He is ready to kill the 4 breast devil.(18+)

Rest you will be sensible. What will happen to you in future If you don't listen to us., If you listen to us then we will keep fulfilling all your wishes.I like your nature very much. Your nature is so good that I want nothing to happen to you.So, it will be good for you to follow your water rules and live your life the way you want.If you don't do this at all then you will be tormented so much that you won't be able to even think about that thing.

Whatever I said was for your good, the rest is up to you. Do you want to ruin your life or do you want to live the good life you have got? Juke asked to Ren..

You people want me to become your servant. This is not acceptable to me. Ren replied angrily.

You are talking about a servant. Just think what a miserable life you were living in your world. Did you have any respect there? Did you have any value there?,You were living a life worse than a dog. We have given you such a good life. Why are you still not understanding that,It is either you listen to us or ruin your life. I tried to explain to you as much as I could but you are not ready to understand.

Answer me yes or no right now. Juke Asked to Ren.

[Then Ren went into very deep thought.]

He calmed down his anger and started thinking peacefully. Well if you look at it this way then Juke is right. I have never even dreamt of the life that I am living now, I don't know about the rest, but this life is very good for me, I don't want to lose this life.[Just think about it for once-I get to eat good food, and I enjoy fucking women more than eating. Having sex with women has become my favorite thing ever since I fucked Luka's pussy.]

(And I know you people also like this, that is why you are still reading this novel, am I right?)

I should follow their orders, maybe there is some good in it, what is the bad in it, I will come under their control and in return I will get whatever I want. But I don't know why I'm feeling so nervous and scared.Maybe I have to fight the devil, that's why I am scared, what if I die while fighting with him.Thinking all this he became so scared that sweat started dripping from his face.

Hhh??? He trembled. Because Juke asked him again what is your decision.He was lost in deep thoughts and that is why he shivered suddenly.

I am asking you for the last time whether your answer is yes or no. If your answer is yes then I am very happy for you. Or If your answer is no then be ready to face the consequences. Juke asked to Ren.

Before I give you my answer, I need some answers from you. Ren replied to juke.

Okay, ask me what you want to ask. I will answer all your questions. Juke said.

If I agree to what you say, what is the guarantee that I will get everything I want in return? Ren asked.

So you think I'm lying to you, Till now you have been given everything that you like and in the future too you will be given everything that you like, but for that you will have to obey our orders. Juke replied.

Well, I trust you. But I want to know one thing from you, because of which I am very tensed.

When I go to fight the Devil, what is the guarantee that I will defeat her?,I might even die. What were you thinking when you gave me this opportunity, friend? I was living my life to the fullest as I was getting in my world. I am feeling very good after coming here. No doubt, but my life has come in horrific danger after coming here. I never thought I would have to do this later in my life. These last few days have been so strange for me, no one can think about these things.I just want to know from you what is the guarantee that I will win it from the table, I can even lose my life. Ren asked very nervously to juke.

What you say is also correct, But you will think that if you have been brought into this world, then they must have seen some good quality in you, that is why they have taken you into this world.You are a very best hunter for us. We found you out from among millions of people's.

You still not realize how capable you are.You yourself are seeing how much increment is happening in your levels You haven't even seen your super power yet, you are just controlling humans.Now you are going to have a lot of fun in this adventure.

[Even before you, a hunter was brought here.He fought and won against three devils and gave us three gems.But unfortunately he refuses to fight the fourth devil.Due to this act of his, he was tortured in a way that no human being can even imagine. Instead of torturing, a human being would wish to die.]

Ahhhh, we have deviated from the topic, I will tell you about it some other day.

Trust me, you will definitely win the fight against that devil, you are very capable.Every time you kill devils your powers will increase.

Once you say yes, you will enjoy living this life yourself. Juke asked Ren

If I am getting what I want, then I have no problem with it. From my side, I am absolutely ready to kill the devil. Ren replied to juke

Oh, this is what I was expecting from you.