The Hard Truth


"... after an ACL injury."

Alexis stared intently at Xavier when he heard the latter half of his sentence. He couldn't believe it—he was shocked that Xavier knew all about him. Everything Omari told him made him realize he was a lot more famous than he had realized.

"You don't seem surprised? That's surprising," Xavier mumbled. "Anyway, not everyone gets an ACL injury and plays football as well as you. It's almost as if you're better than before you got the injury." Xavier furrowed his brows. "Anyway, that's why I recommended you to Nick. If you recover that fast and you're already improving, then you're one hell of a talent."

"Thank you, coach." Alexis smiled. "It means more than you know."

"Enough with the mushy stuff," Xavier shrugged and increased his pace, causing Alexis to do the same so he wouldn't get left behind. The pair continued walking for about ten minutes.