Bratty princess

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(Leon Pov)

"Hm?" Although I was finally taken out of my thoughts when I saw a small figure in my direction.

With silky black hair tied into pigtails and bright green eyes it was easy to recognize her as the famous princess. I didn't know enough about her but from the rumors she was the youngest and favorite daughter of the empress, And that combination only led to one type of person.

'A brat' A frown was etched to my face as my eyes trailed over the petite princess who wasn't paying attention to where she was going.

The young girl was wearing a black dress that was lined with gold, It was the type of outfit you'd expect from a stuck up noble. The hem reached down barely exposing her creamy thighs that rubbed together while the top of the dress dipped slightly. It was hard not to stare at the womanly curves that didn't fit her appearance.

'How old is she?' It was very confusing as my eyes went to her chest that was sticking out more prominently than a grown woman.

'To have such massive tits' The dress was literally struggling to keep the large bags of flesh contained.

'Petite and a massive chest' I couldn't help but nod my head in appreciation at the exquisite combination.

'Like a portable doll to use' I laughed with amusement but I let my face fall into one of passiveness as she got closer.

The young princess gazed toward the walls while her large chest bounced elastically, She didn't even notice my presence until the distance between us was a couple of feet. She paused finally looking forward before her eyes narrowed in what seemed like suspicion.

"Princess it's a pleasure to see you again" I smiled politely and bowed my head which always made me disgusted.

"….." The princess titled her head and didn't speak for a few seconds before speaking in a confused voice.

"Do I know you?" I could tell she was genuinely asking but I couldn't stop my eye from twitching in annoyance.

"I'm the new member of the hero's party" I kept my calm though while giving the creamy cleavage a glance from above.

'I bet a titjob will feel incredible from her' I had to hold back from licking my lips at the thought of defiling those royal breasts.

"Oh! Robert right?" The princesses eyes widened in realization as she confidently spoke a name that wasn't even close to mine.

"…Leon your highness" It was very hard to keep my calm and not smack the little brat over the head.

'I'd rather not get executed though…'

"Are you sure?" The princess tilted her head again with a face of questioning.

'It's my name! Of course I'm sure!' I clenched my hand into a fist while taking a deep breath to foam down.

"Yes princess" I would have thought she was doing it on purpose if not for the pure confusion on her face.

"Then who's Robert?" She tapped her finger on her chin before her eyes widened once again.

"Ah! He's the servant who was executed for trying to peak on me in the bath" The princess nodded and I was surprised when her bratty expression suddenly changed.

"I tend to get filth mixed up" I felt my face turn cold hearing her sharp words that were obviously directed at me.

"Don't stare at what you can't posses" The princess stepped forward into her tippy toes unintentionally giving me a better view of her cleavage.

"You'll never amount to even half of my husband" She clicked her tongue staring at me like I was a bug before continuing in the direction she was headed.

'….' My hands clenched and I gritted my teeth trying not to let her words affect me.

'Fucking brat!' Yet I could only scream on my head while gazing over my shoulder at the petite girls bobbing pig tails.

'Such arrogance even though her only achievement was being born a princess' I would have loved to teach the young bitch a lesson about life.

'But I quite like my head….' I shivered slightly as I ran my hand over my neck while glaring at the princesses back.

'Now I'm in a bad mood' I sighed as she disappeared ruining the day that had been good so far.

'I should go take out my anger on someone' I felt better already thinking about using one of my personal toys.

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