Chapter 492: Superficial!

Qin Mengyue took a deep breath, bent over, and her red lips kissed Xu Fan.

With this guy, there was mostly horsing around and very little physical contact of this sort.

Now, as she kissed Xu Fan, she couldn't help but recall that crazy moment...

Blushing like blood, Qin Mengyue stood up nervously before she could even blow the oxygen into Xu Fan's mouth.

"Qin Mengyue, what are you thinking? You're trying to save someone."

She muttered quietly, pushed down the embarrassment in her heart, and continued with the process.


She didn't know how many times she went back and forth, but finally, the Xu Fan beneath her showed some movement.

At this moment, with her lips tightly pressed against Xu Fan's mouth, she couldn't help but feel her face flush with shyness.


She didn't know much about first aid. Did this mean he was about to wake up?

"Xu..., Xu Fan, hang in there for just a bit longer, soon, you'll be all right."