Zhou Yun sighed and said, "Yes, people in today's society are very realistic. Why would they help us or vote for you if there's no benefit to them?"
"It doesn't matter, sister-in-law; it's all up to human effort. As long as I try my best, there's nothing more I can do if it doesn't work out."
Just then, Ling Zhenfei suddenly saw Chen Qian approaching from a distance, which surprised him because Chen Qian, a workaholic, was not supervising the project at Xishan Manor today.
Chen Qian also saw Ling Zhenfei and Zhou Yun and walked over to them, smiling at Ling Zhenfei, "You came back just in time today, not too late to return."
Zhou Yun said angrily, "Not too late? It's about to start, and he hasn't prepared anything."
Chen Qian said with a smile, "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I'll talk to Zhenfei."
Zhou Yun said, "Fine, you guys talk then." After that, she left.