Phan Eggers sat at the table, seated next to his compatriots in the Lyran Intelligence Corp, as well as those from Military Intelligence.
It was a little disconcerting really that he had to sit here and listen to someone else give a lecture, especially as he was responsible for the Periphery Regions in terms of Military Intelligence.
That he, of all people, had to sit down and listen to someone else lecture him?
On an infiltration or security risk that he had no idea about? On his planet!?
He should know about this dammit, not have someone come from Tharkad to speak on the topic!
Worse were the Commonwealth Naval Intelligence pukes.
The Commonwealth Navy had been folded into the LCAF after they lost all their warships like the fools they were. But stubbornly kept everything separate, as if it were important that there were two intelligence branches, two logistics, two administrative, etc.
What a bunch of pukes.
He could see they thought the same of him, and he glared back as they had entered. Both tacitly agreed to not recognise the other, just in case it came to snide words and veiled insults.
The unfriendly atmosphere was perhaps the reason why the... no.
Not flunky.
They were speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Finance and none wanted their beady eyes, on a topic, to look at them with a jaundiced eye.
To have them... suffer. With denials for funding... that would have the heads of their respective agencies coming down on them with the force of a ton of bricks.
For, as it is, it was, and it ever shall be, shit rolls downhill.
"Good morning. I represent the Financial Trends department in this matter. Please refer to me as Trends."
"Good morning Trends." The chorus that answered was perhaps more irritating than it needed to be. The young woman ignored them (as was the smart thing to do) before continuing.
"I am here to brief you on a series of issues that have been labelled as 'Factors' by the Ministry of Finance."
All of them waited in silence, it wasn't like this was uncharted territory. Factors could be anything, after all.
"A Factor as defined by the Ministry of Finance, specifically, Financial Trends, has a very specific definition. It is spelt with a capital F, and includes any and all supernatural, or, in light of current revelations, Hyperdimensional situations."
There was a pause.
There was still a sense of acceptance.
But still a bit of thinking.
Mainly because they were here on Blackjack... inside a recently built Section, the kind of structure that one would more likely find on Terra during the height of the Amaris Coup. As opposed to rolling hills on a planet that's only contribution to the galaxy was its name... and the Blackjack School of Combat.
Which was half its name, its name was also a galaxy-wide card game.
Basically, Blackjack had its name and little else.
Sitting inside said fortress, something, that, in simple terms, made little to no sense as to how it had been created. The chain of events that led up to it being one of pure insanity for all involved, including Phan, the father of said issue. That his son had done this... after being a kid who was more likely to die from travel than grow old?
Yeah, that was a bit supernatural, alright.
"From your lack of surprise, you may summarise that Huu Eggers is one such factor. Not merely because of his new pet, but because of the fact that, in just over a one year and three months, he has managed to create a corporation that has caused irreversible changes across the entirety of the Inner Sphere. These changes have resulted in several worlds in the Draconis Combine to break away to form the Rasalhague Kingdom. Others still remain nominally a part of the Combine, but are refusing to acknowledge the Coordinator until Takeshi Kurita has proven himself." Those in the room hadn't exactly heard of that last part before.
Where exactly did...
Ah right, the LIC pukes were looking smug.
"In the Capellan Confederation, there are significant cullings being carried out by Mashirovka to prevent the same situation occurring as worlds seek to break away from the wider Confederation. In the Free Worlds League, there is significant effort on the part of some worlds to do the same through more legalistic means. The Federated Suns Outback region merely lacks the population to try the same. The construction of Fortress Hexes as they are known has provided exactly what they were designed to do. A sense of safety. This has led to several groups feeling more confident than they should be."
She paused to look at them.
"This is unprecedented. It breaks what is understood about society, it makes very little sense, and thus is classified as a Factor. Despite breaking all common sense, it functions, and succeeds. The Ministry of Finance has decided that such matters be classified as 'Factors' in lieu of any concrete explanation. Similar human factors can be seen in James McKenna, creator of the Terran Hegemony."
Those in the room paused. It was... a crystallisation of their thoughts, a matter that had been in the backs of their minds, that now had some kind of explanation. Phan figured 'oh right, shit, that is true isn't it?'
"James McKenna, born 2274, not formally schooled until the age of 12, recruited by the Alliance Global Militia, constantly promoted and demoted during the first 10 years of his time in the Alliance Navy. In 2295, at the age of 21, having served before the age of his recruitment or schooling according to official records, became Fleet Admiral of the Alliance Navy. In this role, he was responsible for procurement... at the age of 21. At the age of 40, he developed the first Warships. At the age of 41 he deployed his fleet against Terra and destroyed both sides of a civil war, to become ruler of Terra. At the age of 42 he led an invasion and conquered forty worlds. At the age of 45 he conquered 3 worlds and convinced yet more to join the Hegemony."
"Can you imagine an individual being given control of an entire space navy at the age of 21 without any connections or significant relations? It breaks all logic, and thus counts as a Factor. Huu Eggers is also one such Factor. However, it is not just for Huu Eggers that we are gathered here today."
Here, she pressed a few buttons on the remote in front of her, bringing up the projector screen... after waiting for the lamp to heat up. There was analog... and there was the most secure data transmission method of all, paper to eyeballs.
On it was the logo of Comstar.
"Comstar is another such Factor. The main reason why we are here today. Their history is as long and as convoluted as any Successor State. However, the Ministry of Finance has been able to track several worrying trends and can only name one common factor between all of them. First, please observe consumer goods export volumes over the period of the succession wars."
The screen demonstrated the sale of shirts, shorts, washing detergents and a few more items. Which didn't really make sense, why exactly was this being shown?
"These are a list of curated goods, which demonstrate a general reduction in sales. Which has been attributed to a drop in population over time. This is a normal-looking curve without great variation save during the expected periods, specifically the Succession Wars, Age of War, and Reunification Wars. Please remember, this is what a demand curve for products should look like in light of our current circumstances. Please compare that with the sale of computer hardware, industrial-finished goods such as mech parts and engines."
Pulling out what looked like a curve covered in... various spikes, compared to the nice curve they had seen before, it looked like someone had drawn what they thought an earthquake seismograph line should look like, that was how bad it was.
"As you can see, there have been a large number of disruptions to the supply chains in the other Successor States, which have prompted increased imports to offset the damage done to their industry. If we compare it to this chart here..."
Another chart, with skulls and explosions marked on a timeline, appearing over the sales trends. A little off-centre until Trends shifted the transparent sheets to match each other.
"As we can see, each precipitation of increased demand for our sophisticated exports. Has been preceded with a death, sabotage, accident, or destruction of some kind of facility. What we have here are the publicly available causes as data points, the ones we cannot see are unable to be identified using public sources."
The room fell silent.
"Please note, that this chart only applies to the Federated Suns, due to their rather open press. But, we have been able to apply this to the Free Worlds League as well. Data is unavailable for the Capellan Confederation and Draconis Combine, but there is a similar trend line of exports. Even if we do not have the correlating names and dates of incidents. Extrapolating, there is a significant number of deaths associated with improvements in industry and technology, which has resulted in the Commonwealth profiting."
"You said Comstar, so I assume it isn't some kind of cabal in the Commonwealth that is basically controlling everything to make more money?" Phan asked, looking a little irritated at the sheer scale of what was being suggested. Seriously, there were deaths here from across the entirety of the Federated Suns, implying infiltration on a scale that was truly horrific. The only way this would be possible was if it was the Suns who were doing it themselves... or if someone had the knowledge of exactly whom to kill and where.
How had those idiots back at Asgard missed this?
"Correct. These two charts are part of a wider data set demonstrating that there is a great deal invested in the stagnation of the Inner Sphere's technological capabilities. We have suffered the same in the Commonwealth. There is nothing indicating the culprit from these two graphs."
None made a flippant comment, the presentation was about to reach the exciting part.
"However, in the Commonwealth there has been a third trend, one that we have correlated with publicly available sources in the Federated Suns and the Free Worlds League. Please note that we are still using the Federated Suns graph for this third data set."
A third data set overlaid the data points of the deaths and the trend line of the exports.
"These are Comstar's offers of assistance following the disruptions to the economy or scientific community following the deaths of researchers, and destruction of industry."
Without exception, there was an offer within a year of the initial destruction or death. Said offer arriving, quite literally, when the demand for civilian exports was highest. As in, when things were at their worst point, an offer for assistance was offered.
"The fucking bastards." Muttered one of the Naval Intelligence women.
"Correct. Using this overall trend of deaths and destruction, followed by Comstar offering assistance-"
"Hold up, how did you get the information from the Federated Suns?" One of the LIC men held his hand up, looking smug.
"We reached out to LIC within the last two months and requested assistance in pursuing this matter more deeply. LIC has brought back publicly available newspapers detailing Comstar approaches and their offers at the available dates. The free press in the Federated Suns chronicles every person entering to gain an audience with the First Prince or a representative. The same applies to the Free Worlds League."
LIC just looked at them... smugly.
"Continuing, with this overall trend, Financial Trends created a hypothesis in relation to this. That Comstar or a power within Comstar, has been destroying industry, killing researchers, and destroying research facilities within the Inner Sphere to maintain technological stagnation within the Inner Sphere."
"Using this hypothesis, Financial Trends has back searched Commonwealth financial data, business openings, business closures, loans, military unit payments, unit repair costs, and so on, to investigate this hypothesis. We have come across several major data points. These are consistent with our hypothesis, destruction of research facilities, deaths of researchers, destruction of industry whenever the Commonwealth begins technological recovery to Star League levels. As you can see on this graph, businesses open, standard wages begin to rise, technological investments begin to rise, and the economy begins to grow."
The first three charts disappear and a fourth is placed onto the projector. The general trend was worrying, overall positive growth upwards, pleasing their Lyran souls, before a sharp downturn. Worse, was that it wasn't just the Succession Wars, there were three with corresponding downturns... but multiple smaller ones interspersed throughout. All that ensured the level of economic development in the Commonwealth... remained level. The rising line of growth, always brought back down to the flat line of stagnation.
"And it is brought down by sabotage, assassinations... and accidents. The technological innovation drops, and so does the economy. With this, we adjusted the hypothesis to include the economy. We were able to identify a single salient point, whenever the Kroner rose over the C-Bill, the Commonwealth's economy would deteriorate due to the same issues identified above. This cycle has repeated itself until where we are now."
And they could see the chart, it was at the same level that a wave of sabotage would meet them. To drive everything back down to 'stagnation levels'. Both technology and economy, constantly pruned to 'acceptable' levels by whoever was the architect of it all.
"Which is why we have worked with the LIC to ensure this does not happen again. The Ministry of Finance is extending a hand to the LCAF-MI and LCAF-NI in this operation to counter an existential threat to the Lyran Commonwealth. The currently outstanding target is that of Eggers General Utility, and Huu Eggers."
A pause.
"So, assuming this works out like you say it does, why hasn't this been brought up before?" Phan spoke up, a little irritated LIC was brought in before the LCAF-MI. He understood why, they were the bigger group, with more resources and the like... but this was his planet dammit.
"Because of the Comstar Factor. Notice the capitalisation of Factor. Despite the numerous assassinations, despite the many uses of mercenaries who had no idea who their employers were, despite the smuggled in nuclear weapons, despite the many lost jumpships with valuable scientists, or burnt down university buildings... LIC has not been able to find a single piece of evidence that points towards Comstar. Do you think this is possible? In a real, functional world, where common sense rules, do you think this is possible?"
Those in the room had to think.
No? No it wasn't, nobody was perfect.
And organisations were made of bodies.
It was highly improbably, nay, impossible for the sheer scale of what had happened... for there to not be evidence as to who had done it. Especially with that one period of 5 years where 398 deaths had been confirmed, an unknown number unconfirmed... on planets such as Tharkad and New Avalon.
Deep within the Commonwealth and Suns. Deep within security cordons and guards, individuals had died, buildings had burnt down, accidents arranged... and yet not a single piece of evidence? Were all of the perpetrators robots or something? It wasn't like these research facilities were on the border worlds, open for raids by unmarked units. This was literally on the same planet as the headquarters of LCAF-MI and LIC.
"And yet, there has been no evidence. However, when another Factor approaches... would it not be possible for them to cancel each other out? Supernatural fiat cancelling out supernatural fiat? A chance to identify the threat... and remove it?"
"And that is my boy you're talking about here. Using him as bait when he's about to fix everything wrong with what we have... that doesn't sit well with me. The cost to the Commonwealth..."
"Doesn't he have his Hyperdimensional pet? Would that, in turn, cancel out whatever Hyperdimensional force, from out of this world, that is supporting Comstar?" LIC asked this, looking interested in weaponising... what looked like a bundle of knives with blades attached.
"Would it?"
"Perhaps. But it would not need to. Please consider our last Factor for today's meeting." Trends drew the presentation back to herself, removing the original sheets and bringing out a new one.
And this one was red... Combine Red.
"The Draconis Combine, having a 16-hour workday as standard, very little to no recreation, in a state of permanent war economy, no ecological sustainability procedures, a lack of local industry and domestic manufacture of sophisticated electronics, and an ISF that constantly kills civilians who show the slightest sign of dissent... in order to stake their heads in local bamboo fields as warning to the local communities. Where one in four males are recruited at the age of 15 to serve in the military, rising to one in two in 'difficult' years. Putting 50% of their workforce into the military to dig holes and not work... in a regular world, with logic, would such a state continue to exist?"
The room had to think seriously on that one.
Sure, it was the Combine, it would exist? Right?
"It would not, historically, such a state would collapse upon facing a foe of equal strength. Let us not pretend the Commonwealth is equal militarily to the Combine. No, I am referring to the Federated Suns. Such a threat would have caused a civil war, a collapse of the state, and fracturing societies due to the inherent brittleness such a society brings. After which would emerge many smaller states, possibly coalescing into a singular power afterwards. This has not happened. It has remained intact throughout the Age of War, into the Star League, and through the Succession Wars. This, is what we call the Combine Factor. That it can exist despite the impossibilities of the situation."
"But... didn't it just split now with the Rasalhague Kingdom?"
"Yes. Caused by the designs and economy of scale propagated by Huu Eggers. In other words, the Eggers Factor overcame the Combine Factor. Reasserting the natural order of reality, of common sense, and leading to the fracturing of the Combine. Please apply this to Comstar." Trends finished speaking, sipping at the water in front of her, looking slightly exhausted.
Throat sore.
A pause.
"So we can get the bastards now that they play by the same rules as the rest of us do?" LIC looked bloodthirsty this time around.
"Yes. When Hyperdimensional fiat collides, reality reasserts itself. And the rules of history, as our LCAF officers tell us, is on the side with those that are more prepared, have more men, have more guns, and most importantly, have a bigger economy." Trends coughed a little at this point.
"We've been tracking anyone who is unknown to us on Blackjack. Collecting individual testimonies and photographic evidence. We've identified roughly 60 individuals who appear on our computer systems with absolutely foolproof backgrounds. Yet, none of the people in their Sections have been able to trace them beyond the previous month." Phan finally said as the table pondered the issue.
"Was thinking they might be DEST or something... but Comstar huh? Makes sense, completely subverting our computers like that. Maybe their chanting has some mystical computer juju huh?"
The naval pukes stopped, elbowed one another, before one decided to take the plunge.
"We've tracked 93 attempts to attempt bookings on the same dropship that Huu Eggers is planning to use to travel back to Blackjack. 382 on dropships scheduled to dock with jumpships that Huu Eggers will be docked with. Statistically, this is highly abnormal. We thought it might be fans, but in light of the available information..."
"So we know the bastards are trying to get to Blackjack and Huu, we know they exist, we know how they operate... let's break the bastards." So said LIC, cracking his neck with great enjoyment.
"Yes. That is the hope of the Ministry of Finance, without the Comstar Factor influencing our actions, it should be possible to prevent another downturn of the economy." Trends added her, no, the Ministry of Finances' two pfennigs.
Phan stretched and cracked his back in turn. That meeting had taken over two hours, and he was feeling stiff. He decided to finish the meeting with a pithy comment,
"Or, putting it simply, the Hyperdimensional fiat is on our side this time around, huh?"
A.N. This chapter in to answer the concerns about the Comstar reveal being sudden. This is expanding on the Ministry of Finance Chapter, please refer back to that for more discussion regarding different kinds of Factors.
Trends, as some might guess, is Erwin Jaxon's niece as mentioned in the previous chapter, referencing the Ministry of Finance.
Her explanation to him wasn't as thorough as this one, timing it out, it should take over an hour, with roughly 150 words per 5 minutes (of my speaking speed that is). Erwin isn't going to stick around for that. Bullet points or get out with that man.