Too Soon


Ronan jumped up as he heard Sophia scream at the top of her lungs. Was she being attacked?

He ran to the bathroom, ready to fight whoever it was, but was shocked to see her standing in front of the mirror by herself.

"What is it? What's wrong?" he asked frantically.

"What the hell is this?" Sophia said and pointed at her stomach.

Ronan furrowed his eyebrows, feeling confused. She just looked like a normal pregnant lady to him. "Uh…that's your stomach."

"Yes, I know. I mean, why is it so big?" she demanded to know.

"Because you have a baby inside. I am confused. Don't you know how pregnancy works?" Ronan asked.

"Yes, I know how pregnancy works, but why has my stomach turned so big in two weeks?" she squealed.

Ronan grinned.

"So, you are wondering why you are showing even though it hasn't been that long, right?" he chuckled nervously.

"Yes, exactly," she said curtly.