picked up the coins, and headed towards the factory.

"So, Max, what's the plan?" Katz asked.

"You'll find out once we're inside. Katz, go and tell Dante Ward that we're here," Max said with a grin.

"Ok," Katz said, heading towards the factory.

"Alright, everyone, let's do our duty with full honesty," Max said with a smile, moving forward.

A little later, Max and his team stepped into the factory, where Dante Ward and Katz were waiting for them.

"Welcome, Inspector Sir, to this humble factory," Dante Ward said, forcing a smile.

"Thank you. Let's not waste any time; everyone, get to work," Max ordered in a commanding voice.

The team began their inspection immediately.

Dante Ward started sweating nervously, as this team seemed different—more dangerous.

Max and his team spent about half an hour inspecting the factory. After finishing the inspection, they gathered in front of Dante Ward, and Max began questioning him.

"So, Dante Ward, would it be difficult for you to tell us the truth, or should we tell you what we found?" Max asked, putting on a serious face.

"What do you mean, sir? I don't understand," Dante Ward replied, trying to appear innocent.

Max saw through his act and said, "Alright, let me explain. This year, your factory's production is the same as before, yet compared to other factories, yours is lagging behind despite having 405 workers."

"No, sir, that's not true. In fact, to ensure my workers get proper rest, I've reduced the factory's working hours to 14 hours a day. Because of this,

"We couldn't produce those two extra hours of cloth," Dante Ward lied without hesitation.


My job is Writing this story ....and Your job is Reading this Story until the end ..

See... Yaa.. Next Chapter.

[ "The Officer's Game " ]