Chapter 144 Where Did the Practice Go Wrong?

Upon hearing those words, Qiao Yuchan's face instantly blushed, overwhelmed by what was about to happen.

She promptly led Ling Fan through the corridors into a dark cabinet, turned the mechanism to enter a secret passage, and eventually came to a spacious secret chamber!

Ling Fan marveled in his heart, impressed by its secrecy.

"This place is very safe—no one will disturb us here," said Qiao Yuchan. "Only the Family Heads of successive generations in the Qiao family know about this secret chamber!"

As she spoke, she pointed to the small pool not even ten feet across in front of them. "That is the Spirit Pool," she explained. "According to what my grandmother said, it sits atop a Spiritual Spring and is enveloped in spiritual energy all year round, which is highly beneficial for cultivation!"

Ling Fan nodded slightly. "It seems to me that your rapid cultivation progress, aside from your inherent talent, is greatly aided by this Spirit Pool."