Chapter 097: Threatening SHIELD

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Charles Xavier: "SHIELD is an intelligence agency under the U.N. Security Council. But it's not just any intelligence agency—it specializes in handling significant global events."

Wade Wilson: "Under the U.N.? Wow, that's serious business! I didn't expect Natasha to have such powerful connections. Now I'm feeling a bit nervous!"

Wade Wilson: "Agent Romanoff, I'm a guy who often tells dirty jokes here and, well, might 'drive in the fast lane' now and then.… You're not gonna arrest me for that, right?"

Michael Morbius: "Sounds like this is an even higher-level agency than the FBI or CIA. Maybe we all should be careful about what we say from now on."

'A SHIELD agent?' Usually silent in the chat, Kingpin found himself more than a little intrigued by Black Widow. Like Morbius said, he decided he'd need to be more careful with his words in the future.

Natasha Romanoff: "Shopkeeper, did you have to expose me like that? Now, my superiors are going to give me an earful!"

Natasha sounded resigned, but honestly, she wasn't too bothered. She'd used her real name to join the group, so it wasn't like she'd been especially discreet. Besides, with the Mimic-Mimic Fruit in her arsenal, identity was no longer much of a constraint for her. "Natasha Romanoff" was just one of many faces she could adopt.

Natasha Romanoff: "But since my cover is blown, let me clarify—no need to feel tense around me, everyone. As Professor Xavier mentioned, we only deal with high-stakes matters. So unless you're planning to kidnap Tony Stark, you can treat me as if I'm not even here."

In other words, SHIELD wasn't the regular police—they didn't get involved in minor crimes. But even with Natasha's reassurance, a sense of unease lingered.

Of course, there was nothing to fear for most of the group—like the professors, scientists, Vanessa, and Hope. They were upstanding citizens with respectable professions and weren't involved in any shady dealings. The only people who had cause for worry were Kingpin and Deadpool.

Natasha Romanoff: "Well, it seems my identity still makes people uneasy. Let's just leave it at that for now. Goodbye, everyone!"

After a quick farewell, Black Widow left the chat.


"You really set me up, Shopkeeper. Do you have any idea what happens when agents blow their cover?" Black Widow teased Rosh, feigning a scolded expression. It had a certain charm, but Rosh wasn't swayed in the slightest.

"No need for the dramatics, Natasha," he replied calmly.

Natasha chuckled softly. "Shopkeeper, you're one of the few people in my career to make me feel defeated." Then she straightened and gave a nod. "Well then, I'll be off."

"Pass a message to Egghead Fury," Rosh said without even glancing her way. "If SHIELD is just here to buy fruits, I welcome the business. But if they start making any moves they shouldn't, I won't just blacklist them—I'll leave other consequences to chance."

Natasha froze, taken aback. "Egghead Fury?"

She didn't need to know the specifics to get the gist—this was a clear threat to SHIELD.

Rosh had seen through her cover instantly, so he obviously understood what SHIELD was. And even if he hadn't, Professor Xavier's introduction had filled him in. Yet despite knowing all this, Rosh was still brazen enough to warn SHIELD, as if he couldn't care less about their influence.

And when she thought of the mystical Devil Fruits he sold, it was clear that a powerful force must be backing him, possibly even something linked to the supernatural or esoteric. Suddenly, SHIELD's authority didn't seem so invincible.

Despite her surprise, she calmly replied, "Understood. I'll relay your message to my superiors," then turned and left the store.

With every step back to S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha felt the weight of her discovery grow heavier. The Devil Fruit shop was no ordinary place; there were forces behind it that went deeper than she'd imagined. She'd have to report every detail of her encounter to Director Fury immediately.

With that thought, Black Widow hurried back to SHIELD HQ, heading straight to Nick Fury's office.


Nick Fury's Office


The word popped into Black Widow's mind as she entered, glancing at Nick Fury's shiny, bald head. Before, it hadn't seemed like much, but the resemblance felt painfully accurate ever since Rosh had compared him to an egg.

Once you accept the comparison, it's impossible to unsee the "egg" in him.


Next Chapter: Nick Fury's Concern

Next Next Chapter: A Full Investigation of the Home of the Devil Fruits

Next Next Next Chapter: Introduction of Logia and Ancient Zoan Fruits

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