Six people stepped into the Shooting Moon Cave, with Ye Qiu becoming the vanguard, used by the five Guan clansmen as a pawn to scout the path.
"Ye, don't think about playing tricks. It will take at least ten days to half a month for your strength to recover. The giant statue carving cannot enter here, so you won't be able to take on the five of us. Just honestly scout ahead."
Guan Yue wanted Ye Qiu to recognize the reality and did not want Ye Qiu to harbor thoughts of dealing with them, so he appropriately issued a warning to Ye Qiu.
Ye Qiu did not speak and moved forward slowly, wary of the killing intent that could arise at any moment within the cave.
They hadn't walked far when everyone saw the cave widen ahead into a circular stone cavern, which was very large, like a huge stone room.
In the center, there was a stone seat, likely where the master of the cave used to sit in meditation.