Chapter 10: heavenly poker rabbit

Chapter 10: heavenly poker rabbit

Well Vikram doesn't know how good would be the words that come out of the mouth of this protagonist's mouth would be.

Vikram sighed and cursed the will of the world for the injustice.

"You fucking will of the world, can give anything to this broken character like him instead of a benevolent and righteous person like me."

While he curses the will of the world the system voice rang in his mind.

Unlike the remainder there is a sense of excitement in the voice of the system.

It is just like a dog that saw the stick of meat.

"Host… host…. The protagonist has arrived….."

Vikram immediately said.

"System…. System…. You are still alive.

I thought that you are dead and made many offerings in your name.

You have hurt my feelings and you have to compensate me for mental damages and many offerings in your name with 200 perfect grade magic essences."

"Don't deceive the poor system with your shameless words host.

Do you even remember the system for making the offerings in my name?

I have been alive and well.

It is just that I have exhausted too much energy bringing you here and went to take a small nap…

You have to compensate me for the loss of my energy.

Quickly break the protagonist's mind and body so that my energy can be restored host…"

Well both of them talked looking at the protagonist.

Vikram doesn't know the name of the protagonist.

The opportunity assessment skill can only tell about the opportunity or the lost opportunity.

Other than that nothing would be informed.

When he looked at the protagonist he saw few opportunities.



1. He would buy two green magic carrots for 16 iron coins from the vegetable vendor opposite to the fruit vendor.

2. He found a starving dying dirty rabbit at the pet store and bought it for 2 bronze coins and feed it with 1 of the two green magic carrots saving its life.

3. The heavenly poker rabbit that was saved has formed a magic contract with him.


First of all Vikram did not understand why there are two magic herbs of the same kind at the same time.

He thought that one is for eating and one is for selling for money.

Only now did he understand that one is for him and the other is for the rabbit.

The first doubt is solved.

But now he got the second doubt. 

Who in the right mind would feed a starving dirty rabbit these valuable medicinal herbs?

But he forgot that the brain circuits of the protagonist are not good and he can do anything intuitively.

Just doing something that is out of order he would get benefits.

After looking at the third opportunity he understood.

He has heard of the heavenly poker rabbit before.

He once heard from the his master Ghana that heavenly poker rabbit is a very high level beast that is must get beast on the list of beast contracts.

It has the growth rate of purple fate.

Then he remembered the information of this heavenly poker rabbit.


Heavenly poker rabbit: 

Everyone knows that rabbit have 3 holes.

But one of the ancestors of this rabbit has actually poked three holes in heaven, hell and earth respectively.

Also these holes are in the bedrooms of the queens of heaven, hell and earth.

The rabbit is a female rabbit and it poked these holes just for her master and husband.


After looking at this information the eyes of Vikram twitched few times and thought in his heart.

"The ancestor of this rabbit is really wild.

But the master of the ancestor of this rabbit should be someone like me.

As an upright person I have an obligation to take care of the queens.

It should be a long time and new beauties should be in place.

Just this ability of the rabbit is enough for me to take care of this rabbit.

Also it is a female rabbit and the future bunny girl.


But what he did not expect is that there is someone like him before that asked the assistant heavenly poker rabbit to dig a hole in the bedrooms of those beauties.

He let out low level villain laughter while thinking of the future.

It is not the time to be in daze.

He has to act quickly.

He went straight to the pet store instead of getting the carrots.

The heavenly poker rabbit will only form magic soul bound contract when someone feeds it food when it is in its lowest state.

That is it was moved by the charity of the other party.

Also the reason why it is starving is because it cannot eat anything other than magical herbs or treasures.

So someone should feed it with natural treasures INTENTIONALLY showing KINDNESS to gain its approval.

Vikram understood the information and went to the pet store quickly when the protagonist is haggling for the price of the carrots.

This pet store owner is also someone that Vikram just spoke to few minutes ago when speaking with the fruit shop merchant.

So the process of buying the rabbit is very quickly and he got it for 2 bronze coins that is just 20 iron coins.

There is no price reduction here because that is the lowest price.

Vikram took the rabbit with him and found an empty corner to check the situation of the protagonist.

At that time he also fed the rabbit with the silver fruit.

Any way he can only eat one and the rabbit is very important to him.

As soon as the rabbit smelled the silver fruit it quickly nibbled it completely within few moments.

Then a strange light flashed from the center of the eyes of the rabbit and it entered center of the eye brows of Vikram.

Immediately they both had a connection thought their souls and bound together with life and death.