As Fusion and Brennen continued their journey for Religion and Humanistic understanding of what we are. He just continued to explore Roman-England, Exploring the Town shops before Brennen asked Fusion;
"Hey, Wanna go to Rome?"
Fusion thinked… Before saying;
"Meh. Why not?"
So both went towards the Region of Cornwall to sail to Franks. As they trekked to the mounts of Franks and Rhine river. They explored the scenery as it was Fall time, Leaves were scattered and brownish, As the air felt Crisp. The higher they went. Soon enough they slowly approached the ways of Alps towards Rome, Sure its fun. As Fusion asked Brennen everything and he answered back with Honesty. Soon they approached the Border of Rome, as the Roman Soldiers are there with their own armor and Symbolism, As Brennen told to Fusion;
"We gotta Disguise Fusion. It's not wise for us to continue while you look like some.. Deity. And i have a Scottish armor on, So here take this."
Brenne gave Fusion some clothes meant to fit a Roman citizen. As they went on in and such, The Roman Soldiers nodded at them, Meaning the disguise was working clearly. As they went on through to North Rome, the infrastructure and the architecture was amazing. There was Great Arches of Rome and the Buildings to depict each Planetary God and Goddess, Fusion was documenting all this for his "Fusionism", to understand about a Human mind and such, While Brennen was shocked that his Scottish culture was No where near the top of such things, They ventured down towards Rome, as they came onto a Highway, Which connected all of the roads to Rome. But they came upon a Great Philosopher, Zeno of Citium, So Fusion approached him and asked simply;
"So what is your opinion of a Human mind?"
Zeno looked at Fusion and pondered, Before replying;
"We. Me and That boy," He pointed at Brennen, "We are Merely capable of thinking limited, But. Purpose of what we call life, is Virtuous as we think towards Patience. Dictating your own life and thoughts with guidance towards philosophical mind of your own. But we still need what we are. Humanity. We need self-reflection, and careful judgement of who we are truly, One person is not truly virtuous without the calm and need of their own proudness and compassion of what they have without greed."
Fusion was amazed, As he wrote all this down, Before asking;
"And your name?"
Zeno replied;
"Zeno, of Citium."
Fusion nodded and walked on about, Cool that he met such a great man who knew about Humans inner calmness during times, It was amazing. He now had a new thought. 'Humans can be good at times.' So they continued about going towards and exploring the Roman lifes, Thinking what else is there… Brennen on the other hand, Went to a Homestead to sleep for the evening, While Fusion stayed up, Writing his thoughts about Humanity… He enjoyed what he had saw, Whatnot a more interesting viewpoint of the newer and such deepened side of Human intelligence, Before he could do anything, a Dark figured woman with a growling red eyes was in the corner, watching Brennen sleep, Fusion looked over and said;
"Let the man sleep, You Wench."
The Figure looked at Fusion offended as she said;
"HEY! I am no wench! Who are you to tell me such!"
Fusion said;
"God of Blood. What are you?"
The Figure now revealed herself, As a Demonic entity;
"Lilith. I am Lilith, a Demon"
Fusion widened his eyes, Rage? Maybe Admiration? As he spoke;
"What is your goal with Brennen? Leave him alone. He is my clergy."
Lilith giggled as she spoke;
"Poor God, having his clergy tormented? Awwww."
Fusion sighed, Rubbing his Temple as he spoke with venom;
"I have no time for a low level being to torment my clergy to do what they want. Begone before i take matters into my own hands, You demons are all same Venomous idiots."
Lilith was shocked to hear a Gods hatred for the first time as she backed off saying;
"O- okay.. Sorry about this.."
Fusion sighed and said;
"Why are you even here? Surely it's me who you want, Not a mortal, right?"
Lilith nodded, Her expression was known. A deep sensation for Fusion, Since a God is well.. Good looking? Fusion instantly understood her views and watched her carefully, Hoping she wont touch Brennen, His personal Friend and Clergy for his Fusionism, But was this it? Are we going to see our first battle scene? Or a Love Story? As they were in a showdown, She come towards Brennen, But Fusion quickly Bloodbended her legs so she stopped in her tracks fully, Not allowing her to touch Brennen, Lilith was confused how a Demonic blood is controllable before she cancelled it out towards it using her Demonic abilities, This then. Became a full on ability fight, As they both were battling to Take/Protect Brennen, Brennen woke up watching Fusion battle a High ranking demon like Nothing. He was dodging her agility procise moves, and Lilith of course. Was annoyed to the point she was getting desperate to put a Hit on Fusion, and make him Suffer. For protecting a Human. But Fusion, Being the Compassionate he is, He continued to Dodge it all, But then. In a moment of pause, Lilith had SLICED his arm off, Fusion looked at the ground in horror, To see his Right arm on the ground. Brennen was terrified, To see Fusion now at a disadvantage. Lilith was laughing before she said;
"Poor God with no arm? Can't do much now can you?"
Fusion sighed calmly, Saying;
"I will not fail to a Whore."
The Battle Continued, As Fusion was fighting Lilith, Not using his True Power because it would show Brennen his true Colors, but what if? But that easily wasn't the time for now, As he increased his agility to dodge Liliths hits towards him at a Inhumane speeds, He was remembering his Fathers training to try and get a Upperhand, Before using Blood manipulation to make her blood go towards her head, And using Bloodbend to toss her Through the Thick stone walls. He walked out of the wall and slowly approached her like she was the Enemy of Humanity. It was scary to say the least to becone Fusions enemy. Lilith slowly backed away and quickly tried running away- until Fusion locked her legs with decomposition and rotting her legs to make it unusable. She began hyperventilating, Regretting her choices to push a Gods limit, and crawling backwards using her arms, Looking up at him solemnly, Saying;
"Forgive me! I did not know you were this protective of Humans!"
Fusion watched her sternly like a Eagle looking for a Weak Fish before saying;
"Die with your Shitty Demonism."
Fusion then allowed her to crawl backwards to a cliff where she fell towards her death, Before looking back at Brennen who was staring at Fusions right arm, Frightened… But fusion walked over and looked at Brennen, Saying;
"You got a Weapons smith who can give me a Metallic arm while i heal?"
Brennen nodded immediately and went to the town center with Fusion, Going to Millards shop and asking Millard;
"Millard! I am back from Scotland, Can you please give my pal a Arm? Metallic one at that too.."
Millard looked at them both, As he nodded
"Aye, I got you. I will work on it now."
Fusion and Brennen waited, Just looking at the process, It was a cool symbolic arm, That had fusionism symbol on it, And his name. Fusion then attached it to his arm, Using bloodbend to allow nerve systems to control and snake it and let it be apart of the body temporarily, Before trying to give Millard money, But millard Refused. Saying;
"Free pal, You are Brennens friend. Gotta make sure my Buddy is okay with his life, Enjoy while at it."
The story only began…