Backstory 3: Looking For Forgiveness

"Why did you call us today, Boss-Zaku?"

"Do we have a new mission?"

"Is the Zaku-Syndicate finally coming out of the shadow?"

"Is the Zaku-No. finally coming back?"

"Ehh?... I still haven't washed my gear."

"What?... Have you used it lately?"

"No! I mean, I haven't washed it since we stopped wearing it."

"Ehh?... You left it uncleaned for over a year?"

"It's inside my Item Bag, so it's fine, right?"

"Yeah. It's fine along with the dirt and stains that you didn't wash."


Fourteen members of the Zaku-Syndicate have gathered at their hideout. That includes Boss-Zaku and the thirteen numbers of the ZakuNo.. Except for Lady-Zaku, Princess-Zaku, and Fake-Zaku, everyone is here today.

Twelve of them are sitting on their chair while Boss-Zaku is sitting in front and Zaku-No.1 is standing by her side in front of them.


"Calm down, everyone!"