The First Request (1)

My name is Niao Chyou.

A 17 years old high school girl.

"Good morning, Nia!"

"Good morning, Revi!"

And this is Revi Miratsuka, my best friend.

"Did you watched the drama yesterday, Nia? Whoa... I never expected he's the real culprit..."

"Yes!! He's like the best support character, right!? What a great plot twist..."

"No wonder it is called the greatest detective drama of our era... The author of the story must be so clever..."

"True..." I gaze at the clear sky above.

The detective is so cool. The way his piercing gaze looks as if he could see through everyone and anything. In just several seconds, he could deduce what people are thinking and what problem they are going through...

What if...

What if I...