Chapter 073: The Imminent Crisis

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Hope quickly stowed away the real Yellowjacket Suit, doing her best to suppress her excitement. She then pulled out the counterfeit she had prepared in advance. She placed the fake suit back inside the metallic cylinder using her Liquid-Liquid Fruit ability.

"Perfect," she murmured, thoroughly satisfied as she inspected her handiwork with the X-ray glasses. The mission was complete. From start to finish, she hadn't left a trace, nor had she triggered any alarms or security systems. 

To any outside observer, Hope had never been there, and the Yellowjacket Suit hadn't been stolen. Unless Darren Cross decided to inspect the Yellowjacket Suit one day, no one would ever know the difference. And Cross had no reason to randomly check the suit.

It had been the perfect operation.

"Hank, are you ready? I'm heading out!" Hope's voice was brimming with confidence as she spoke into her comm.

"Just waiting on you!" Hank Pym's voice crackled in her ear.

Without hesitation, Hope took a step forward and vanished from the lab. Thanks to her Liquid-Liquid Fruit powers and Hank's expert support, Hope managed to leave Cross Technologies just as smoothly as she had infiltrated it. No one noticed anything amiss, and both she and Hank made it back home without a hitch.

Everything had gone off without a single complication.

"Hank, I can't believe it! We really pulled it off!" Hope exclaimed excitedly as they sat in the living room, staring at the Yellowjacket Suit placed in the center of the table.

"Yes, we really did. I can't tell you how long I've waited for this day," Hank couldn't hide his own excitement either.

"Cross has been trying to sell the Yellowjacket Suit for years. Back when I was on the board, I always managed to stop him, but now… oh, I'd love to see his face when he finds out it's a fake!" Hope nearly burst out laughing at the thought.

"I bet it'll be priceless," Hank chuckled.

However, after a few moments of light-hearted banter, Hope's expression grew serious. "But Hank, Cross will figure it out eventually. When he does, he'll come after us."

Hank's smile faded, and he nodded, his demeanor turning somber as well. He knew his daughter was right.

"Yes, he will," Hank replied grimly. As flawless as their operation had been, he knew Darren Cross well enough to understand that it didn't matter. Cross had always suspected Hank of trying to steal back the Yellowjacket Suit, and once the theft was discovered, Hank would be his prime suspect.

Cross wasn't the type to play nice. When the time came, he'd resort to extreme measures, putting both Hank and Hope in danger.

"Hank, we need to prepare for what's coming," Hope urged, her face tense with concern. She is fully aware of the threat Cross poses. He would stop at nothing; without adequate defense, they stood no chance.

Her gaze fell upon the Yellowjacket Suit lying before them. "This time, you can't stop me, Hank."

Hope had asked many times before to inherit Hank's Ant-Man suit, but he had always refused. He'd rather recruit an ex-convict than let his own daughter take on the role. Though Hope had always acted angry, deep down, she knew it was because Hank was trying to protect her. He didn't want to put her in danger.

Infiltrating Cross Technologies had been an incredibly dangerous mission, even for someone wearing the Ant-Man Suit.

But now, things were different. They wouldn't have to break into Cross's company again, but in the near future, Cross would likely make a move against them. With these factors in mind, Hope saw no other solution but the Yellowjacket Suit. There was no way out of this predicament without it.

Hank knew this, too.

However, Hank had more to consider. His wife, Janet, the original Wasp, had died because of her role as a superhero. Hank didn't want his daughter to follow in her footsteps. He wanted her to stay far away from this dangerous world. However, Hope had made a valid point. Cross would inevitably come for them, and they were defenseless without some form of protection.

Hank found himself in a deep internal conflict.

"Hank! Please! There's no other way!" Hope slammed her hand on the table, her frustration evident as she watched her father hesitate.

"No, no, Hope, there's always another way." Hank shook his head instinctively. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind, and he slapped his thigh in realization. "The Devil Fruit! Doesn't that give people superpowers? You could buy more Devil Fruits and gain additional abilities!"

His eyes brightened as the idea took shape. "Yes, that's it! We'll get more Devil Fruits!"

"Hank, I'm afraid that's not possible. A person can only eat one Devil Fruit. If they eat a second, their body will explode," Hope explained, shaking her head. She had learned this from the information provided in the guidebook, so there was no need for Rosh to explain it to her.

"Oh, I see…" Hank sighed, visibly disappointed.

It seemed that they couldn't rely on the Devil Fruits after all. Although Hope already had a superpower, Hank wasn't convinced that the ability to turn objects into water would be particularly useful in their current predicament.

"Fine!" Hank finally sighed after a long silence, clenching his teeth as he made a decision. Even though he didn't want Hope to follow the same path as her mother and become the second Wasp, he couldn't deny her the means to protect herself.

Besides, if Hope only wore the suit and didn't join S.H.I.E.L.D., she wouldn't be sent on dangerous missions like Janet had been. That meant Hope wouldn't have to face the same risks her mother had.

Having made his decision, Hank stood up. "Hope, come with me."

Without asking any questions, Hope rose to her feet, trailing behind her father as they wound through the house, turning corners until they finally reached the basement.

Here, Hank led her into an underground storage area.


Next Chapter: The Wasp's Early Emergence

Next Next Chapter: The Mini-Mini Fruit

Next Next Next Chapter: Elektra Returns

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