Side Story: Rank 4 Obsidian Scorpion Monster

"Everyone! Just keep moving towards the Soldiers Outpost Town!"

...Okay, Mr. Kole!...

"Kupfer, can you still keep up?"

"Don't worry about me, Nerna-sama. I can run just fine while carrying Birini in my back."

"Acier-chan, please focus on protecting Kupfer and Birini in case the monster catches up to us."

"Don't jinx us with that kind of situation, Nerna-sama!"

During the fight of the Dwarf Cat-eared Elf and the Neo Heroes against the Rank 4 Blade Reaper Monster, other groups of Adventurers Party also encounter a Rank 4 monster at the border of the rock trench area and forest area of the Forest Valley Dungeon while heading towards the Soldiers Outpost Town.

The Iron Rank Adventurers Party Oreo Sky includes Kole, a Swordmaster, Ebom, a Shieldbearer, Auryn, an Archer, and Tawny, a Healer.

The Bronze Rank Adventurers Party Aurikal Sword includes Nerna Isenzand, a Sorceress, Acier, another Sorcerers, Birini, a Swordmaster, and Kupfer, a War-axe master.

The two groups of Adventurers Party coincidentally meet at the resting point near the border of the rock trench area Outer-Layer and forest area Middle-Layer.

Both groups decided to take a break for their breakfast at the resting point without knowing that a Rank 4 Obsidian Scorpion Monster was hiding at the top of the rock trench, waiting to ambush any unlucky Adventurers who would pass by its new hunting ground.

The 3-meter big Obsidian Scorpion Monster blended its Mana at the Land Attribute of the rock trench, which is why both groups were unable to detect its presence.

Then the Obsidian Scorpion Monster uses its Stinger skill and shoots both the Oreo Sky and the Aurikal Sword with multiple poisoned stingers.

Most of them were able to avoid serious injury, but Birini, who jumped in front of Nerna and Acier to protect the two girls, was pierced by the half-meter-long stingers in his stomach. The same thing happened to one of the members of Oreo Sky. The Archer, Auryn, was unable to react fast enough to dodge the stinger attack.

In response to the ambush attack of the Obsidian Scorpion Monster, the Oreo Sky and Aurikal Sword retreated inside the forest area of the Middle-Layer. That gave them enough time to drink their Poison Resistance Potion and apply some first-aid healing to both Birini and Auryn.

It also gives them a few seconds to run away from the Obsidian Scorpion Monster which leads to their current situation.

However, the monster, who already marks two of its prey, won't let its food escape easily.


The Obsidian Scorpion Monster appeared in front, blocking their path towards the Soldiers Outpost Town.

"How did this monster get ahead of us?!"

"That's not important now, Ebom. What matters is that we need to protect everyone from that monster."

Kole, the leader of Oreo Sky and Ebom, stands in front of the younger group of Aurikal Sword to act as Vanguard.

"Everyone! We're going to fight the Obsidian Scorpion Monster. We don't need to defeat it, we just have to deal enough damage so the Obsidian Scorpion Monster won't be able to chase us."

At Kole's Instructions, Kupfer puts down the unconscious Birini on the ground together with Auryn, who is also unconscious. Then Tawny cast a Magic Barrier to protect both of them.

"Tawny, just focus on protecting and healing both Auryn and Birini."

"I know! But I'm a Healer so don't expect that I can protect both of them and myself if you let that monster attack us, Kole"

"Don't worry, we won't let that happen. Kupfer, I need you to join us in front. Nerna and Acier, you will be our support. Just focus on using long-range Magic attack."


Nerna, Acier, and Kupfer take their position together with Kole and Ebom. And at Kole's signal, they begin their attack on the Rank 4 Obsidian Scorpion Monster.

"Isenzand Magic - Iron Javelins..."

"Wind Blade Barrage..."

Nerna and Acier cast their offensive Magic skill toward the Obsidian Scorpion Monster. They know that their attack won't be able to penetrate the armored shell of the monster but the purpose of their attacks is only to divert its attention.

"Sword Art Wind Form - Gale Blade..."

"Shield Art - Shield Bash..."

"War-axe Art Flame Form - Burning Cleave..."

Kole uses his Sword, aiming to cut the left pincer of the Obsidian Scorpion Monster, while Edom charges with his giant shield, blocking the right pincer of that monster, which was aiming to attack Kole.

With the opening that Kole and Edom made with their attacks, Kupfer charged straight towards the head of the Obsidian Scorpion and swung his War-axe aiming to cleave its head in two.

All of their attacks managed to hit their target but they were unable to damage the Obsidian Scorpion Monster. After all, the monster uses its Mana to enhance its armored shell and withstand the attacks.


"Damn it!... It's casting a Magic skill. Edom, Kupfer, brace yourself..."




After the Obsidian Scorpion Monster withstands all of the attacks, it uses its Land Attribute Magic skill, the Gravity Wave skill, to blow Kupfer, Kole, and Edom and knock them unconscious.

Now, all that's left to defend everyone are Nerna, Acier, and Tawny.

"Nerna-sama, let's run inside the Middle-Layer and escape."

"Huh?... What are you saying, Acier-chan?! We can't abandon the Oreo Sky and we can't leave Kupfer and Birini! They are our friends! Your friends!"

Nerna raised her voice and got mad at what Acier said.

...How could she ever think of abandoning the Oreo Sky when they fought to protect our group? How could she ever think of leaving our friends behind?...

As those thoughts came to Nerna's mind, Acier once again spoke of what she was willing to sacrifice just to fulfill the obligation given to her.

"I know! But even before they were my friends and even before I became your friend, I was already your retainer! I won't let you die here today!"

Nerna was surprised by what Acier said. When she looked at her, Nerna saw the determination in Acier's eyes to do what she said. She also saw the tears flowing from her eyes as she bit her lips trying to stop herself from crying.

Her legs are trembling as she does her best to stay standing in the dire situation they're facing, and her hands are trembling, clenching at her Sorceress Staff.

Acier is afraid. She doesn't want to leave her friends. She doesn't want to abandon the people who protected them even though they barely know them. But she will throw and forget all of those just to make sure that her Lady will survive, that Nerna won't die here today.

Nerna realize that she was wrong to raise her voice and get mad at Acier. To think that she could easily abandon everyone. But even though Acier is determined to secure Nerna's safety, that is not something Nerna could do.

After all, she's not just a Lady of a Viscount Noble. She is also an Adventurer, just like everyone else.


Acier was confused as Nerna stepped forward to face the Obsidian Scorpion Monster. She took her stance and readied her Magic Sword as she prepared to cast the Magic skill passed down to her lineage.

"Please stop, Nerna-sama!..."

"I'm sorry, Acier-chan but I won't abandon

my friends. After all, that is not something the Black Elf Sorceress would do... Isenzand Magic - Iron Javelins..."


Nerna created hundreds of Iron Javelins using the iron sand that was inside the Storage skill of her Magic Sword then shot all of it towards the Obsidian Scorpion Monster. The monster withstands her attack by simply enhancing its armored shell using its Mana.

Nerna's attack may seem to be futile but it was only a preparation for her next Magic skill.

"Isenzand Magic - Iron Chain..."

Using the iron sand from the Iron Javelins that were lying on the ground around the Obsidian-Scorpion Monster, Nerna created a series of Iron Chains to restrain the movement of the monster.

She charges straight toward the Obsidian Scorpion Monster while it is still unable to move its pincers and aims its tail to shoot her with poison stingers.

If she could pierce the Obsidian Scorpion Monster with her Magic Sword then she would be able to use another of her Magic skill to destroy the inside of the monster and win this fight.





But before she could reach the Obsidian Scorpion Monster, the monster broke her Iron Chains with its brute strength and used another Gravity Wave skill to knock her back.



"Isenzand Magic - Iron Sheild..."

"Prism Barrier..."

After its Gravity Wave skill, the Obsidian Scorpion Monster uses its Stinger skill and shoots multiple poisoned stingers at Nerna. Luckily, her Iron Sheild skill and Acier's Prism Barrier skill withstand the attack of the monster.

"Nerna-sama, please stop already. There's no way you can defeat that monster all by yourself. You need to leave this place and save yourself..."

"I won't abandon my friends and everyone else, Acier-chan!!!..."


"It's fine, Ms. Nerna. You and Ms. Acier should leave this place while I distract that monster's attention."

"What are you saying, Mr. Tawny? You're a Healer, not a fighter. There's no way you can survive fighting that monster alone."

"Don't worry about me. Besides, I can't let children like you die in front of me."


Acier grabbed Nerna's left hand trying to drag her away and escape. But even though Acier is doing that, Nerna can feel the regret in Acier's trembling hands and that she doesn't want to abandon everyone else.

Nerna held Acier's trembling hands and told her the thing that she wanted and didn't want to hear at the same time.

"Don't worry Acier-chan. We're going to save everyone."

"Nerna-sama, please..."

After saying those words, Nerna pulled her hand from Acier's hand and stepped in front to face the Rank 4 Obsidian Scorpion Monster again.

"Acier-chan, Mr. Tawny, I need both of you to protect me with your Magic Barrier so I can get close to that monster."

Understanding her resolve to not abandon anyone else, Acier can only agree with her Lady's request.

"Isenzand Magic - Iron Blade..."

Nerna enhanced the blade of her Magic Sword and charged straight toward the Obsidian Scorpion Monster.



The monster used its Stinger skill again and shot multiple poisoned stingers at her, but Nerna didn't even bother to evade it because she trusted that Acier and Tawny were going to protect her.

"Prism Barrier..."

"Water Barrier..."

The Magic Barriers that appear in front of Nerna withstand the Stinger skill.

Seeing its stringers getting blocked, the Obsidian Scorpion Monster charged straight toward its prey.

Nerna readied her Magic Sword to pierce the monster. But even before they could both reach each other, someone stood between them and stopped the Obsidian Scorpion's charge.

"Shield Art - Shield Bash..."

Ebom rammed his giant shield at the head of the Obsidian Scorpion Monster and successfully stopped its charge.

"Sword Art Wind Form - Gale Blade..."

"War-axe Art Flame Form - Burning Cleave..."

Kole and Kupfer attack aiming at both the Obsidian Scorpion's pincers so that the monster won't be able to attack Nerna.

...Nerna! Finish this monster now!...


Nerna jumped as high as she could and readied her Magic Sword aiming to pierce Obsidian Scorpion Monster from the top of its body.



"Prism Barrier..."

"Water Barrier..."

The Obsidian Scorpion Monster tried to shoot its stingers at Nerna but all of it was blocked by Acier and Tawny's Magic Barrier.

Using the force of her fall, Nerna stabs her Magic Sword, aiming to pierce the armored shell of the Obsidian Scorpion Monster.


But everything didn't go exactly she planned.

Nerna Magic Sword only managed to break a small portion of the Obsidian Scorpion's armored shell before it snapped in half.




After Nerna's attack failed, the Obsidian Scorpion Monster used its Stinger skill to aim at her. Acier and Tawny used their Magic Barrier to protect her. But since she was so close to its tail where its stingers were coming out, one of its stingers managed to penetrate the Magic Barriers and stab Nerna in the stomach.

"Huff!... Cough!... Huff!..."

Nerna was left kneeling at the back of the Obsidian Scorpion Monster, coughing blood and breathing heavily because of her injury while still holding her broken Magic Sword in her right hand.


If only she had a Magic Sword made from a Rank 4 or higher Monster Materials.

If only she had something that could pierce the armored shell of the Obsidian Scorpion Monster.

Something as sturdy as its armored skin.

"Fufufu!... That's right... I already have something like that... You gave it to me for free and stabbed it in my stomach!"


Acier watches as her Lady holds the half-meter-long stringer that was stabbed in her stomach and pulls it out all at once.


The pain almost made Nerna faint but she managed to remain conscious simply because she needed to.

After pulling the stinger, Nerna stabbed it at the small broken armored shell that her Magic Sword did break. Then she used the stinger as a lever to completely tear off a portion of the armored shell, enough to stab her broken Magic Sword inside the Obsidian Scorpion's body.


The Obsidian Scorpion Monster tried to stop Nerna by shooting another of its stingers but the monster was too late. After all, Nerna just needs to cast her Magic skill after stabbing the monster on its back.

"Isenzand Magic - Iron Maiden!!!..."


From the inside of its body, hundreds of iron spikes came out piercing the Obsidian Scorpion Monster from inside out.


The Obsidian Scorpion Monster collapsed on the ground as Nerna fell from its back.



"Huff!... Did you see that... cough!... Acier-chan?"

"Stop talking!... Sob... You're bleeding out in your stomach!... Sob..."

"We won... We defeated a Rank 4 monster... We save everyone... Acier-chan..."

"Sob... I said stop talking while I'm healing your wound!... Sob..."