Chapter 3

He walked behind Jimmy who led the way while they walked around the store looking for what they came to buy. 

"Good evening, guys." Said a voice approaching them from the front. As soon as they heard the voice, they looked up at once to see who it was. 

It was a beautiful lady who worked as an attendant in the store. And she had just noticed them when she passed by. Both of them exchanged greetings with her as she approached them. "What can I help you with?" She said as she stood in front of them with a sweet smile on her face with her hands crossed at her back. Without wasting any time Jimmy told her everything they needed while Danny was busy touring the part of the store where they were and after a few minutes, they left the store.

As they left the retail store, both of them took a taxi and headed home at once since it was getting late and would be nighttime in a few hours. On their way back, Danny and Jimmy suddenly stopped at a retail store.

Jimmy wanted to check out some of the latest sci-fi movies that were available there. So, they decided to get out of the taxi. Danny was quite hesitant but since he knew he had no money with him, he decided to go with Jimmy.

"Don't tell me it's what I'm thinking Jimmy." Danny shrugged, staring at Jimmy with a serious look on his face.

"You guessed it. The same things I go for all the time." Jimmy made a gesture with his hands. "Hope you know we are getting late bro." Danny stood at the roadside staring at Jimmy who was halfway to the retail store. Jimmy took a few steps, stopped and then turned to Danny. His eyes glared at him seriously like they were about to get into a serious fight.

"I know." 

"It's not like you are the one who sent me to get these stuff bro or the one who bought them either, so shove it." He spoke. Without saying anything else, he stormed off into the store. Danny on the other hand stared at him in a bit of shock wondering what he could have done to Jimmy. After a few moments, Danny shook his head in surprise then he made for the store. In the store, Jimmy was busy checking out some of the sci-fi movies there, especially the latest ones the store had available. While Danny sat on a seat in a corner checking the time. It was past four already that evening and they had to get going. At least Jimmy if no one else had to.

After some minutes of sitting at a corner and waiting for Jimmy who didn't seem to care what the time was, Danny decided to take a tour around the store. Had already begun touring the place with his eyes while he was seated there. After a few glances around the corner he sat, Danny began moving from one corner to the other.

The retail store was quite large though not as large as the previous store and was located in a very large building. As Danny kept walking around the place, he suddenly came across an iron door. In a small room, more like a room for keeping old products that hadn't sold for a long time. And the room seemed isolated from the rest of the store like it wasn't part of the store at all. And now all the noise that came from the store and other parts of the large building could be heard very faintly. Danny was very curious and wanted to know where the iron could have the door led to.

"Could it lead to a passage or room? Or maybe to another place in this large building or what?" Danny shrugged. Danny was too busy to bother if someone was coming. Though it didn't seem like anyone would walk into the abandoned-looking room. Feeling very curious about what could be behind that door, Danny shot a glance at the entrance of the old room. Then he went up straight to the entrance door slowly closing it so it didn't make any sound. Although no one seemed to care about what was going on at that side of the store at all. Without wasting any time Danny hurried to the iron door.

Taking a slow deep breath, he reached for the handle of the door and drew it open.

To his surprise, it was a passage. Danny was now very anxious as he looked around for a few seconds to confirm the passage was safe to enter although he didn't know what lay ahead. It was a long passage, well-lit, with white bulbs that showed very bright and Danny had no clue where the long passage led.

As soon as Danny had confirmed the passage was safe to enter from where he was, he entered into the passage immediately, closing the iron door behind him gently. The door felt a bit heavy when he opened and closed it.

The passage was very quiet as not a single noise could be heard inside there. Not even a bit of noise from around the large building could be heard inside the passage though the only thing Danny could hear were his footsteps.

After a few minutes of walking in an empty passage with no doors leading to any rooms, not a single person in it and not even a single object lying around, drops of sweat began dripping down Danny's face and all over his body as he continued walking. "I wonder where this freaking passage leads to. That's if it even has an end." "I hope it wasn't a bad idea coming here in the first place," Danny said to himself as he moved on.

After a while, Danny reached a junction. One passage to the left the other to the right. Part of him felt like going back while part of him felt like moving on.

"What's the need to go back when I've gotten this far? That's if I even know my way back." Danny shrugged full of curiosity as he looked left and right wondering the route he would take.

All of a sudden, Danny decided to go left. As Danny began moving into the left passage, he suddenly stopped, turned and faced the passage on his right not knowing which side to take. After a few minutes of not being able to make up his mind on whether to take the left or the right passage, Danny finally made up his mind to continue into the left passage.

After some time, Danny finally got to a door at the end of the left passage. It was a large iron door and Danny didn't know where exactly it led to. Whether it was a room this time or another passage. Danny took in a deep breath and let it out. He had finally felt relief.

Though Danny didn't know what was behind the door, he felt more confident as part of him told him that the door would finally lead to a room. At least not a passage this time. Danny thought to himself. Without wasting much time, he made for the large iron door.

The iron door was locked and Danny had no clue how he would open it as he pulled hard on the thick bar-shaped handle on the door but it made no attempt to open. This time around, Danny pulled harder on the handle with all his might but the door didn't budge. 

Immediately, Danny pushed against the iron door to see if it would open up. But no, the door didn't even make a sound talk more of moving.

Not knowing what to do next, Danny began looking around the door. He had noticed how advanced the door looked with a device on the wall next to it that made it stand out more. All of a sudden, Danny touched a button in an attempt to see if there were any alternatives to the handle of the door.

There was a chill sound like a gas container was being opened. And to his surprise, the door opened immediately. Danny was very surprised as the tight iron door was now open. Without wasting any time, he pushed the door with not much effort then he walked in.

The door led to a large room, well-lit as the passage. And there were many other doors at different corners that led to some other rooms inside the large room. The room seemed more like a large science lab where many advanced techs were being used. Danny could

see many robots that had been constructed and those that were being constructed in the large room. His eyes couldn't even measure where the end of the room could be. The room was quite a sight to behold as it was filled with many things Danny had never seen or ever imagined in his life.