Woodbridge International

After school finished, everyone converged inside the dressing room. They had already seen the starting lineup. Alexis was named on the bench and Trey was starting out of position. He was going to play on the right flank.

When Alexis saw the starting lineup, he was a bit disappointed. There wasn't anyone who stuck to instructions as much as him during training. He was still trying to adjust himself so that he could play how Xavier wanted him to but he was still one of the best players in training. Most importantly, he was the only attacking midfielder in the squad. David could play there too, but that wasn't his natural position. It was only after he saw the formation that he calmed diwn down.

It was a 4-4-2 formation, he wouldn't really be of much help unless he played as a second striker, next to the center forward. It didn't seem as it Xavier was going to take that approach though, it was two out and out strikers up front. Alexis deduced that it was a 4-2-4 formation disguised as a 4-4-2.

They didn't do much of anything that day. Xavier just quized them about the tactics that he had explained. After that, he released them and told them to rest and prepare for the next day.

"Are you going back home?" Trey asked Alexis as they were walking out of the school's premises. "I was thinking that we could go to the park and play some football. I know Xavier said not to exert ourselves but fuck that, fuck him, fuck you, fuck me, fuck everyone".

Alexis chuckled when he heard that. "No. I'm actually going somewhere today".

Trey raised an eyebrow at that statement causing Alexis to burst out laughing. "What the fuck is that look supposed to mean?"

"It's just strange". Trey said. "All of a sudden the loner has a social life".

Alexis shrugged. Trey left him after a few more words and headed to the park. Alexis looked at Trey and shook his head.

He turned towards the opposite direction and went to a coffee shop nearby. He was going to meet Anne today. After they reunited about a week ago, they had been meeting up randomly. It was nice for Alexis, to have someone that he could talk with. Even though he considered Trey a friend, they weren't that close. His mum had been very busy with work recently, she had been coming home later then usual and leaving for work earlier than usual. That left Anne as the only suitable candidate in his small social circle.

That being said, he wasn't emotionally attracted to her. She was nice to talk to, a very good friend, a free therapist but that was where it all ended. He, unlike many others, drew a big red line that he knew not to cross.

"Do you have to look so grumpy every time?". Anne said as she sat down opposite him.

"This is me trying to look nice". Akexis's lips twitched.

"I can only imagine what it's like when you're actually upset". Anne commented.

"Let's hope we never get to see that". Alexis said jokingly. "So what's up? You asked to meet".

"Yeah. I just saw that you are playing against my school team tomorrow?" Anne said. "So I came here to sabotage you?"

Alexis scoffed. "Wouldn't even matter. I'm not starting". He said. "I don't imagine that a bench player is going to affect the game much".

Anne stated at him for a few moments before bursting into laughter. "So the next Leonardo Massi can't even start for his school team".

Alexis rolled his eyes. "I'm to good for them is all. I decided to hide my skills because I didn't want to make anyone look bad".

"Sure". Anne said. "Let's go with that. It definitely isn't because you're absolute pile of shit player".

Like that the evening passed. The both of them talked, took jabs at each other until eventually it was time to go.

"Don't worry, I'll pay". Anne said as Alexis reached out to grab the bill.

"I'm the man here. I have to pay". Alexis said. He felt that his 'masculine pride' was being challenged. He actually didn't really care about it though, it was just simple etiquette for him as a male. If you took a girl to lunch then you had to be prepared to pay the bills.

"I'm rich". Anne said.

'Can't argue with that'

"Alright then, suit yourself".

"So cheap. You couldn't even put up more of a fight". Anne rolled her eyes.

"You wanted to spend money on me". Alexis smiled. "Who am I to stop you?"

Alexis went straight home after he parted ways with Anne. He didn't even bother to think about Xavier and his tactics. He just collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.

The next day, Alexis woke up very early and went to the park. He played around with his football for a bit then went back home and prepared for school.

Classes seemed to be a bit slow that day for Alexis and everyone else in the football team. As soon as classes finished, they went over to the locker room. Their jerseys were already washed and neatly folded. Everyone picked a jersey that had the number of the position they were playing. Since it was just a friendly, the jersey numbers weren't official. For someone like Alexis who was on the bench, he didn't have a traditional jersey number hence he ended up with the number 19 Jersey.

Xavier walked in soon after and started to give them a pep talk. Well… sort of, it was more like silver coated insults. A few minutes later, a referee came over to inform them that the match would start in ten minutes.

Five minutes later, everyone left the dressing room and walked over to the match tunnel. Alexis and everyone else on the bench walked out in advance and went to go and sit down.

Alexis looked across the field and saw the bench players of Woodbridge International. After sizing them up for a bit, he turned his attention away from them. They didn't look so tough.

Two minutes later, the two teams walked out of the match tunnel… The match had started!