I sighed inwardly as I listened to what happened to Clara.
I had thought that the fairies had hypnotized her and were feeding off her, but as it turned out, wasn't she mostly to blame?
"So, in the first place, we were just executing a rightful contract!"
The fairy sitting across from me spoke in a thin, high voice, sounding somewhat irritated.
He was a young boy with a similar build to Lumie's, wearing oversized pajamas that dragged on the floor as they didn't fit him well.
His nightcap, shaped like a hood, was significantly larger than his head, mostly covering his eyes and nose, with only his mouth barely visible.
"Even if it's true for Clara, what about Ruelle…?"
Lumie's attitude towards him seemed somewhat cautious.
While she addressed Oberon by name without hesitation, she used an honorific when speaking to this boy.
He introduced himself as a Assistant-Director and said his name was Puck.