
"Yes, yes, your asinine nickname for me." Eggman seemed done with Sonic already.

"I think you meant, correct nickname, Eggy." Sonic shot back with all the smarm he could muster.

"I am Dr. Ivo Robotnik!" He slammed his fist against the panel of whatever hovercraft he was flying.

I glanced to Sally, who had an angry expression on her face, "I'm guessing Nicky up there isn't all too nice." I pointed to Dr. Robotnik with my thumb.

"He's a monster." Sally responded without hesitation, "He kidnaps animals on the regular and uses them as a power source for his army of badniks." She didn't seem fully in the mood to laugh at my nickname.

I wonder how the hell that kind of power source even works. Also, based on the term, I wasn't sure if they meant that actual animals were a thing separate to these anthropomorphic animal people, or if she just meant people.

I felt it would be rude or stupid to ask though. I'll have to explore around at some point, maybe with the kid.

"Well, you ostentatious blue rodent, I have a gift for you!"

I could hear a little malicious glee in the Eggman's tone. Before Sonic could snark some comment back, a dark blue blur flashed around from behind us, and quickly halted to a stop next to Eggman.

"I'm sure you remember Metal." The sadistic grin wasn't a good sign of what was to come.

The "Metal" in question was a robot, if the entirely metal body was anything to go off of. It resembled Sonic, in the sense that it had a similar shape, and was blue, and metal. If anything, I could assume Metal was a nickname for Metal Sonic.

Sonic flashed over to Sally, and handed Bunnie to her, "Sal, take Bunnie." He said with a serious tone I already didn't think he was capable of.

"Metal! Get them!" Eggman's response was met with a garble of machine sounds that didn't even attempt to form words.

Sally grabbed Bunnie... the Rabbit... And scooched backwards as Sonic backpedaled from an equally blue blur as they shot off into the forest beside the former lab.

"Project Surge..." A strangely sophisticated voice came from the duck next to Eggman.

He was looking at me when he said that, so I suppose he's addressing me.

"I didn't think you'd be operable for another few months at least. When I heard the alarm for Project Kitsunami, I thought he had escaped. I never expected you." He aptly summarized for me.

Cool, so I was Surge, and the kid was Kitsunami. I think I'll just call him Kit.

"Well, if it helps, I have no idea what is happening." I gestured widely to the general area, as Sonic and Metal dashed past through the forest on my right.

"Oh? Any memories up there?" The duck asked.

"Probably. Can't find 'em though." I responded casually, Sally seemed confused at the generally civil conversation we were having.

And the Rabbit lady is unconscious, being protected by Sally, who has a pair of daggers. This world seems to run on anime logic already, so she was probably pretty sneaky.

"Perhaps this can be salvaged." The duck hummed to himself.

"Well, Starline, if you want to recover your precious experiments, then you'll have to do it yourself. I came here to research the effects of the roboticizer." Eggman cut in, glancing at the rabbit lady with robot limbs.

Roboticizer, rabbit lady with robot limbs. Simple conclusion, he somehow has a machine that can turn biological parts, mechanical. Awful, horrid, probably kills whoever is in it.

Side note, Eggman pulled out a gun.

"I don't think either of us need the squirrel though." Eggman aimed at Sally.

Time to find out if I am faster than a bullet.

I threw Kit at Sally, who caught him roughly as I heard another crackle of electricity, and my body seemed to propel itself forward. The sudden acceleration caught me off guard slightly, but I adapted fast enough to jump and kick the gun up into the air.

Which promptly fired a giant fuck-off laser that I am pretty sure would have also annihilated me and Bunnie, into the sky.

"Well, Nicky, did you pull out the wrong gun?" I taunted as he was already punching toward me.

He seemed really big, and his arm scratched past my nose as I leaned back. My slow reaction time giving him enough time to smash a button on his control panel that abruptly shot a glass dome over him, forcing me to jump off unless I wanted to get stuck.

"I knew this would be an issue. I was planning to annihilate the lot of you." He admitted honestly.

"What? But--" The duck, Starline started, but was cut off by a livid Eggman.

"No buts! I understand wanting to fix your work, but you've only created another nuisance for me to destroy. Either deal with it now, or you're fired!" He slammed his control panel again as he shot off, away from the battle.

Sonic rolled back into the clearing, panting heavily, and bleeding from his cheek, chest, and left arm. A mechanical screech let me know Metal was of course the reason for such. It's claws specked with blood.

Starline growled, and clutched his hand, a blue aura emanating from him as he shot off toward me. He threw an honestly amateurish punch that I batted to the side, and followed up with a solid knee to the stomach. The aura around him turned red before I made impact, but the force of my knee still lifted him off the ground, and made him cough as he stumbled backwards.

I think I hit him in the solar plexus by accident. I don't know the anatomy of these animal creatures, so that was crazy.

Before I could follow up, Sonic crashed into me and we were sent tumbling toward Sally together.

Spatial awareness. Something I now know I need to work on. Especially in this crazy world with actual supervillains.

I scrambled to get up as I watched both Starline and Metal dash toward us. Sonic was still on the ground, so I had to do protective work for everybody at once.

Something instinctually had me stretch my arms out wide as I felt a tingle, a current spread through me.

Before I knew it, I was firing lightning at both targets.

"Haha! I am the goddess of thunder, motherfuckers!" I shouted with more than a little excitement.

Metal, however, did not really stop his charge with my lightning. Of course the super robot has anti-overload capability. God damn Iron Man--

The robot then proceeded to punch me in the face hard enough to send me absolutely flying. I rolled along the ground, trying find purchase as I smashed through a tree, which is an insane thing to only feel mild pain for.

My roll stop against a rock that I smashed my head against.

"Ow." I grimaced as I stood up.

Thankfully, Sonic had gotten up and distracted Metal, and Starline was still recovering from my lightning. And wasn't that just the coolest thing.

I had a headache cooking, but that was pretty good for being smashed through a tree and into a rock over... 20 meters, I want to say.

Anyway, I'm looking for revenge now. Starline was still on the ground, and Sally was taking it upon herself to confront the man, leaving the kid and Bunnie, relatively unprotected.

Hopefully there weren't any secret invisible robots or something. That seems like something possible.

I placed both my hands on the ground in front of me, getting into a runners stance. Now I could tell that the lightning was the thing boosting my speed, I pumped as much as I could out. I could already see electricity sparking on the edge of my vision, which was now tinted blue. I don't know if that's bad or not, but it didn't feel bad.

In the next instant, I was going so fast I could barely see where I was going. I was flying right toward Metal, at least, as his form grew bigger and bigger in my vision. I barely managed to run my legs in front of me so I could jump the way I wanted to.

And, just in time, both of my feet slammed into the side of the robot's head, which I am pretty sure almost took it off. Its body flailed uselessly behind it as gravity took over and I surfed on its head for a few meters.

The exhaustion washing over me, immediately let me know that my energy supply was not, in fact, infinite. And like the stubborn, unfeeling machine that it was, Metal socked me in the jaw, and I flew up into the air with stars in my vision.

The robot that moved at high speed with a miniature jet engine then proceeded to fly up after me and kicked me into the ground. 


The dirt piled up around me as my body shoved a few inches into the ground. That hurt like absolute hell. I am surprised none of my bones were broken. Maybe they were and adrenaline was blocking it out.

"I... see you've learned to use your electrical charge." A posh voice made me open my eyes. Metal was floating above, and Starline stood closer, above me.

"I am glad such modifications worked properly." The duck continued. "It will make my next experiments much easier." 

Metal Sonic glanced to the side and dodged hurriedly as Sonic blitzed by him in a ball that sliced through the air like a buzzsaw. That move looked cool.

Starline barely glanced in their direction as they continued their fight, and turned back to me.

"I do apologize, but Dr. Robotnik is my finest source of both parts and income. Therefore I will have to take care of you." A red glow surrounded Starline and he winded a fist back.

I could move. I know I can. My muscles ached though, which made it difficult as Starline's fist came down- and he got kicked in the head.

Sally finally decided to stop watching as the blades coming out of her bracelet made lightsaber noises. So cool.

The glow around Starline turned blue as they started their own fight. Starline moving around Sally at high speeds and hitting hard whenever he got the chance. Sally was holding up, but she couldn't get a hit in, and was constantly dodging now.

"W-where?" I heard a young voice from behind me. My curiosity motivated me to drag myself out of the dirt coffin I was in.

The fox kid woke up. That's good, we could die together.

The fox kid looked around and spotted me, and his eyes widened in shock, "Surge! Are you okay?" He scrambled up and clumsily ran toward me.

"I got you Sal!" A country accent came from the rabbit girl with robot limbs. She was still on the ground, but her left arm glowed with green energy in the palm and she fired a laser that made Starline dodge.

Too much happening at once.

"You know me?" I decided to ask as the kid helped me up.

"Right, you wouldn't know. The doctor wondered why you weren't waking up. My name is Kitsunami, I was created to be your partner." The kids voice was rather gloomy, and a little timid.

"You mean the doctor that's trying to kill us." Just on time, Sally was knocked toward me by particularly powerful punch.

In an instant, the kid's facial expression changed from somewhat worried to what was definitely anger. A cold anger that didn't change his expression, but his body language.

Water started to drag itself out of the pack on his back into large blue tentacles that whipped around in irritation. In an instant, the water wrapped around Starline who tripped over himself in surprise at the sudden attack. Sally having jumped away from the mysterious floating water tentacle.

"What? Kitsunami! What is the meaning of this?" He shouted incredulously, like he wasn't planning to kill Kitsunami as well as myself.

Kitsunami didn't say anything and smashed the doctors head into the dirt.

"Cover him in water, I wanna zap him again." I said with a smirk.

"No problem." Kitsunami let the water from the tentacle fall into the ground and I used a little of the energy I had left...

And threw everything I had into the thing. I don't take kindly to people trying to kill me.

"Gah! Metal, grab that idiot and come back here!" I turned my attention to the new screen flying with a small propeller that really shouldn't be able to hold that whole screen up. The screen, of course, showing an image of Eggman.

"What happened to firing him?" I asked as the last bit of electricity I had petered out.

"Zip it rodent!"

I did as such, mostly because I didn't care all that much. Metal hurriedly jet away from Sonic with a noticeable dent in its head and an arm that hung off his body by some wires.

Seems like Sonic was sandbagging or something before as he quickly caught up to Metal and jumped at him again, balling himself up once more.

Metal managed to kick him like a football away from itself as it picked up the charred body of Dr. Starline, and quickly jetted off into the sky. 

From what I could tell, nobody could really follow him that high up.

"Anybody mind telling me what the hell just happened?" I wondered loudly.