"SO, do you think this is a poison made from a dead Guide's Core?"

"Yes, Sajangnim," Yuno said indifferently, nodding after taking a sniff of the dark substance inside a small vial. "I "tasted" the same substance when I absorbed it from Gayoon Hyung's body. But, even though I coughed up black blood, it didn't affect me that much. My Mana just got a bit depleted."

Hence, Yuno suddenly became horny and initiated sex with Ki Gayoon.

The embarrassment was worth it since I got a refill of my Mana.

"It seems like Yoonyoon didn't notice this substance enter his body," Moon Noa said, in deep thought. "Haru immediately noticed this strange substance, so he sealed it within his body."


Moon Noa called Haru by his proper name instead of 'Haruharu.'

That means sajangnim is really mad at our ex-prince.

After storming out of Haru's VIP room, Moon Noa dragged Yuno to the room next door.