Chapter 043: Professor X Stands Again!

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"Professor Xavier, to be honest, it was a twist of fate that led me to this opportunity," Helen explained with a touch of exasperation as she looked at Professor X.

"There's no easy way to explain it without sounding like a madwoman."

The concept of something like the Devil Fruits was so outlandish that it stretched beyond the bounds of what most people could comprehend—it sounded almost like a fairy tale. 

Given her expertise in the field of bio-nanotechnology and the creation of the Regeneration Cradle, a cutting-edge device designed to repair the human body, it was far easier for others to believe that her success stemmed from science rather than something as fantastical as Devil Fruits.

Even though Helen Cho's "healing" process was entirely done with her bare hands, people naturally defaulted to explanations they could understand. Some even suspected she might be a mutant.

"Now you've really piqued my curiosity, Dr. Cho. Please, go ahead," Professor X said, his eyes gleaming with interest.

Xavier already had some idea of what was going on. After all, Oak had filled him in about the whole Devil Fruit story. So he wasn't approaching the subject with doubt but genuine intrigue.

Helen led Professor X into the research center's lounge and gestured for him to sit. After having coffee brought in for Professor X and Hank, she began her tale.

"Professor Xavier, I didn't use bio-nanotechnology to heal Oak. Yes, I could have used the Regeneration Cradle to restore his legs, but it wouldn't have been so efficient or perfect. Although the Cradle has broken through some technical barriers, it's far from flawless. There's still a long way to go."

"The real tool I used to heal Oak was something called a Devil Fruit."

"A Devil Fruit?" Professor X raised an eyebrow. "That sounds fascinating, Dr. Cho. Please continue."

Encouraged by his lack of skepticism, Helen continued, "These fruits grant extraordinary powers to those who eat them. I consumed a Devil Fruit called the Heal-Heal Fruit, which gave me the ability to heal others."

"A fruit that bestows superhuman abilities? It's hard to believe such things exist," Professor X remarked, intrigued.

"Professor Xavier, you… believe me?" Helen was surprised. She had explained Devil Fruits to many people before, but no one had ever believed her so readily. It made her wonder if Professor X was simply humoring her.

She had no idea about Professor X's powers. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so surprised.

"Well," Professor X smiled warmly, "I can tell when someone is lying, and Dr. Cho, you are telling the truth."

"Thank you for trusting me, Professor," Helen replied, startled but genuinely touched.

"You're very welcome, Dr. Cho. I'm counting on you," Professor X replied, a look of expectation crossing his face as he set down his coffee. "Now, shall we begin?"

"Okay!" Helen nodded, then turned to Hank. "Mr. McCoy, could you kindly bring the professor over here?"

"Of course!" Hank nodded politely and wheeled Professor X to a more open space.

Helen stood before the Professor, placing her hands on his shoulders with a confident smile. "This will only take a few minutes, Professor. It'll be quick."

As Helen began to activate her power, Xavier felt an odd mix of emotions. After being paralyzed for so many years, he had long come to terms with his condition, a sense of resignation born from hopelessness. But now, with the possibility of walking again, hope surged within him. 

It was the kind of hope that made him feel anxious, excited, and afraid all at once—like a student nervously awaiting exam results.

The mere three minutes felt like an eternity.

"It's done, Professor,"

Helen's voice snapped him back to reality. He took a deep breath and immediately felt something—a sensation he hadn't experienced in years.

His legs.

"This... this…"

He was at a loss for words, his face flushed with excitement. He gripped the armrests of his wheelchair and slowly—hesitantly—stood up.

"Professor, you're standing!" Hank gasped, tears welling in his eyes.

Through every triumph and setback, Hank had been by Xavier's side since the First Class. To see Xavier stand once more was an emotional moment for him, especially knowing firsthand how Xavier had lost his mobility.

"Yes, Hank, I'm standing!" Professor X exclaimed joyfully, taking a couple of tentative steps. Walking was a long-forgotten sensation, but it felt real.

Thanks to Helen's perfect healing, even his long-atrophied muscles had been restored, enabling him to walk immediately.

"This is unbelievable! Absolutely unbelievable! Dr. Cho, is this truly the power of the Devil Fruits? It's miraculous!" Professor X marveled in awe.

Though he had witnessed Oak's recovery, experiencing it firsthand was something entirely different.

"Congratulations, Professor Xavier, on standing once more," Helen said, smiling warmly as she extended her congratulations.

The smile of a healed patient was the true source of her strength.

"Thank you, Dr. Cho," Professor X said sincerely. "I never dared to believe I'd ever walk again."

"Uh, Professor," Hank interjected softly, "Do you want Dr. Cho to fix your hair too?"

Professor X: "..."


Next Chapter: He Gained Hair but Lost His Soul

Next Next Chapter: A Perfect Match

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