Chapter 251: The Roadblocker_1


Zalman Michael finally left, carrying with him unwillingness and anger, as he departed amidst Julius Reed's unrestrained laughter.

Meanwhile, the ceremony was unknowingly already underway.

Because Zade Radcliffe and his grandson Otis Radcliffe had been focusing their attention on the stage, they had not noticed what had just occurred.

They hoped to use this opportunity to reclaim the corporation that belonged to them.

However, from the beginning to the end, other than a director and general manager showing up, the truly influential figures had not appeared at all.

This inevitably left the attendees feeling somewhat disappointed, but being able to attend the Willson Group's grand celebration also brought them a sense of honor.

After the third round of toasting, Zade Radcliffe got acquainted with a wealthy businessman from Five-river Province. This person had followed Stanislaus Potter in his early years and later set up his own business, amassing assets of several billion.