Chapter 384 Drunk Li Wenshan is Awesome

Liu Chen lay on the ground, watching Li Wenshan make his move. This third senior brother, usually so repressed and quiet, became simply insane when drunk, nothing at all like his normal self.

Liu Chen looked on with his head tilted as Li Wenshan mounted the robber, pummeling him mercilessly, causing the robber to cry out for help.

"I'll beat you to death, beat you to death, for daring to insult a lady, beat you to death, beat you to death," Li Wenshan, extremely intoxicated, said while continuously attacking.

Liu Chen was about to die of laughter, lying on the ground unable to get up, just watching the robber, pinned under Li Wenshan, receive punch after agonizing punch.

The robber, truly scared, started begging Liu Chen for help, "Please, call the police, help me call the police, someone's beating me up."