Twin Bond

Sophia's voice trembled as she said her name. "Sophia," she repeated softly.

Ronan's voice deepened as he echoed, "Sophia. It suits you."

What is that supposed to mean? she wondered, but before she could ask, he suddenly vanished again, leaving her alone in the cold, dim room.

Sophia searched the small space frantically, desperate to find a way out. A window, a crack in the wall, anything that could offer her an escape, but there was nothing. The walls were made of solid stone, and the only window was a small circular one, high up the wall. Even if she managed to reach it, her body wouldn't fit through.

He couldn't have picked a better prison, she thought bitterly, howling in frustration and anger. This wasn't how she had planned to spend her week. She tried to recall what day it was, but she had no idea. He hadn't even bothered to leave her a calendar or anything to entertain herself with.

And she was starving.

Regret surged through her as she remembered the beef stew she had refused. How was she supposed to know he hadn't tampered with it? And then he had the nerve to eat it all in front of her!

"Where are you now? Come back here!" Sophia cried, her voice echoing off the stone walls. "Ronan? Please come back!" she yelled again, her desperation growing.

As much as she hated him, she needed him. The tiny room was stifling, and she was starting to feel hot and flustered. The stuffy air was suffocating her, and she banged on the door repeatedly until it suddenly flew open.

Ronan stood in front of her, his expression solemn, his green eyes dark with emotion. A wave of fear washed over Sophia as she remembered how he had almost choked her to death the night before.

"I… I'm sorry. I'm just really thirsty," she explained, her voice trembling.

"MATE," he growled, the word carrying a weight that made her shiver.

"Yes. We both established that already," she replied, confused by his intense gaze.

Suddenly, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

Sophia gasped slightly but didn't pull away. This kiss felt different from the first time. Before, he had been rough and violent, but now his lips moved softly, almost tenderly, against hers. He tasted sweeter. "Wait…" she moaned against his mouth, and he stopped, looking at her as he gently grazed her lower lip with his thumb.

"You are even more beautiful than I imagined," he whispered, staring into her eyes.


Sophia was confused. What the hell is wrong with him? He was acting so strangely. "Ronan, what are you talking about? Why are you acting like we just met?" she asked, her breath catching in her throat.

His lips curled into a small smile. "I'm not Ronan," he declared.

Okay, he definitely hit his head and now has brain damage, Sophia thought, her frustration growing. "What kind of game are you playing right now? Whatever it is, it's not working. You can't fool me after you already treated me like shit and locked me up here! And now you're trying to pretend to be somebody else? What the fuck is wrong with you?" she cried.

"No… really. I'm not Ronan. My name is Matthew," he said calmly.

Sophia stared at him, disbelief written all over her face. "Let me guess, you're his twin brother," she said sarcastically.

"That's exactly right. I'm his brother," Matthew replied with a smirk.

It took a moment for his words to sink in. Ronan has a twin brother? Sophia shook her head. "I don't believe you," she said flatly.

"How can I prove it to you? I'll do anything you ask," Matthew offered, his voice sincere.

The genuineness in his tone threw Sophia off. Maybe he's telling the truth. His presence did feel different from Ronan's. He didn't have that dark, menacing energy surrounding him, and he wasn't barking orders at her. The way he looked at her was gentle, and he touched her delicately, as if she might break if he wasn't careful.

"If you're not him, then how did you find me here? Did he tell you?" she asked, still wary.

Matthew hesitated. "Your scent… it was all over Ronan. From that, I felt the mate bond between us, even though I hadn't seen you yet, so I knew he was hiding you somewhere. I followed him when he wasn't watching. Ronan and I have the same powers, so I was able to get in here."

"What mate bond? I thought Ronan was my mate!" Sophia exclaimed, her confusion growing.

Matthew looked at her with surprise. "Why would you think that?"

"Because I felt it," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"What about me? Do you feel it with me too?" Matthew asked gently.

I feel it with him too, Sophia realized, her mind racing. Does that mean I have two mates? How can that be possible? "Yes," she whispered. "I feel it too. I don't understand how I can feel it with both of you."

Matthew sighed, a look of understanding crossing his face. "It doesn't happen often, but it is possible. Ronan and I are twin brothers, so we have an unbreakable bond. And now, I guess we get to share one mate."

"That is insane! I am not some item you savages can share! I won't accept it. I can't!" Sophia cried, her emotions overwhelming her.

Matthew grabbed her hand, his eyes pleading. "Please don't reject me. I'll treat you well, I promise. We can work this out somehow," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Sophia didn't want to reject him. She realized that much. She didn't feel the same disgust with Matthew as she did with Ronan, but she still had a hard time accepting him. Even though he didn't seem evil, he was still Ronan's brother, and they were the same kind. She had been taught not to trust their kind.

"I don't know… I need time to think about it. But could you please get me out of here? Your brother is a savage!" she pleaded, hoping Matthew could rescue her from this nightmare, or at least get her something to eat.

"Did Ronan hurt you?" Matthew's expression turned serious. "He is my brother, and I love him, but he can be such a brute sometimes."

How could anyone love him? Sophia thought, unable to imagine it.

"He didn't hurt me badly, but he almost killed me last night. So please, you have to get me out of here! You'll do that if you really care about me as your mate, won't you?" she begged, her voice trembling.

Matthew pulled her to his chest again, and she let him embrace her. "I will let you out, but let me handle the situation with him first. You can wait a bit, can't you? I promise I'll come back soon. He's very temperamental, so fighting him wouldn't be wise. We both have to be very careful. You can trust me," he assured her.

Sophia nodded against his chest, already feeling safer around him.

"What is your name, mate?" Matthew asked softly.

Sophia almost laughed. Both of the brothers are terrible with introductions. He's just now asking!

"My name is Sophia," she said quietly.

"Beautiful name for my beautiful mate," Matthew murmured, taking her chin in his palm and smiling at her.

Sophia blushed, a small sense of hope blooming in her chest. Maybe my life isn't as terrible as I thought.