Ethereal selections

Leroy's eyes surrendered to the facility's emptiness, a void that seemed to devour his very soul. Jester's gaze trembled, his pupils constricting as if ensnared by an unseen terror. Anita's breath faltered, her eyes agog with a mix of fascination and dread, as the entrance's twisted metal and concrete seemed to yawn open like a maw.

The air clung to them, heavy with the stench of smoke and decay, like a shroud cast over the damned. The other passengers blurred, their faces melting into a macabre tapestry of fear, as if their very identities were being consumed.

In this moment, the fabric of reality seemed to unravel, plunging them into an abyss of eerie silence, where the facility's gaze weighed upon them like a physical force, crushing their spirits.

As the bus creaked through the rusted metal gates, reality warped like a twisted sculpture, reshaping itself to unsettle them. The gates yawned open, revealing a compound of 7 buildings, each bearing a distinct logo that seemed to sear itself into his mind.

The first building, emblazoned with a wolf's snarling visage, prowled the grounds like a predator, its eyes glowing with an unnerving intensity. Next to it, the "Zero Squadron" building loomed, its logo a cold, calculating cipher that seemed to strip away all hope. The "Crow Squadron" building watched with an unblinking gaze, its black silhouettes like harbingers of death, waiting to snatch the living.

The "Pride Squadron" building stood tall, its logo a lion's head with a twisted, cruel grin, as if mocking his every fear. In contrast, the "Fragile Squadron" building seemed delicate, its logo a cracked mirror reflecting shattered hopes and dreams. The "Forgotten Squadron" building appeared abandoned, its logo a faded, ghostly imprint, a haunting reminder of what was lost. And at the end, the "Wrath Squadron" building seethed with a fierce, burning intensity, its logo a blazing inferno that seemed to consume everything in its path.

Each building radiated an aura of menace, as if they were waiting to unleash their secrets and terrors upon him, forcing him to confront the darkness within.

As the bus crept forward, the passengers settled back into their seats, speculating about which squadron they would be assigned to. Anita turned to ask Leroy his thoughts, but before she could speak, a figure from the Pride Squadron appeared out of nowhere, shoving the bus with incredible force. The vehicle flipped onto its side, sending everyone tumbling through the air.

Screams erupted from some, while others remained eerily calm. Jester, however, stood out amidst the chaos. His face was serene, his eyes fixed on the wreckage as if assessing the situation. He helped others to their feet, his voice steady and reassuring.

Leroy, on the other hand, was visibly shaken but unyielding. His eyes darted around, taking in the destruction, and his voice trembled slightly as he spoke. Yet, he stood firm, his jaw set in determination, as if refusing to back down.

Anita watched in awe as Jester took charge, his calm demeanor a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. She saw Leroy's fear, but also his resilience, and felt a surge of admiration for both of them.

In the midst of the mayhem, the figure from the Pride Squadron stood outside, their eyes gleaming with an unnerving intensity, as if waiting for something - or someone.

The figure from the Pride Squadron stood towering at 6'5", his mullet and snapback a stark contrast to his intimidating wrestler's physique. As everyone's gaze fell upon him, he grinned, seeming to revel in their fear. With a fierce battle cry, he bellowed, "Get out of the bus, now!"

His voice was like a crack of thunder, sending shivers down their spines. The passengers exchanged terrified glances, frozen in fear. Jester's calm demeanor faltered for a moment, while Leroy's eyes widened in alarm. Anita felt a chill run down her spine as the figure's battle cry echoed through the air, leaving no doubt that he was a force to be reckoned with.

In the back of the bus, a slender figure with a keen eye observed the towering man outside. "No way we're beating him," he said, his voice laced with concern. "He's too strong. He's only using a fraction of 1% of his power."

The others turned to him, curious. "How do you know?" someone asked.

The young man, standing at 5'9" with a skinny frame, straight hair, and adorned with jewelry and glasses, replied, "I can see it. I have a power like a crow's – I can perceive the underlying energy and abilities of others. It's like seeing the threads of a tapestry; I can sense the intricate patterns of strength and weakness."

His words carried an air of quiet confidence, and the others exchanged skeptical glances. Yet, his conviction was undeniable, leaving them wondering if he might be right about the figure's overwhelming power.

"With haste, let's do what he says! It's no way we're beating him," the young man exclaimed, his voice laced with urgency.

But before anyone could respond, the figure outside boomed, "Did I not make myself clear?" He let out his battle cry again, and this time, he tore open the bottom of the bus, the metal ripping apart like paper. The passengers screamed as they were dragged out forcefully, including Jester, Leroy, Anita, and the young man.

The figure's prideful grin grew wider as he gazed upon the 45 individuals now cowering before him. His eyes gleamed with an unnerving intensity as if savoring their fear.

The rain-soaked atmosphere remained heavy with tension as the 45 individuals knelt on the ground, surrounded by the 7 figures. The newcomers' eyes scanned each other, their expressions unreadable. Then, they turned their attention to the bus passengers, their gazes sweeping over the crowd like predators sizing up prey.

The prideful figure, seemingly the leader, nodded to the others. "Pick some for your squadron," he said, his voice dripping with authority. "I have my picks."

The other figures began to circle the group, their eyes lingering on specific individuals. Jester, Leroy, Anita, and the young man exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what lay ahead. The air was thick with anticipation and fear as the figures started to make their selections, their choices seemingly arbitrary, yet ominous.

A sword suddenly levitated out of the bus, as if summoned by telekinesis. One of the individuals on the ground, a tall figure with a katana, sprang into action. He grasped the hovering sword with one hand, closed his eyes, and focused.

The prideful figure's grin widened. "I like you. I want you in my squadron."

The katana-wielding individual stood up, towering at 6'2", and opened his eyes. "Nah, I'm good," he said, his voice firm. "You have some level of arrogance, thinking I'm coming to your prideful squadron."

With a swift motion, he levitated his katana and performed a 360 kick, striking the handle with his foot. The prideful leader, unfazed, raised his pinky finger and touched the blade. To everyone's surprise, the attack didn't even leave a scratch.

The prideful leader turned to the other squadron leaders, his gaze sweeping across the group. "What do you think?" he asked, his voice commanding attention.

His eyes settled on the Crow Squadron Leader, who nodded thoughtfully. "I'll take the boy with the katana," he said, his voice firm. "And the boy with the crow-like abilities."

The Crow Squadron Leader's eyes locked onto the young man with the crow-like powers, and then onto the katana-wielding individual. His expression hinted at a deep understanding of their potential.

The Wolf Squadron Leader, Solemn, gazed at Leroy, Anita, and Jester with an intensity that made them shiver. "You three are coming with me," he growled, his voice like thunder. "Your unique skills will be crucial in the Ethereal Games."

As they followed Solemn, three others joined their group: Malevolence, Grim, and Leech. The other squadron leaders made their selections, leaving only a few individuals remaining.

Ryker, the Pride Leader, smiled as he surveyed the leftovers. "Zero Squadron will take...Lila, Kieran, Zara, Nix, and Vesper. You five have been overlooked, but I see potential in you. Together, we'll prove them wrong."

The other leaders snickered, but Ryker's confidence was unwavering. "We'll show them the true power of Zero Squadron."

Just as the teams were finalized, a loud alarm pierced the air. The Ethereal Plains began to shake, and a massive energy vortex materialized in the distance...

Wrath Squadron Leader, Kaida, sneered at the remaining individuals. "I'll take the fierce ones. Thorne, Raven, and Blaze, you three will unleash hell with me."

Fragile Squadron Leader, Elara, smiled gently. "My team will be the guardians. Luna, Finn, and Piper, your compassion and strength will be our shield."

Pride Squadron Leader, Ryker, had already chosen his team: Lila, Kieran, Zara, Nix, and Vesper.

Just as the teams were finalized, a loud alarm pierced the air. The Ethereal Plains began to shake, and a massive energy vortex materialized in the distance...

"What's happening?" Anita shouted above the din.

Solemn's eyes narrowed. "It's the Devourer. It's come for us."

And with that, the ground gave way beneath them, plunging the teams into an abyss of uncertainty...