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Chapter 7 Leia

"Can I sleep with you tonight, Mommy?" Kyrie tugs on Christine's dress, rubbing her eyes. "I'm scared."

"Yes baby." Christine helps her into her pajamas. "I'll be right here with you all night, so you have nothing to be afraid of. Let's say our prayers, okay?"

"No!" Kyrie buries her face in the pillow. "I hate praying! I never want to pray again!"

"Kyrie!" Christine shakes her head. "What are you saying? I thought you loved saying your prayers. God wants us to pray every night, sweetheart."

"Then I hate God! I said my prayers and then he sent a angel to hurt me."

"No, Kyrie." Christine squeezes her shoulder. "God would never, ever do that. God loves you, and He wants you to be safe and happy."

"Then why does he let me have nightmares?" Kyrie pouts. "I wish God would take my nightmares away."

"I know." Christine strokes Kyrie's hair. "But, we have a meeting with Pastor Jacob tomorrow! Won't that be fun? Maybe he can help. But, he'll be very disappointed if he finds out you haven't been praying! So, come on."


Kyrie sighs and kneels beside the bed next to her mother. Christine prays in silence, squinting and tilting her head when she hears a strange song coming from some distant, unknown place. Fascinated, she quiets her own breathing just for a better listen. Utterly rapt, her body sways along to the soft, entrancing rhythm.

Let this song of darkness and stars

Take you to another realm

Free from all your burdens and scars

Fall like moonbeams on the elm

Into sleep as sweet as nectar

Flowing from a dream beyond

A lullaby you won't remember

Cast asleep until the dawn

Christine's eyes flutter closed, and she slumps forward on the bed.

"Mommy?" Kyrie opens her eyes. She gives Christine a light shake. "Huh..."

A yellow glow catches Kyrie's eye. She turns and shrieks when she sees Elle floating outside the window.

Elle knocks on the glass. "Good evening! Let me in."

"Mommy!" Kyrie gasps and shakes Christine as hard as she can. "Mommy, Mommy wake up! Look! Look look look, she's real! It wasn't a dream, look! Wake up, please!"

Another woman's voice speaks from outside. "I could break it open."

"Who's there?" Kyrie panics, wide-eyed, thumping Christine with her fists. "Go away! Get away from us! Mommy!! Wake up!"

"You are being very rude, Kyrie." Elle frowns. "You cannot wake her. I invited my friend along. If you would be a good girl and open the window, I could introduce you. I would prefer not to discipline you in front of company."


The new voice speaks again. "I thought you said she was broken."

"No, I said I broke her in." Elle sighs and gestures at the window. "I'm terribly sorry for her lack of manners. Would you mind...?"

"Sure." There is a rhythmic thumping noise. "Skin and bone, fist of stone, let me in, this, uh, home!"

Her fist smashes through the window, sending shards of glass tinkling to the floor before unlocking it and pulling it open.

Elle floats inside, followed by her friend. "Now look at this mess you made, Kyrie. Is this how you greet a guest? Kyrie, this is Leia. Leia, Kyrie."

Leia waves cheerfully. "Hey."

Leia is a muscular woman with solid yellow eyes and hair. She has skin as black as dark charcoal, one large black wing on her right shoulder, and a crooked black halo floating above her head. She occasionally adjusts its position, only for it to slide to one side a moment later. She is barely clothed at all, wearing only a skimpy white top and matching thong with yellow trim. Her breasts are bigger than Elle's, and spill out of her top. She is a few inches taller than Elle, striking an imposing figure. One of her thong's straps is snapped, but it's still stretched very tight around a hefty bulge. She has a bulky build, wide hips, and broad shoulders, but elegant, soft facial features, and alluring crimson lips.

Kyrie screams and runs away. She races down the hall, flings open the door to her room, and scrambles under her bed. She covers her mouth, trying to control her breathing.

Elle floats in after her. "Hmm, where could she be? What do you think, Leia?"

"Under here?" Leia easily lifts Kyrie's bed up with one hand. "Hey, look at that."

Elle grabs Kyrie's wrist and yanks her off the ground. Leia sets her bed back down and Elle throws her on it. She pulls her pajama bottoms down and gives her ass a hard spank.

"You leave me no choice but to punish you. You're getting five spankings on the butt for breaking the window, and five on the cunny for your bad manners!"

Leia smirks with amusement as Elle administers Kyrie's punishment. Kyrie wails and screams in pain and fear after each painful crack of Elle's hand against her body. After the five butt spanks, Elle flips Kyrie on her back and pulls her pajamas and panties off. Kyrie covers herself with her hands and clenches her thighs closed.

"No, no, no!" Kyrie cries. "Please don't, please..."

"Would you prefer six spankings? Leia, would you please hold her leg?"

Tears stream down Kyrie's face as her legs are forced wide open. She is totally helpless with her little ankles and wrists pinned to the bed. She squeals in shock when Elle hits her pussy with a moist smack.

"Wet already?" Elle smiles slightly. "Hmm... Maybe your manners aren't as bad as I thought. Good girl. I'll give you one less spanking."

Kyrie burns red with shame as she gets wetter with each slap. Elle and Leia's bulges grow as they finish the punishment.

"Now, are you ready to behave?"

Kyrie nods, clutching between her legs and sobbing quietly.

"Good. Say hello to Leia."

Kyrie rubs her eyes and huffs. "Hello."

Leia chuckles. "Nice to meet ya Kyrie, Elle told me all about you. Said you're great at uh... games."

"I don't like Elle's games." Kyrie mumbles, staring at the floor. "Please don't hurt me anymore."

"Do as you're told, and we won't have to, little angel." Elle adjusts Kyrie's hair. "Now, be polite and offer to suck her cock."