And there it was. Fusion was there, Looking at the Townsfolk. Well for now he wasn't going to do anything because he was now learning and thinking about these Humanity and such.
[150 Years Later]
Now, The Roman Empire had Conquered all of France region and Reached the shores of British Land. As it sore through and out, Invading through to fight the Celtics and Warriors the Land had, It was a Historical Event, The rise of the Peak in Roman Empire.
Fusion was there, Looking at the attacks and wars, Writing about it and watching, Thinking what he should do, It was fun to watch such Human Historical events, It was the first time hes watching the Humans murder and killing eachother due it Political and Social ideals, This was considered… Unnatural. Because, Fusion believes that Everyone is made the same way even if they are a Woman, Man, Or a different race. He hated seeing such things being torn to shreds, It was a deeper and more important meaning of such events for Humanity, It raises a question, Will it change? Can it become better so one unites and becomes a bettee society and lovable planet? He pondered as it was a deeper and inner humanism problem, As humans in itself was a thing that showed that no matter what it could be, It protected one thing, Its people. Fusion documented all this, Understanding the simples and mind of a Human, As he was seeing the worldly desires of such actional behaviors of a Human. Humans did have good things to them, They protected the lesser and weak, They protected the values of Love, They also showed the morals of one needs to eachother, But thats not all, Humans can be more amazing, As Fusion saw how the Roman Empire was adapting and advancing with Technology and cultural values, They accepted the reigons they took and Romanized it for their benefits. BUT They did not seem to destroy what they inner had, They left them and just took the resources, As Fusion watched the Romans make the Scotland wall where it divided, It was interesting, Fusion was getting to know Humanity more, And more. It was fun and interesting, They had no sense of Divinity, Nor the understanding of true power and love of such one same species, It is war, And stronger sense of power to grow to be the best, Fusion never liked the concept of the world of things, So he decided to visit some areas, He watched as Women and other things like Children being put to work or things he cannot… say… or document… He hated how these era, Humans didn't treat the lesser Greatly, It was worse then he imagined, As he realized, Strongers survive through necessity of Violence and destruction to show its power and status amongst others, It was infuriating sure, But he had to watch, And not intervene with humanity, It was their destiny to make such events so future people can look back to this, Humanity had shown the deepest meaning, Wanting to protect the love they attain, Wanting to show the power and status, Wanting wealth and inner desires because they had freedom of what they can do with rankings and hierachy, Other deeper problems, Sure there were some… 18+ problems but thats all known, He was wondering how he can fix it, How he can understand these humans to become better and not a such weird and destructive species that will warmonger and kill everybody because they were simply ticked off, or fight in the streets like baboons because they had a simple dispute, It was alot to understand, Humans are indeed complex, This is a deep meaning of what Humanity is, Many reasonings of one others can perceive, So he sat there Contemplating the thought of Humans becoming what they wanting to be, Dominators and Gods of themselves, Surely there could be a way to fix this…
Fusion sat there, Writing more in his Book, Making a deep explanation of Humanity.