Chapter 258 Grinding Little Demon Fairy

Three days later.

Zijing Middle School.

The exhibition three days ago targeted the top echelons of Jinling, but the stir it created didn't reach this school.

For Xu Fan, this was a stroke of luck worth celebrating, as fame brings trouble much like weight does to pigs, and he had no wish to become the center of attention at school again.

According to Xiao Lan, Mr. Jiya eventually decided to partner with the Xia Family.

Whether it was due to his own connections or Xia Yanyu's efforts, Xu Fan couldn't be bothered to think about it.

"Xu Fan, let's ditch class together tomorrow, okay?"

The main reason he couldn't be bothered was, of course, because of the little demon on the other end of the phone call.

Xia Xiaodie had finally recovered, and the following day would mark her triumphant return to school.