Chapter 19 : Second Step- New Horizons

John and the others had been walking for an hour, leaving Oakville village behind. They chatted and laughed as they walked along.

Uncle Tom and Victor were walking together, talking and joking, while the four brothers, who carried the weight of the group, were laughing and making jokes.

Lastly, John and Aunt Clara were walking together, talking, and following behind everyone else.

"John, how much longer will it take to get there? I'm eager to see the 'heaven food,'" Aunt Clara asked wearily.

"Aunt Clara, it will take about three hours. If you're tired, I can carry your things," John said, noticing that Aunt Clara seemed fatigued. He thought it would be easier for him to carry her load since he didn't have much to carry himself.

"Oh, no, it's nothing like that. I just want to see how heaven food is grown," Aunt Clara said excitedly. Whenever she talked about the potatoes, her face lit up with happiness.

Aunt Clara had been asking John about the potatoes repeatedly. John, knowing how important this information was for everyone, answered her thoroughly, hoping that Aunt Clara's enthusiasm would help spread the knowledge to everyone.

While talking to Aunt Clara, John began to ask for information:

"Can you tell me how to grow potatoes? I want to gather all the details in advance so I can explain it to everyone thoroughly without wasting time."

[Host: To grow potatoes, each potato should have small sprouts. The potatoes should be stored in a place where they are protected from the air. Once the small sprouts start appearing, you need to dig a hole about 25 cm deep and plant each potato with a spacing of 70 cm between them to ensure they get proper nutrition.]

John didn't understand most of it but managed to grasp the essential points:

"The potatoes need to have small sprouts, and they should be planted 25 cm deep with a spacing of 70 cm between each one." He committed this information to memory so he could explain the potato-growing method to everyone once they arrived at their destination.

John didn't know what "cm" meant, so he estimated the depth and spacing based on his agricultural knowledge. As he observed the land, he realized that the soil wasn't uniform; it varied greatly, and there were many mysteries hidden within it. He knew he had to pay close attention to all these factors.

When John saw the land in Oakville Village, he noticed that the soil felt like fine, layered earth, which didn't retain much water. During his one-hour journey to the village, he saw that the soil was darker and coarser.

He sensed that only certain types of crops could be grown here, but he wasn't sure which ones. His agricultural knowledge helped him feel and understand the land better.

"I'm starting to understand more about the land now, something I hadn't considered before. I need to gather a lot more information and share this knowledge with everyone so they can also understand the land better," John thought, calculating how to expand his knowledge and apply it.

John was so lost in thought that he stopped in one place, and Aunt Clara caught up with him from behind.

Aunt Clara said to John, "What's wrong, John? What are you thinking about that you forgot to walk?"

"Ah, did I stop? Sorry, Aunt Clara," John said, coming out of his thoughts when he heard her voice and started walking again.

"What were you thinking about?" Aunt Clara asked again, looking at John.

"Nothing, Aunt Clara. I was just thinking that I still have a lot more to learn," John said and continued walking ahead.

"What do you mean?" Aunt Clara asked, confused by John's words.

"Nothing, Aunt Clara. Let's hurry; the others have gone ahead. It's just an hour's journey now," John replied.

"Why are you telling me to hurry? Because of you, we're falling behind.," Aunt Clara scolded him.

"Haha... Sorry... I won't stop suddenly again," John said awkwardly, picking up the pace as he continued walking.Seeing John walking faster, Aunt Clara also increased her pace.

As they walked, the last hour of the journey passed, and they finally arrived at their destination.

"So, this is the land where we'll be staying?" Brody asked.

"Maybe this is it," Blake just guessing.

"Great... So, we'll find the heaven food here that Big Sister told us about," Derek said, shifting the weight off his head.

"Yes, I also think so, Derek," Dylan added, also lowering the weight from his head.

"Yes, this is the land where we won't have to stay hungry anymore," Victor confirming to the group with a smile on his face.

"So, I'll finally get to see how heaven food is grown," Aunt Clara said, approaching Victor.

"John, here's some water for you," Uncle Tom said, coming close and handing water to John.

"Thank you, Uncle Tom," John said, taking the water and sitting down to drink it slowly.

For a while, everyone sat peacefully in one place, just observing the land.

Aunt Clara then opened her wooden box and took out the boiled potatoes she had prepared at home that morning, handing them out to everyone.

"Here you go, Brody. You were asking for potatoes this morning, right?" she said, giving a potato to Brody.

"Wow, what a smell! Big Sister, this is the best aroma I've ever smelled in food. I want more—I can't control myself now," Brody said, his mouth watering, and he quickly ate the potato, finishing it in just a few seconds.

Seeing Brody's reaction, Blake, Dylan, and Derek were shocked. They eagerly smelled the potatoes and couldn't resist—they started eating them immediately.

They were so focused on eating that they didn't even notice when their potatoes were finished.

Blake, in his haste, accidentally bit his own finger, mistaking it for a potato, and screamed in pain. "Arggg... Shit... Ahhhh!"

Seeing this, Aunt Clara got angry. "Eat slowly, Blake. There's no need to rush. Everyone will get their fill of heaven food; there's plenty more with me."

"Yes, eat slowly. We will be eating these potatoes every day now," John explained, looking at the four brothers.

"Hahaha... When we first ate these potatoes last night, we couldn't control ourselves either. We had the same reaction," Victor said, laughing.

"Yes, Victor is right. I also couldn't control myself," Uncle Tom agreed, chuckling in response to Victor.

"It's such a wonderful atmosphere now. I wish it could always stay like this among us," Aunt Clara said, her eyes misting with tears.

"It definitely will, Aunt Clara. It will always be like this," John reassured her.

A little more time passed as everyone ate and laughed together, feeling a deep sense of peace in this new place.

They started reflecting on their tough lives—how they had worked with empty stomachs, barely having enough to eat. It had become their daily routine, but now, sitting here, laughing together, they momentarily forgot all the pain and suffering they had endured.

Once everyone had rested, John stood up, speaking like a leader, "If everyone is done resting, let's get to work—our own work of freedom, where we can do what we want from now on."

"Of course, John. Just tell us what to do next," Victor responded confidently, seeing John as their leader and ready to follow whatever John instructed.

"Alright, then. I'll assign the tasks. Before night falls, we need to build a shelter for ourselves," John said, looking at everyone.

"Tell us what needs to be done," Derek asked seriously.

John explained, "So listen up—Uncle Victor, you four will gather wood for the house. After collecting enough, bring it back to us. Uncle Tom and I will find a spot to build the house and clear the land there. And finally, Aunt Clara, you'll prepare dinner for the night."

After hearing John's instructions, everyone went off to do their tasks. Victor and the four brothers headed toward the trees, where they divided the work. Victor and Derek, along with Dylan, began gathering larger and sturdier logs, while Brody and Blake focused on collecting smaller branches for the roof.

John and Uncle Tom started searching for a clear and firm piece of land to build the house on, making sure it wouldn't turn into a muddy mess during the rain. After a short search, they found the perfect spot.

"John, this land looks good for building the house. What do you think?" Uncle Tom asked, inspecting the ground.

"Yes, Uncle Tom, it seems solid and clear. Plus, from here, we can keep an eye on everything around us, which is great," John replied, looking around. The land was slightly elevated, giving them a good vantage point.

Aunt Clara was also busy with her task. After walking a short distance, she found a small pond and decided to wash the potatoes John had brought the night before. She cleaned them thoroughly and placed them in a large clay pot, setting it over a fire made with shiny stones.

"Now, I just have to wait for the water to start bubbling," she said, keeping a close eye on the potatoes as they cooked.


I kinda feel stone age Era ....but this is not earth

See ...yaa... Next Chapter

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