Chapter 25: Ancestors Deceived Us: Proof

When John saw the information about the Glowfin snapper on the screen, he was stunned. The details were different when it was alive and after it was cooked.

"I never thought cooking would make such a huge difference," John muttered, staring in shock at the piece he was holding.

Just then, a voice came from behind him, "What happened, John? Is the poison affecting you?" Blake asked angrily, still upset that John had challenged the ancestors' teachings, which Blake didn't like at all.

"You'll find out soon enough if the poison is affecting me or not," John replied without looking back at Blake

After Blake questioned John, another sound came from behind Blake.

" John, if something goes wrong, what will we do?" Victor asked, clearly worried.

John smiled at Victor and replied, "If something were going to go wrong, it would have happened by now. You all just relax."

A silence fell over the group as everyone waited for John's reaction. Blake still looked at John angrily, but a hint of concern had started to show on his face as well.

then started eating one of the eight pieces of the cooked Glowfin snapper.

"John... Don't eat it... Our ancestors wouldn't have lied. They must have had a reason for saying what they did," Dylan said, trying to stop John as he was about to put the piece in his mouth, but John didn't listen and began chewing the piece.

Without hesitation, John began chewing the piece of Glowfin snapper. He noticed the taste of the meat was different, but he was still in shock at how much of a difference cooking had made.

"Let's see what happens now," John said to himself as he looked at the others, who were watching him anxiously.

Whenever someone tries non-veg for the first time, it feels a bit strange, but the cooked meat of the Glowfin snapper was different—it was like eating bread, but tastier.

When John swallowed a piece of the cooked Glowfin snapper, he immediately felt its effect, as if there was a warm sensation in his stomach, and a new kind of energy was spreading throughout his body. However, John couldn't understand what kind of energy it was, but he could feel that his strength was increasing.

"Eating this makes me feel like a power has entered my body from outside and has now become a permanent part of me," John thought.

At that moment, a voice echoed in his mind:

[Congratulations Host, you have received 5 Strength Points.]

"Holy shitt... I got 5 Strength Points just from eating this one piece," he thought in shock and stood there, speechless.

Meanwhile, others started worrying.

"Victor, I think John is being affected by the aquatic creature's poison. Let's check him immediately," Uncle Tom said with concern, as he and Victor headed towards John.

Both of them went closer and began examining John carefully. Uncle Tom gently raised his hand and touched John's hand. John, who had his eyes closed, lost in the taste of the food and the shock, didn't even notice the people who had come near him.

"John... John..." Uncle Tom called out loudly, grabbing John's hand.

Hearing Uncle Tom's voice, John opened his eyes and saw Uncle Tom holding his hand, which confused him. ".....???" He didn't understand what was happening.

"John, how are you feeling? " Victor asked, looking at John, worried that the poison might be spreading and growing concerned.

"I'm fine, Uncle Victor," John replied after hearing Victor's question.

"Then why didn't you respond when Brother Tom called you? We thought the poison was taking effect, and we all started to worry," Victor said, showing his concern.

"Sorry... Uncle Tom, Uncle Victor, I got a bit lost," John apologized to both of them.

Hearing John's response, Uncle Tom asked, "Are you sure you aren't affected by the poison?"

"How could it affect me, Uncle Tom? It can only affect me if there's poison in it," John said, looking around and then continued, turning to Blake.

"Can you confirm by looking at me if there's poison in that aquatic creature or not?"

Blake was speechless upon hearing John's confident voice because he started to think John might be right, but he still wasn't entirely sure.

"Leader, is there really no poison in it?" Derek asked as he came closer.

"No, what do you think, Derek, by looking at me?" John asked, sitting on the wooden table.

"You seem perfectly healthy to me," Derek replied, looking at John.

"Then that's my second proof that there's no poison in it. And if anyone still doesn't believe it, they can go ahead and eat it. If no one else does, I'm going to eat the whole thing myself," John said, unable to resist as his mouth watered at the thought of the Glowfin snapper.

When everyone saw John speaking perfectly fine, they were shocked because he had proven the ancient beliefs of their ancestors wrong by eating the aquatic creature in front of everyone.

Those who fully trusted John began taking pieces of the cooked Glowfin snapper, except for Aunt Clara and Blake. Blake had angrily confronted John from the start, and Aunt Clara had questioned him with a threat, so their pride wouldn't let them bow down before John.

"Aunt Clara, Blake, I know what you both are feeling, but I didn't take your words to heart. If you have any doubts, they will disappear after eating a piece," John said, looking at both of them.

Hearing John's words, neither of them responded, but they took the last two remaining pieces of the Glowfin snapper.

John had cut the Glowfin snapper into eight pieces, and everyone got one piece each.

Everyone started looking at their piece, and its smell was so enticing that no one could resist eating it.

"Ah... To hell with the ancestors, I'm going to eat this right now," Brody said, his mouth watering, and began eating the boiled Glowfin snapper piece.

It was so tasty that he didn't even realize when he chewed and swallowed it.

"What... Where did it go... Did I drop my piece?" Blake said in shock, but when everyone looked at him, he realized he had eaten it without noticing. In shock, he thought to himself, "What the fuck... I ate it, and I didn't even realize it... And what is this I'm feeling in my body, like my strength is increasing?"

He started paying attention to his body and was surprised by the sensation and then

Brody looked up at John, who was sitting calmly with a slight smile. Understanding John's expression, Brody quickly approached him and stood by his side.

"Leader, I need to ask you something," Brody said.

"Yes, you can ask, but let everyone come" John replied calmly. He knew that Brody's reaction would be the same as everyone else's and that the questions would be similar. It would be better to answer them all at once, so he asked Brody to wait until everyone was present.

As everyone gathered and saw Brody's reaction, they realized there was no poison in the Glowfin snapper, and they began eating it one by one.

As soon as everyone tasted their piece, they had the same reaction that Brody had: they didn't notice when the piece went from their mouth to their stomach. Everyone was shocked and looked toward John.

They all started approaching John, When they all reached John, Uncle Tom looked at him and asked,

"John, I need to ask you something,"

After Uncle Tom asked his question, Victor said, "Yes, John, I also need to ask something."

Following Victor, Derek, Dylan, Aunt Clara, and Blake all had the same question.

John, looking at everyone who were still standing, said, "Yes, you can ask, but everyone should sit down."

Upon hearing John's words, everyone sat down. Once they were seated, John looked at Brody and asked:

"What did you want to ask, Brody? Go ahead and ask now."

"Leader, I need to eat more of that aquatic creature. Just eating this isn't enough for me. Please tell me how to catch it," Brody asked John.

When everyone heard Brody's question, they looked at him and said,

"Idiot... Is this your important question?"

When John heard Brody's question, he was at a loss for words, shocked because he hadn't expected such a question from Brody.

At that moment, Uncle Tom's voice came through, "John, what was that feeling we experienced when we ate it?"

"Uncle Tom, I think it's a type of energy, and it made us feel stronger," John said to Uncle Tom.

After listening to John, Victor interrupted and started speaking.

"Yes, John, after eating it, I also felt an increase in strength. But why did our ancestors lie and say it was poisonous?"

Victor asked seriously. He was now completely convinced that there was no poison in aquatic creatures and that the ancestors had been wrong about them.


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[ Ancestors Deceived Us: Why ? ]