Chapter 6: Kaname

As Kaito and Airi left the tavern, she listened intently. Her eyes frequently darting to the child in her arms. The child's unique beauty and the strange circumstances surrounding her discovery stirred both curiosity and concern in Airi's heart.

The couple entered the great hall, a space that seamlessly blended ancient and modern Japanese aesthetics with magical natural elements. The polished wooden floors reflected the soft, ambient lighting, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Along one side of the hall, a large opening in the wall served as a living canvas, showcasing an enchanted botanical garden, filled with an array of vibrant flowers and lush foliage. At its center stood a mystical water fountain, its crystalline waters cascading in mesmerizing patterns, the gentle sound of flowing water adding a soothing backdrop to their conversation.

Still deep in conversation about the night's events, Kaito and Airi approached the master chambers. The doors slid open silently, revealing a luxurious and spacious room that exemplified the finest in modern Japanese design.

The chamber was adorned with exquisite furnishings, each piece carefully chosen for both beauty and comfort. Delicate shoji screens filtered the moonlight, casting intricate shadows across the room. In the center of the pristine wooden flooring, the Chika clan insignia was skillfully burned into the wood, a testament to the family's heritage and power.

Soft tatami mats lined portions of the floor, their subtle scent mingling with the crisp night air that drifted in from the garden. Yasushi, slept quietly in bed, exhausted from eagerly awaiting his father's return.

As Airi cradled the child, the room's serene ambiance seemed to embrace them, providing a moment of calm amidst the tumultuous events of the evening.

"I find it strange that wolves know of a child like this. They don't typically reside in the Living Realm as well. This child must hold a lot of significance to them. Did they mention when they would come back for her?" Airi inquired, her eyes fixed on the child in her arms.

"No, but they gave me these items and basically told me, 'she's yours' for the time being," Kaito replied, gesturing to the bag and mask he'd set aside.

"Then, that's that," Airi said, a smile of bliss spreading across her face. The acceptance in her voice filled the luxurious chamber with a sense of warmth.

"What should we name her?" Kaito asked, his gaze shifting between Airi and the child.

Airi paused for a moment, considering. "...Kaname. We'll name her Kaname."

Kaito looked at Airi, gently stroking the child's cheek with satisfaction. The Chika clan insignia beneath their feet seemed to glow faintly, as if welcoming its newest member.

"I'll have the tailor fashion clothing from the blankets," Kaito said, remembering the enchanted fabrics.

"Mhmm," Airi nodded in agreement.

As they made their way deeper into their chambers, Kaname's sudden cry shattered the serenity of the moment. Her wails echoed off the polished wooden walls, reverberating through the luxurious space. Kaito's eyes widened in panic, his earlier confidence evaporating instantly.

"I don't know what's wrong with her, Airi!" Kaito exclaimed, his voice tinged with panic.

Airi turned to Kaito, her expression a mixture of amusement and annoyance at his sudden helplessness. "Dear," she said calmly, "after such a long day, she's likely just hungry."

Kaito's face lit up with sudden realization. "Oh! That reminds me. When feeding Kaname, I was told to give her these herbs to control her temperament and have her wear this face mask to conceal her... odd... features."

Airi stopped walking, her eyebrow raised at this new information. She pulled out an ornate chair near a large window in the latter section of the master chamber. Sitting down with Kaname still cradled in her arms, she looked at Kaito with growing exasperation.

"Kaito," she said, her voice measured, "could you please have the servants fetch some warm milk for Kaname? She needs a bath, and I'd like to feed her afterward. Hand me those herbs as well."

Kaito nodded, relieved to have a task. He reached into the bag and pulled out a small, intricately woven satchel containing the herbs. As he handed it to Airi, she took it carefully, her eyes narrowing as she inspected its contents. The moonlight streaming through the window cast shifting shadows across her face as she examined the mysterious plants.

After a few moments of scrutiny, she placed the satchel over her shoulder and returned her attention to the crying child in her arms.

Admiring Airi's affection towards Kaname, yet irritated by the obnoxious crying, Kaito kissed Airi on her forehead and left to obtain a servant. Once alone with the crying Kaname, Airi stood and walked to the bathhouse.

She entered the bathhouse, holding Kaname upright against her breast. She removed her clothing, placing her hair into a high ponytail with a clip. Then, she unwrapped the blanket from Kaname. The child was covered in dirt, blood, and debris, reflecting the ordeals she had endured. The scent of the child struck Airi's nostrils with an unexpected delight.

"Oh, you do have a smell. Ha. How amusing," she giggled.

Looking forward, Airi walked towards the majestic pool with water flowing from the fountain proudly centered in the middle. After testing the water's temperature, Airi stepped in, one leg after the other, and sat down. She began splashing warm water onto Kaname, attempting to distract her from crying. Captivated by the liquid sensation, Kaname stopped crying and happily cooed as she played with the water.

Appreciating this moment of bathing the child, Airi unknowingly sank into a painful reminiscent daze. The steam rose around them, creating a dreamlike atmosphere that seemed to blur the lines between past and present.

"You know Kaname... I've always wanted a daughter, but after Yasushi, I grew naïve and selfish. Truly believing my narcissistic ideologies of grandeur, I desired to be acknowledged by producing the most capable children." Airi pulled Kaname closer to her, still lost in her past. The warm water lapped gently around them, steam rising in wisps that seemed to carry her words into the air.

"Haha... I dunno, I just lost my way. Growing up, I was groomed with the expectations from those I sought revenge against. This path led me to make reckless decisions, and I paid a debilitating price for it. Airi paused, slowly bringing her thoughts back to the present. The ornate bathhouse seemed to hold its breath, the only sound the gentle splash of water against the pool's edge.

"Afterward, I knew I'd never have the ability to birth a daughter, and I grew terribly sad. I thought hid this sadness, yet my dear Kaito knew, never holding it against me..." Airi then laid Kaname on her back, floating her above the water. The child's silver hair fanned out like a halo, her bluish-grey eyes reflecting the soft light that filtered through the bathhouse's screens. 

"... But, now, I have you. I'll love and raise you as my own. And with those beautiful features, you'll make a wonderful companion to Yasushi." Kaname smiled, cooing in response to Airi's endearing words. The mystical fountain at the center of the pool hummed softly, its waters seeming to glow faintly in response to Kaname's presence.

Both relaxed from the tranquility of the bathhouse, Airi finished bathing Kaname. She took a clean blanket from the satchel, its fabric shimmering with a plush sheen, and wrapped the child within it as she got dressed. Once done, she grabbed the satchel and strolled towards the master chambers.

Upon entering, she saw Kaito hovering over the sleeping Yasushi, his face a mixture of concern and wonder as he awaited her return. In his hand, he held a warm bottle of milk for Kaname. Upon seeing his wife enter with the child, Kaito's expression softened, a faint blush coloring his cheeks as he handed the bottle to Airi.

With practiced movements, Airi removed the mysterious herbs from the satchel. She scattered a portion into the container, the fine powder seeming to shimmer as it fell. Shaking the bottle until the herbs were fully absorbed by the milk, she began to feed Kaname, who accepted the nourishment eagerly.

"Kaito," Airi voiced, barely above a whisper as she walked over to the bed, "I don't want Kaname to be hidden from this world simply because of her beauty. Her smell is odd, but still very pleasant." 

The moonlight streaming through the windows cast a silvery glow on Kaname's unusual hair. Kaito's brow furrowed with concern. "It's very dangerous for a child so young to have such freedoms, Airi. She is not like us. Just her scent alone could attract unfavorable characters and cause trouble for our clan."

Airi watched as Kaname's eyes grew heavy, the child finishing the last of the milk. She gently wiped the leakage from Kaname's mouth, then looked to Kaito with heavy concern. "Do you believe she is some mutation, possibly even a new breed of Yazumi?"

Kaito sighed, his brow still furrowed as he considered the question. "Well, they've been known to produce offspring outside of their own species, but Kaname doesn't hold any resemblance to a Yazumi. After speaking with Rizyo and Yuki, I suspect she's from a different realm, though I'm unsure which one." He paused, his voice lowering. "Nor the reason why she was brought to ours....I plan to investigate this matter discreetly. In the meantime, it's best to keep her within the palace, allowing only those we undoubtedly trust to know of her existence."

Airi agreed, though reluctance tinted her voice. "But Kaname will not wear that dreadful mask. ....She's just too cute!"

Unable to stand his ground against his wife's determination, Kaito compromised. "Then, she can never leave the palace grounds."

Airi nodded in agreement. She carefully placed Kaname into the bed next to Yasushi, who slumbered soundly. She shifted her glance to her husband, her eyes widening with determination. "Kaito, I also wish to train her. By the time she is of childbearing age, she'll be capable of defending this clan and herself." Her voice grew softer, yet more intense. "I want her to be a companion Yasushi is proud to have."

Kaito looked down, unable to handle his wife's intense gaze. "Isn't it kinda too early to think about training her? It isn't normal for a future princess to undergo rigorous training."

"Kaname is special," Airi insisted. "I've only had her for a few hours, but I've already come to cherish her. Promise me, that... anyone... who dare attempt to harm her will be punished ...with prejudice."

Kaito sighed, exhausted by the tension. "I understand, dear. Now, come. Allow the children to sleep and join me on a late-night stroll through the garden." The couple cast one last glance at the sleeping children. Kaito then placed his arm around Airi's waist while she watched Yasushi and Kaname sleep.

Airi naturally rested her head gently on Kaito's shoulder and softly whispered, "Thank you." He pulled her towards the balcony and then jumped several meters down, landing in the palace's garden on both feet. He turned around, lifting his arms in the air, catching Airi, who followed behind. Gently placing her on the ground, both Kaito and Airi walked hand in hand through the garden, without conversation, merely enjoying each other's presence.

Unbeknownst to Airi and Kaito, shortly after their departure, Yasushi opened his eyes and lay restless in bed, processing everything he had heard his parents speak about. He rolled to his side and studiously stared at the sleeping child. Yasushi grabbed an additional amount of covers that both he and Kaname shared and patted it around her. He scooted over closer to her until they were side by side.

My companion?, Yasushi mouthed, trying to contemplate its meaning. Yet, he was too tired to fathom the depth of its purpose.

Yasushi yawned, tenderly kissing Kaname on her cheek, and fell asleep.

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