The Fight Against... Haram Ball

The weekend passed peacefully for Alexis. He trained with Omari in the park early in the morning and found himself quite idle for the rest of the day. He managed to pass time by watching various matches on the weekend, but it wasn't entirely entertaining to him. While he could sit through matches containing English Premier League big-boys like Manchester Blue and London Red, he also had to sit through boring fixtures like Wolverhampton Orange versus Liverpool Blue.

The next week couldn't come quickly enough for him, he didn't even like going to school, but he was happy to do anything that would get him out of the house and going somewhere, even if it meant going back to that valley of the shadow of death.

As usual, he walked down to the locker room immediately he got to school for the morning session. It was only when he saw the empty locker room, he realized that he came a tad too early to school.
