Chapter 090: I'm A Laser Man!

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As expected, the first to show up was Deadpool, the perennial chatterbox of the group.

Wade Wilson: "Shaun Lee? Whoa, it looks like we've got another friend from China—just like the Shopkeeper! Shaun, I feel like you and I could really hit it off. I have some excellent suggestions on the whole 'seeking pleasure' thing."

Wade Wilson: "On second thought, we'll skip that. But tell me, Shaun, since you're from China, does everyone there know kung fu? Like Bruce Lee-style kung fu?"

Vanessa: "Hello, Mr. Lee, I'm Vanessa. Welcome! And by the way, that chatterbox up there is my husband."

Helen Cho: "Welcome, Mr. Shaun Lee! May I ask where you're from? I'm Helen Cho from South Korea."

Shaun Lee: "Thank you for the warm welcome! Wade's right; I am indeed from China. But I'm afraid I don't know any kung fu."

Charles Xavier: "China has a long history and rich culture. Mr. Lee, welcome! I'm Charles Xavier, a professor."

Michael Morbius: "Professor Xavier is being modest; he's actually a renowned scientist on genetic mutations. Hello, Mr. Lee, I'm Michael Morbius, but feel free to call me Michael or Morbius."

Charles Xavier: "Dr. Morbius is just as modest. By the way, Dr. Morbius is a Nobel Prize-winning scientist!"

Wade Wilson: "Oh, and me! I forgot to introduce myself earlier, didn't I? Well, I'm also a scientist! An expert in the field of… let's call it the 'study of human expiration.'"

Wade Wilson: "I can tell you all about being shot in the head, torn apart by gunfire, falling from heights, being blown to pieces, burned alive, having my head split open with an axe… I can give you insights on which death is the most painful and which is the most poetic…"

Vanessa: "Wade, shut up!"

Vanessa: "Apologies, Mr. Lee. Wade's mind isn't quite…normal. Please don't take him too seriously."

Shaun Lee: "No problem—I've met people with far stranger minds."

Shaun Lee: "And by the way, I just arrived in New York from China, so I don't know my way around. I'll be counting on everyone here to look out for me."

Shaun Lee: "Oh, and one more thing—I'm a Laser Man, having eaten the Laser Fruit. If anyone ever needs my help, just let me know!"

Of course, this "Laser-Laser Fruit" business was just Rosh's little fabrication to make his new persona, "Shaun Lee," seem more significant in the group. After all, a Laser-Laser Fruit sounded impressive. Compared to all other Devil Fruits sold, its potential ranked pretty high.

As expected, once Rosh revealed the fruit's name, the scientists in the group, like Helen Cho, Professor X, and Morbius, remained calm. However, Deadpool—and even the usually silent Kingpin—immediately focused on Shaun Lee with newfound interest.

Wade Wilson: "Whoa! The Laser-Laser Fruit! Shaun, does that mean you can shoot lasers from your eyes like Cyclops from X-Men!?"

Shaun Lee: "Not just from my eyes. I can fire lasers from any part of my body."

Shaun Lee: "If anyone here needs my help, please let me know. I'd love to contribute to our little family."

Vanessa: "That is so cool!"

Vanessa: "Wait…a Laser Man? Doesn't the Shopkeeper have the Glint-Glint Fruit that makes him a Light Man? Your powers seem pretty similar, Shaun."

Well, of course, they were similar—they were actually the same power. Rosh had simply tweaked his abilities a bit, switching photon blasts for concentrated laser beams and adjusting the photon frequency slightly to create a new effect. The "Laser Man" would now be Rosh's main identity when interacting with the group.

Shopkeeper: "That's right, Vanessa. Shaun's fruit is very similar to mine. In fact, the Glint-Glint Fruit is actually the superior version of the Laser-Laser Fruit."

Helen Cho: "A superior fruit? I think I understand, Shopkeeper. Laser beams are a form of light wave, after all."

Hope Van Dyne: "Sorry, just logged on! Did we get a new member? Welcome, welcome! I'm Hope Van Dyne. Nice to meet you, Mr. Lee."

Hope Van Dyne: "Wait a minute, the Laser-Laser Fruit? Shopkeeper, I don't remember seeing anything like that in the Devil Fruit catalog!"

Charles Xavier: "Indeed, when I bought my fruit, there was no mention of a Laser-Laser Fruit in the catalog. Has there been an update?"

Shopkeeper: "Yes, Professor Xavier. The shop recently added a Laser-Laser Fruit, and Shaun here quickly bought it."

Wilson Fisk: "Hello, Mr. Lee. I'm Wilson Fisk, and I'm very pleased to welcome you!"

With a smile, Rosh noted that Kingpin, who'd been lurking silently, had now joined the conversation. As it happened, Kingpin had been preparing a major move against The Hand, and Shaun might become a valuable ally for him.

Wilson Fisk: "Mr. Lee, since you're new in New York, I hope you're settling in well. I've been doing business here for many years. I wouldn't call myself overly successful, but I can handle certain matters."

Wilson Fisk: "If you need assistance with anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

Rosh's eyes lit up. This was exactly the response he'd been hoping for.

Shaun Lee: "Actually, I do have a small favor to ask everyone."

Shaun Lee: "Last night, I was attacked by a sniper. I'd like to know who he was. Could anyone here be able to help me find him?"

Wilson Fisk: "Leave it to me, Mr. Lee. I doubt anyone is better suited to handle this than I am."

Kingpin took on the request without a moment's hesitation. Given his extensive network in New York, he was indeed the best candidate for the job.


Next Chapter: S.H.I.E.L.D. Takes Notice

Next Next Chapter: Black Widow's Visit

Next Next Next Chapter: A Devil Fruit Tailored for Black Widow

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