Keep Her Away

Kieran wasn't entirely sure why he had princess-carried her back home when she had jokingly asked earlier.

Maybe it was because he'd actually enjoyed spending time with her today. She was funny and easy to talk to, and with her, he felt like he could let his guard down and just be himself.

And, if he was being honest, she was kind of cute.

He shook his head, trying to dismiss the thought. No, that was ridiculous. She was more annoying than cute. Definitely more annoying.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about her. Couldn't stop wanting her.

Dang it, why did he find her so attractive?

"Why do you look like you swallowed a whole lemon?" Declan's voice cut into his thoughts as his friend gave him a nudge.

Kieran jumped, startled, and quickly tried to compose himself. "Uh, what? No reason. I'm fine."