The Chuzu Akuma (1) The 'Secret' Detective Agency

The Chuzu Akuma

The Chuzu is meant rent in Chinese, while Akuma meant demons in Japanese. The location of the agency is right beside the restaurant, it used to be an old unused building, so I bought it for a very cheap price with 5 years installment.

On the surface, it's a well-known detective agency that also offers executive protections such as bodyguards services. Even though the surface business gives a decent amount of income, it's still sufficient enough to make sure the prosperity of my men's lives.

The hidden business is rental demons. We offer three types of services; guard, rescue, and attack. But of course, we don't accept everyone just for money.

We only deal with good folks that are having a problem with villains.

Not everyone who works in the agency is a demon, some of them are humans that needed our help and needed money and have helpful skills. Most of them experience bad things in life that I couldn't help but lend them a hand.

Why did I make this agency?

Well, of course.

Because the world is too cruel for those who weak, and the thing called law will never able to completely protect them and eliminate the villains.

So it's up to the other villain to face other villains.

*Bzzt!* *Bzzt!*

I took my phone and answered the call.

"Bad news?"

[Yes, sorry boss. We didn't lose any men, but the information the Panama group gave us is incomplete, resulting in the daughter of the chairman getting abducted at the process]

"Our opponent is?"

[*Cough* *Cough* I've told him that I should hack the Panama group's boss to make sure the credibility of the information, but the old man just won't let me do it, boss~]

A girl's voice suddenly cut the man's voice.

[We're disrespecting our client if we did that, Lady Lapiz]

[But it will-]

"Continue the information," I cut their blabbering as I change my clothes.

[They're a Japanese yakuza group, their source of profit are drugs and human trafficking. They're rather famous in Japan, and the Panama group got into trouble with them when they're running their business in Japan] (Lapiz)

"Why are they here?"

[It seems that they just got into trouble last month that forced them to lay low at this city where the law is looser, boss. They spilled the bucket by abducting a son of a Japan's high-official and is now targeted by the Japanese government] (Lapiz)

"I see... Good job, as usual, Lapiz,"

[Hehehe~ It's nothing~] (Lapiz)

Lapiz Lazuli.

She's one of the agency's greatest assets and one of my most reliable allies. She's a genius hacker despite in the same age as mine, the reason why she's inside the agency is rather complicated. She's one of the people that couldn't get the protection of the gibberish thing called law.

"Dexter, tell the working group to focus on their current task. I'll handle the abducted girl," I said as I put on my black leather jacket.

[A-Are you going, boss?] (Dexter)

"Yea. It's been a while anyway, and the payment is big. I need to make sure his daughter saved and ask for more money, after all," After wiping my glasses, I took the motorcycle key from the living room's chest and take my shoes.

"Are you going somewhere, big bro!?" Asked my li'l sis from inside her room.

"Yes, Sachi,"

"Can you buy some milk on the way home? The one inside the fridge will run out soon!" (Sachi)

"Okay, let Hino or the others open the door if someone bells when I'm not home yet, okay?"

"Okay~" (Sachi)

The restaurant is three stories, the first floor is used for the business, the second floor is the living quarters of some of the restaurant's employees, while the top is where my siblings and I lived.

"Are you going, boss?" Hino that lived on the restaurant's second floor asked me.


"C-Can I join you?" Asked her as she about to rush to her room and change her clothes.

"Stay here, you and the others need to protect Sachi, after all,"

"Ugh... Fine..." Replied Hino, slightly dissatisfied.

*Sound of Motorcycle's engine*

"Send me the coordinates,"

['kay~] (Lapiz)

After a moment, a small map appeared on the right side of my glassess' glass. The glasses I'm wearing are installed with a planted microphone, camera, micro CPU, and an audio speaker at the end of the glasses that give out a sound small enough for only me to hear, while the lens of the glasses is a micro monitor.

[They're at a warehouse near the Yangtze Harbour, you might need to go there quickly, boss. It's said that the gangsters often 'use' the abducted girls and women for their playthings before selling them] (Lapiz)

What a scum.

"I see... Good job, as usual, Lapiz. Keep me updated if anything happened and clear out the way,"

[Roger~] (Lapiz)

Since it seems that bad things will happen to the Panama group chairman's daughter if I don't rush, so I think I'm going to need to break some laws.

Knowing my intentions, Lapiz hacked the traffic lights, making sure that it'll be at the green light when I pass it.

[Um... Boss...? I know you asked old man Dexter to not send anyone... But if you unleash your bloodlust like that... The others will get excited and followed you, boss...] (Lapiz)

"Ah! I forgot,"

I'm imagining that what will I do if the one who got abducted by some gangsters is Sachi, making me unleash my bloodlust unintentionally. Because of it, there are several shadows that are following me from quite a distance. They are using their yokai power to travel by changing themselves into black mist in order to match with my motorcycle's speed.

Well, it's not that I don't want any of them to help me, but it'll be too overkill if we came together. And I want to vent my frustrations in school with those bastards too after all.

After several minutes of riding at full speed, we've finally arrived.

[It's the warehouse, boss] (Lapiz)

"I see..." I muttered towards myself as I observe the warehouse from the distance for a while.

"What should we use, boss? Spirit form or human form?" A middle-aged man, wearing a police uniform asked me.

"Let's just use our human form, it won't be fun if we all use our spirit form, after all,"

*Crack!* *Crack!*

I stretched my arms as I wait for the 'others' to arrive.

"Just back home, Carlo?" I asked the middle-aged police officer. He's one of those who got reincarnated into a human and got stuck in the semi-spiritual form back then.

"Are your wife and kids well?"

"Hohoho! Those two brats are very happy with the toys you bought last week, boss! And I think that my wife is pregnant again so I'm going to bring her to check up tomorrow, you'll also help me pay my third child's school tuition right, boss?" The police uncle replied enthusiastically as he scratched his head, completely clueless how annoyed I am because of the last sentence of his words.

Seriously, this bastard...

"I won't. Got a freakin' promotion first before having another child, idiot. You're not the only one that I'm supporting... And it's not even my own child... If I hear that your wife got pregnant once more, I won't send you any money anymore, you hear me?" I threatened the shameless police officer.

"B-B-B-Boss!!! I-I-I'm sorry, Boss... I'm just joking..." He immediately knelt as he asks for forgiveness.


"I'm sleepy, let's wrap this up quickly," I said towards my men as I saw dozens of my men that still wore their work's uniform arrived. All of them are demons from different tribes, everyone has different jobs, while those who have a family and are having a problem with their finances will be supported by me.

I give a single signal, and Carlo kicked the padlocked iron fence with a single kick, sending the fence flying.

Step! Step! Step! Step! Step!

The yakuza members started to run and gather in front of the gate, holding swords and guns. Their number is about 150-200 numbers, they come and start barking like a group of dogs.

"Who are ya', bastards!?"

"Which gang ya' came from, bastards!?"

They started to shout and curse towards us.

"Not very welcome, ain't it, boss?" said Carlo.

Without answering him, I indifferently walked slowly towards the crowd, and my men follow my steps without showing any fear. I could see their confused looks as they saw us. Well, I will also get confused if I were them, since a group of men wearing a different kind of uniforms suddenly barged into their territory, showing not even the slightest fear.

Including me, my man and I are only 32 people, while the yakuza are about 100-200 men. Looking at how we indifferently and fearlessly continue to proceed towards the warehouse triggered them.

"Listen to me, you punk- Argh!!!" One of them approached me and hold my arm, so I twist his hand and broke it.

"Just knock them out, don't kill them," I said towards my men.

"Roger!" Carlo enthusiastically replied as he clenched his fists and charged towards the yakuza.

Yakuza members could be considered as low-leveled soldiers or bandits back in my previous life. While in the other hand, my men are filled with elites, one-man armies.

A mere 200 men, won't enough to stop 10 men of mine.

[Boss, she's at the deepest part of the warehouse] (Lapiz)

"Okay, let's save our client's child, shall we?"