Clan leader request


When Silver woke up he found himself in an unfamiliar room, the temperature was far below zero but yet was refreshing to the body, he found himself on a big soft bed that had a flowery scent. Just before he could comprehend what was going on he heard a familiar voice.

"You're awake? you suddenly passed out so I though about bringing your to my chamber to rest... and oh! happy birthday!" The voice called out from the far end of the room, it was pretty dark as the windows were closed but Silver couldn't mistake that voice even in his sleep.

"Clan lor" Before he could complete his sentence he immediately threw his face away looking at the opposite side of the clan Lord, it was a strict rules that no clan member ever set eyes on the bare face or body of the Clan Lord as it was a crime punishable by death.

As he saw the clan Lord completely naked emerging from the shadows his instinct kicked in forcing him to look away. "Don't be stupid, am I that scary?" The clan Lord teased as Silver was confused on to what she met by that. "I wouldn't be standing like this when I want to hide my body from someone!"

Was she giving him a hint to look at her instead?

He decided to test his fate and diverted his gaze back at the clan Lord, from what me saw he was complete dumbstruck, he had heard that the current clan Lord has been filling the snow eagle clan for seventy years and even though it was natural for spring people to have longer life span he didn't expect her to look like a woman in her late twenties.

She had a perfect Jade like skin with perfect curves and hips, her busty chest with perfect curves also added to her inhuman body as only the right of her perks could give a monk nose bleed. What was even more shocking was her cute seductive face that was complemented by a perfect small pink lips that had the smile of a goddess and her slim nose that laid just below the piercing gaze of her multicoloured eyes, she had blanc coloured pupil on her left eye and a crimson coloured pupil on her right eye.

Silver was so fixated on her appearance that he failed to notice the only odd thing on her body. It was the strange mark engraved on her chest, it was like a tattoo that displayed a balance scale on her chest, but the left scale seemed to be weighing more that the right scale.

"Curious are you?"

"I dare not ask such!" Silver boldly stated as he looked down at her feet. "I plan on revealing something about my self to you, I know you must have so many questions to ask after seeing me like this for the first time and I'll make it all clear to you. First I have a question, do you recognize or understand what this mark on chest is?" The clan Lord ask.

"Maybe your left chest is bigger than your right?" Silver said as he saw that the left hand scale was bigger than the right side. After realizing he had mistakingly said something inappropriate he apologize sincerely.

"It's alright, ever since I was little I've been treated differently, the elders said I had a major role to fulfill in this world, they said it was a blessing to be able to bring balance to the world but what I know is that it's as curse doomed to follow me for eterninty. It's a symbol of the twin Avatar. The left sides represent the Avatar of order while the right side represents the Avatar of chaos, the two needs to be kept in perfect balance or would unleash the spirit of either one. Even though the word Order seems righteous it's even more dangerous than the Spirit of chaos. If the spirit of Chaos is released it will wipe out everything good in this world, if the spirit of order is released it will wipe out everything that isn't hundred percent righteous in it's eyes!"