Chapter 28 : Secrets of Nexus

After everyone had carried the potatoes to the storage hut and neatly arranged them inside, they gathered outside.

"Finally, can we take a moment to rest?" Derek asked, sitting down in front of the storage hut. Blake, Dylan, and Brody joined him, and Aunt Clara and Uncle Tom also took a seat.

"Big Sister, I'm really hungry," Brody said, looking at Clara.

"Yes, everyone must be hungry. I'll make some food," Clara replied.

"Alright, Brother Blake, let's head back to our hut and wait there," Brody suggested.

"Yes, let's go. I'm quite tired," Blake agreed and began to stand up.

"Wait, we're coming too," Dylan said to Brody and Blake, looking at Derek, who nodded in agreement. They all started heading toward their hut.

Aunt Clara said, "I'll prepare the food now," and made her way to the hut.

"John, let's go rest there," Uncle Tom said, standing up.

"You go ahead, Uncle Tom. I'll join you in a bit," John replied calmly.

"Alright, make sure to come quickly," Uncle Tom said, and then he left with the others.

Once everyone had left, John lay down peacefully under the moonlight, enjoying the calm and quiet.

John lay on the ground, staring up at the sky and thinking quietly:

"For the next few months, the food issue is resolved and we have a place to stay, which the others don't yet know this place and for now this place is safe. "

" I don't know much about this world."

"I need to learn more, like why the Patricians forced the Dregs' ancestors to lie about water beings, and whether the Dregs are truly incapable of becoming powerful or if there's another reason I can't understand."

"And why do the Dregs have so little information about this world? I have no idea. There might be others with magical powers like mine, but in these 15 years, I haven't seen any Patricians use magic. Maybe they are hiding it."

Thinking about all this, he began to speak to Info, asking for further details:

"Info, tell me more about this world. I'm ready to listen now."

[ Okay, Host. But I can only provide limited information. To gain full knowledge, your soul needs to be strong. ]

"What do you mean by 'soul strong'?" John asked, confused as he had never heard this term before.

[ You will understand what 'soul' means when you complete your Power Circle. ]

John was even more puzzled now.

"What is a Power Circle?" John asked, seeking clarification.

[Power Circles are the strength system of this world. The more circles you create, the more powerful you become. To fully understand these circles, you need an IQ of 150, and your IQ is currently low.]

"Fuck... I'm feeling embarrassed again," John thought to himself, feeling as if Info was belittling him.

"Okay, fine. I'll ask when my IQ reaches 150. For now, tell me about this world," John decided. He thought that once his IQ level increased, he would understand the power system automatically, so he set aside that question and focused on learning about the world.

[This world is controlled by four powerful families, and among them, you fall under the ELDOR family. The country you're in is named ELDORIA, after the ELDOR family.]

"So, all of us Dregs are under the ELDOR family? Then tell me more about this ELDOR family," John asked, as Dregs weren't given any information—not even the name of the country they lived in. The laws were that strict.

[The ELDOR family has maintained a strong position in this world for thousands of years. No one has been able to defeat them.]

"Why hasn't anyone defeated them?" John asked in shock, wondering how the ELDOR family could remain undefeated for so long. He was stunned by the thought of their immense power.

[Because, Host, these families have created Circles. Even a small child in the ELDOR family can use the power of Circles.]

"What... The fuck... What are you saying, INFO? How is that possible? You just told me that I need an IQ level of 150 to create power Circles, but now you're saying that even the children in the ELDOR family have created Circles. How?" John, shocked, stood up and questioned INFO.

[That's because, Host, the ELDOR family possesses a technique that they teach to children as young as eight. In just one year, these children master the technique, strengthen their souls, and as a result, their IQ level increases. After all of this, they create their first Circle.]

"Ahh... Fucking Patricians. How can they hide so much truth from us? We Dregs don't even have a clue about Circles. What kind of scheme have they played to lock our minds from even thinking about such powers? What did they do to our ancestors that kept them from telling us about this power?" John shouted in shock and anger.

"Then why haven't we seen these powers even once? Uncle Tom has gone to the capital many times for work, but he doesn't know anything about these power circles. Something should be visible when they use their powers, right?" John asked, his doubt growing.

After all, if these powers were being used, there had to be some sign of them. How could it be that no one who visited the capital noticed anything unusual? The way this information had been hidden so effectively seemed almost impossible to him.

[Whenever a circle is created, it grants a unique power. They must have used these unique powers on people, making those who saw them forget what they witnessed.]

"Oh, so you're saying if a Dreg saw or learned about these circles, they used some kind of power to make them forget? Is there anything else?" John started to think more calmly now, slowly piecing together the Patricians' schemes.

The Patricians had clearly done everything in their power to keep their rule intact, going to great lengths to ensure their secrets remained hidden. And they had succeeded.

"So, the lie about the creatures in the water must have been spread by them too," John asked Info, now connecting the dots.

[Only they know the true history, Host. What I can tell you is that consuming those creatures can increase your circle levels.]

"Hmm... Now it's starting to make sense. If we eat them, we get physically stronger. And if someone accidentally creates a circle, they could teach others. That way, all the Dregs could gain strength, and we wouldn't remain under their control. Maybe that's why they spread the lie that it's poison. Just a guess, but it seems possible," John said, understanding a bit more about the Patricians' cunning strategies.

"So, Info, what's the name of this technique? Can I learn it?" John remembered Info mentioning that this technique could increase IQ and soul strength. If he could learn it, it would be like hitting three birds with one stone.

He could enhance his soul and intellect, create circles to teach others, and eventually make his presence known in this harsh world.

With these thoughts in mind, John decided he wanted to learn the technique and asked Info for it, thinking it could solve all his problems at once. But things weren't that simple.

[The technique is called Reaper Breathing Technique, and yes, you can learn it, but I advise against it, Host,] Info warned.

"Why shouldn't I learn this technique? If I master it, I can gain knowledge and power. It could be a huge help to us Dregs," John responded, surprised by Info's warning. He couldn't understand why learning a technique that would make him stronger would be a bad idea.

[You'll understand it later on.] Info didn't explain further and ended the conversation.

John realized that there must be some requirement to use this technique, so he decided not to ask any more questions about it.

"Do you have any technique that can help create a circle?" John asked, hoping that Info might have something useful.

[Yes, Host, but you need a 150 IQ for that, and your level is low, so I can't tell you about it.]

When John heard "low IQ," his anger started rising. The veins on his forehead began to bulge with frustration. "Can you stop mentioning my low IQ? Do you really need to remind me every time? I know it, and you do too, but is it necessary to keep repeating it, Info?" John was getting increasingly frustrated with every reminder.

[I'm just reminding you, Host. I don't have any personal grudge. To understand high-level knowledge, a high IQ is essential, and you don't have it.]

Hearing this again, John shouted, "Ahhh, for god's sake, just stop reminding me again and again!"

When John said, "For God's sake," Info replied:

[Host, I'll tell you one last important thing for free: This world has no GUARDIAN. If there is no Guardian, it means that God has created this world and then forgotten about it. So, remembering God is of no use.]

"What nonsense are you talking? What is this Guardian, and how do you know that God has forgotten this world?" John felt a mix of confusion, foolishness, anger, and sadness upon hearing this.

[That's why I'm telling you that you are not strong enough to understand the details of this world.] Info reminded John.

[And Lastly ]

[The name of this world is "NEXUS," ]


Next Chapter [ What happened ? ]