Demon king

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'Heaven' The kiss was unlike anything I had ever experienced and I felt as if my body was growing stronger.

I used every ounce of strength I had to push my head forward trying to devour the lips before me, The woman seemed to like it and let out a soft giggle that was like music to my ears, I didn't know how long we swapped salvia but soon I was left breathless.

"My love" Unfortunately she soon pulled back leaving me to let out an embarrassing groan of disappointment.

"We'll have plenty of time for this in the future" The mysterious woman caressed my cheek once and leaned forward only this time toward my ear.

"I know you're confused" Her warm breath tickled me sending shivers down my spin.

"Come to Orion when you're ready" The woman spoke as if telling me to come quickly but I froze in response.

'The capital of the demon territory?' Orion was nothing but a name made up by humans but it was widely known as the place the demon king resided.

"I'll be waiting" She smiled gentle ignoring my confusion and leaned down pressing her lips against mine once more.

"Mn" I heard her sweet moan that filled me with an unexplainable heat before I felt my vision turning dark.

"My love" I tried to resist and reach out but I was only met with a smile as everything went dark.


"Aghh!" A loud gasp left my mouth as I shot up feeling sweat dripping down my back.

"W~where am I?" I looked around quickly only to calm down when I saw the familiar room of alexia's manor.

'W~what?' I was confused as I remembered the clouds and the woman with purple eyes.

"…A dream?" My body trembled slightly and I ran my hand through my hair that was drenched.

I tried to chalk it up to my own imagination yet my mind refused to accept such an explanation. I ran my hands over my face but paused when I reached my mouth, I froze slowly pulling one of my hands back until I saw violet purple lipstick.

"…." I trembled even more coming to a realization that left me more confused than i had ever been.

"..It was real?" My heart twisted not in fear or wariness but a pure warmth I couldn't explain even if I tried.

'Who was she…' My thoughts were filled with only one thing and that was the mysterious woman and the feeling I got when I remembered her.

"She was obviously an intelligent demon" She had horns signaling her race as a demon and she could obviously

speak which left two possibilities.

'She's a demon general or…' We didn't know how many demon generals there were so it was a real possibility and yet there was also a second one.

'…..The demon king' I didn't even want to consider I had just met the creature capable of leveling city's with a wave of a hand.

'But why..' If it truly was the demon king then why did I feel no animosity from her.

She most likely knew I was the hero who was destined to kill her but the look gave she gave me was full of love. It was confusing but if the purpled eyed demon truly was the demon king then that brought up a far more important question.

'Who's powerful enough to trap the demon king?' I suddenly felt like a very small piece on a very large board of chess that I had no clue I was taking place in.

'….' My racing mind came to a stop and I let out a deep sigh knowing that all of this was pointless pondering.

'Orion' She had told me to come to the capital of the demon territory when I was ready.

"…." I didn't understand anything yet I felt a strong urge to instantly go to Orion right now to find her but I held myself back for many reasons.

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