A FIGHT was happening beyond the wall.

The ground shook.

It even "rained."

And debris started getting hurled around.

However, Yuno and the others remained safe inside Haru's shield.

No one was talking, though.

Bambi, Mo Hanjin, Kim Jaeha, and Rebecca were all silent.

Even Moon Noa was quiet for once.

"Ah, your Espers have finished their task," Haru said while looking in one direction. "Your fallen colleague is here."

No one understood what the dethroned prince just said until Matthew materialized out of nowhere while holding a lifeless body in his arms.


That's Choi Kangmin.

The Guide who was the same age as Yuno.


"Esper Matthew-ssi, can you put Guide Choi Kangmin-ssi on the ground?" Yuno asked impatiently. "I need to check something."