
018. This is not a parade ground! Just stop when I tell you

Iris Steiner looked at the dossier before her.

Just before heading off to learn the art of war at the Nagelring on Tharkad as had so many Steiners prior, she was now instead being shifted to the Blackjack School of Conflict at her parent's direction.

A school with a reputation so infamous that it was expected when a graduate of the school entered a building, they would loot everything that was not nailed down.

While this may be an exaggeration, it was well understood just how disreputable that the school was.

It was also understood that it was extremely effective in turning out effective officers and Mechwarriors. As some personal research had uncovered, the quote was;

"It is said that going to the Nagelring will guarantee its graduates a glorious warrior's funeral, but going to Blackjack ensures its graduates a long life and the ill-gotten gains to enjoy it."

She had been a little put out at the insult to her chosen academy, but it did seem... rather prescient.

It was not a school that one traditionally sent their children off to. Especially if they were nobles and had the connections to bypass the entrance exams.


However, the dossier in front of her changed all that.

Archon Alessandro Steiner, her second cousin through her grandfather, had talked to her mother, his cousin.

Who in turn had talked to her about this new upcoming individual of great interest, one with whom it would be rather beneficial to tie to the Steiner family. Whether that be through marriage or investment, the option had been left up to her... but the whisper of 'marriage' had been rather loud and obvious.

Iris didn't exactly have a problem with it, she had known for a very long time that this was going to be her future. Her career would remain her own, but marriage was strategically oriented. A means of binding various houses, polities, and corporations to the Steiner name.

It was half the reason why House Steiner was so powerful, there were a great many organisations that sat a Steiner or a representative of House Steiner on their board, able to pull the company in a manner beneficial to house Steiner, and coincidentally, beneficial to the Commonwealth.

This was merely a continuation of that policy.

Usually, the cachet of marriage into House Steiner was enough to guarantee success. This was not to say that Iris was overconfident, she was attractive in her own way, heir to a large wealth, in line to inherit the planet's ducal status, and a Mechwarrior (to be) in her own right. In other words, she was the total package, any man would be lucky to marry her.

The battlefield of appearances and wealth was something all Steiners had experience in. As was the battlefield for influence. With none being more beautiful, wealthy or influential than House Steiner.

Rather, the challenge came from the sheer variety of individuals that were interested in on Huu Eggers.

For Iris, marriage was essential if she went that route, for girls of lesser noble houses, becoming a mistress was their definition of a victory. Anything to secure a hold on the new and upcoming individual in the Lyran Commonwealth. One that had played such a significant role in the Commonwealth's fortunes in such a short period of time.

From what her mother had told her, Archon Alessandro was looking to award him with a set of medals for contributions to the Commonwealth.

The minor problem was that he had significant health problems.

The records, publicly available at that, had him nearly dying from the mere exercise of travelling within his own planet for a week at a time.

Travelling to Furillo?

14 jumps, 102.2 travel days.

That was how long he had been in a Jumpship, and it was seriously unknown whether or not he was still alive given his physical capabilities.

As of last week, the dropship had arrived in-system and Iris had positive confirmation that he was alive. Unconscious, bleeding through the nose and ears periodically, suffering from cyclical epileptic fits as the muscles over his entire body tightened uncontrollably every 3 hours, tearing his muscles apart leaving him bedridden, uncontrollable fevers of over 40 degrees Celsius... but... still alive.

Still alive and in full control of his faculties from the last jump on Enkoping. The doctors sending confirmation through to the many many many interested parties.

The doctors meanwhile were incredibly happy, three new viruses had been discovered, the patient living long enough for them to extract viable data to link it to a great many other deaths in Jumpships in the Lyran Commonwealth. The other victims dying far too quickly to actually provide them usable information, the virus destroying itself after the expiration of the victims. Huu Eggers, even while unconscious, was pushing the bounds of science.

Regardless, back on topic, the potential husband candidate was still alive, and she had some research to catch up on as he stepped off the dropship.

Assuming of course he could walk.

Then came the other problem, the legion of women (even old ones, like those over 25. Ew) that were waiting for him here on Furillo. All eager to tie themselves, in some way, to the Archaic Heir as they called him. The one who had developed a rather wide-reaching and quickly amassing fortune based on things from Pre-Spaceflight Terra of all things. Things that severely influenced the Inner Sphere in a way that had not been seen since the Ares Conventions had been introduced.

His tastes in women had been leaked, no doubt LIC was playing this up for all it was worth, and Iris felt confident in her position.

Granted, there were other... older... more accomplished women that were vying for attention as well. Mechwarriors and soldiers, confident that their ability to kill men and women alike would be attractive enough to win his attention. Possessing fame and fortune of their own.

There were also men, because his preferences hadn't been restricted to either.

All were dressed to put themselves forward as the best options.

All had similar haircuts as well, Iris maintaining her own style of the side-ponytail. The Mechwarrior's spot on the top of her head remained clear for all to see. A sign of her status.

All were to be disappointed, as the individual they were all trying to impress at the spaceport, was instead wheeled into the nearest hospital.

A.N. And so we start the third/fourth cycle!

A little too bad that he spent most of the trip unconscious and missed the third cycle with its massive profits huh? Real bad.

We're now on Furillo, where lots of the things that have been discussed in the thread will be popping up. Maybe not in the way you're expecting though.

Also, while the symptoms do seem a little harsh, you should feel happy knowing that I survived that. 2 months in hospital, 2 spinal fluid withdrawals, surgery for lymph nodes near my dangly bits, surgery for bone marrow, and I am officially cancer free... and the cause of the illness was never identified.