Chapter 239: Wonderland – 42

The demon army pushed into the heart of Card Sun with ruthless momentum.

They smashed through buildings without mercy as they advanced.

Their one-sided onslaught was made possible by the absence of obstacles blocking their path.

Thanks to the Ticketer swiftly distributing tickets for people to move to the rear, the Zakanubas were simply sweeping through empty streets.

While evacuating residents, a summons was conducted at the judiciary theater, the heart of Wonderland.

Citizens registered with an Inspira ID were required to serve in the militia at regular intervals.

And in times of emergency, they were obligated to fight to defend Wonderland.

Except for the theatre owners providing refuge to guests in the rear, summon warrants were issued to all citizens nearly a hundred thousand personas, who quickly gathered in the central square.

All of this was accomplished in less than three minutes.