Razor Rat

"Wait! We can't go to the city just yet."


"Why not?" Eric said, very annoyed.


"We are not allowed to travel off base unless we are in a group of 3 or more. You would know that if you were at the briefing," Vincent said, trying to get under Eric's skin.


"Who should we ask then?"


"Well…" Vincent said, pausing for a moment to think, "Let's ask Hurst. He already has some use of his earth powers. He would be useful to have around. Not to mention, he is in the same room as us."


"NO! Absolutely not! He is scum in my book. He's one of Acer's minions." Eric said it loudly with anger in his eyes.


"Calm down; I didn't know that. Well, your guess is as good as mind. I really don't know anyone here."


"Let's ask Smith," Eric said, like he had a good idea.


"Really? His ability hasn't opened yet. He really wouldn't be able to help us if we got into trouble." Vincent contested.


"I know, but I know the shame he feels right now. I would rather be with a person like him and someone with an almighty attitude. Definitely too much testosterone at this place."


Both Vincent and Eric laughed at that last comment. Vincent knew how Eric felt about being pushed around and being forced to feel like crap.


Hurst told him that Acer was going around telling all the weaker students that they had to pay him for protection or else. Most likely Smith was being targeted by Acer as well. He probably needed someone to be there and help him feel included. Eric always wished for during his issues.


"Do you know where he is?" Eric asked.


"Hmmm. He wasn't at the training center. He might have missed him going back to the barracks. If his ability didn't open, then he didn't have any reason to stay at the training center."


"Alright, let's go back to the barracks." Eric said, making the decision.


They took their time walking to their barracks. Eric took that time to tell Vincent about the message Hurst gave him from Acer. After hearing about it, Vincent understood why Eric said what he said earlier.


They also chatted a bit as well. Vincent told him that his goal was most likely to stay in the military. As long as he did what he was told and fought for them, they would take good care of him. That would help his family out the best if they didn't have to worry about him.


Eric understood not wanting to be a burden on others. Sadness crept into his face thinking about that. He and his mother always felt like that. Eric told him that his goal now was most likely to be a mercenary. Working for the highest bidder, if he agreed with the morality of the task.


To be a mercenary that people or factions would want to pay you to work for them was not something easy to do. He would have to prove himself during his military time. Somehow, he would have to make a name for himself.


When they reached the large white building, the barracks, Acer came walking out talking and joking with 2 other guys. It was magnetic; both Acer and Eric's eyes met. Acer with a half-smile walked toward Eric. Everyone, especially Acer, could see the disdain in Eric's eyes.


"Carson, I was told you got my message yesterday. Is that true?" Acer asked, maintaining the half-smile.


"I did," Eric said, trying to keep this encounter brief.


"Have you made your decision?"


"Not yet. But it is a really good offer, though," Eric said, choking down his pride.


"Better hurry up. I would hate to see your opportunity expire. It wouldn't look good." With that, Acer took his leave while slamming his shoulder into Eric's shoulder as they passed.


The other two guys that were with Acer scurried about to catch up with him. By the looks of it, all three of them were headed to the training center.


"I really hate that guy," Eric said so that only Vincent could hear it.


They both went into the barracks and went straight to their room, number 5. When Eric opened the door, he could see Smith sitting on the edge of his bottom bunk with his elbows on his knees. The look of defeat could be clearly seen.


"Hey, I found him," Eric said to Vincent, who was behind him.


Smith started to look around. Then he pointed to himself, "Who? Me?" he asked with confusion.


"Yes, you," Eric said.


"Do you want to go to the city with us?" Vincent asked while still standing behind Eric.


"Uhhh, you see, I haven't ope..."


Eric interrupted Smith, "That's fine. That doesn't bother us. We will be fine. Do you want to go?"


"Uh, yes," Smith said, jumping up from the bed.


He stated straightening his uniform. Then, using his fingers like a comb, he pushed back his curly, dark brown hair. A pleasant, almost happy, face replaced his defeated look from a moment ago.


Seeing this change in Smith's persona really made Eric feel good for what he did. It was like nourishment to the soul. It feels good doing good.


"Awesome, let's go," Eric said, motioning for Smith to come on with his arm.

They left the barracks and began walking down a broken-down road. It used to be a paved road, but so much of the pavement is not gone due to the war. It was more dirt than anything. In the old world, that's the time before the war, it was called a highway.


The three of them took this time to get to know Smith and to tell him about themselves as well. It took walking 3 miles to get to the city. You might as well kill the time talking.


They found out that he was an orphan because of the war. The story was that his parents died during the first invasion into America. He didn't have anyone in his life. And he didn't really have any goals. All he really wanted was to not go hungry and get a decent job to live. He would see where life takes him. What else could he do?


This really made them depressed, except for Smith. He was just happy to have people to talk to. He always tried to change the conversation by asking Eric or Vincent about themselves. Anyone could tell he was just staving to have.


Even Vincent was glad to have Smith with them. They eventually, started joking around and picking on each other. Picking on each other is just one of those weird things that all guys do. No one knows why, not even them, but they all enjoy it.


"SSSGGRRRRRRR," a screeching growl could be herd to the side. Of the road.


Both sides of the road were filled with trees. As they looked, they could see what made that sound. Their good time has now ended.


A three-foot rat that stood 2 feet tall was looking at them. You could see that there was a bone just under its claws, more like talons though. The rat's teeth were coming out of its mouth like they were too big. It made you think of shark's teeth. The tail that had spikes going down it was swaying back and forth.


"Eh. Eh. It's a Razor Rat," Vincent said quietly.


< New Quest: Defeat Razor Rat for Double EXP.>


The razor rat lunged at Eric with its talon's forward.



Eric appeared about 3 feet away from Smith, who was on his right, barely escaping the talons. Both of their shadows touched, so Eric could travel the full length of both shadows.

<-5 RP>

<45/50 RP>


The bloodthirsty razor rat did not hesitate. It immediately lunged over at Vincent. He quickly reacted by covering himself in smoke. The enormous rat passed straight through the smoke. It began choking like it inhaled the smoke.


This was the first time either one of them had ever fought a beast. It was very different from fighting bullies. When you fight bullies, your life isn't on the line.


Once the rat could breathe again, it didn't waste any time. It jumped again, but this time at Smith. Smith had no ability to defend himself. The worst part was he was frozen in fear. Eric couldn't react fast enough to push him out of the way.


The rat landed on top of Smith, pinning him to the ground. It latched its talons into Smith's chest. Smith screamed out in pain.


"HELP! PLEASE HELP!" Smith continued to scream.


By the time Eric got there, He threw a kick as hard as he could into the rat's side. It was like kicking a boulder. It didn't faze it in the slightest. But Eric's toes were throbbing in pain, but he didn't have time to deal with that.


"Vincent!" Eric yelled out.


A stream of smoke came from the lingering cloud of smoke where Vincent was. The smoke engulfed the rat. After a few seconds, the razor rat jumped out of the smoke, gaging again. It hit Eric, knocking him to the ground. It felt like getting hit with a sludge hammer.


Once it could breathe again, it could smell the blood of Smith. All these creatures want to do is eat flesh. It is said they are never full and are always looking for their next meal.


It lunged back over to Smith to sink its large teeth into him.


<-10 RP>

<35/50 RP>


The rat stopped in mid-air. Like it was frozen in time. Eric's left hand was able to touch the shadow just in time.


Vincent noticed from his cloud of smoke that a purple flicker of light showed from Eric's eyes. As Eric stood up, he placed his foot on the shadow to replace his hand. He had a completely different demeanor this time. Instead of panic like before, it was full of confidence. Vincent never saw this kind of confidence from him before.


Eric placed his palm in front of him toward the rat.



His shadow began to move toward the rat. Once his shadow touched the rat's shadow, it shot straight up, wrapping itself around the rats neck.


<39/40 HP>


Eric stood there watching the HP bar on the razor rat go down little by little. There was a creepy sadistic look he had while watching the rat die.


<0/40 HP>

<30 EXP has been awarded.>


Eric called back his shadows. The razor rat's body fell lifeless onto the ground from being suspended in mid-air. Eric looked like he was staring out into another world, in a daze. The reality was that he was watching all the notifications screens that kept popping up.


<10/10 EXP>

< HP +5>


<20/20 EXP>

< HP +5>


Eric checked to see what his new stats were now since he leveled up. Not just once, but twice.


<30/40 EXP>

< HP 35/35>


"Hey Eric, you there!" Vincent yelled.

Eric's eyes did the purple flicker once again. He started blinking frantically like he was coming to. He looked over at Vincent.


"Uhh, yeah, I'm good," he said as he noticed that Smith was still laying on the ground.


Eric and Vincent dashed quickly over to him. They almost slid down to Smith, kicking dust up from the dirt road. They could see where the razor rat's talons ripped through his uniform jacket. Those tore marks were damp with blood, causing a deep red color on both sides of his chest.


"Are you going to be okay?" Vincent asked with worry in his voice.


"Yea… I think I'll be ok... It just hurts." Smith groaned.


"We need to take him back. The medic needs to check him out," Eric said urgently.


Razor rats are known to cause infections in anyone that survives an encounter with them. They are filthy creatures. Always covered in its most recent victim's blood.


The boys helped Smith get up. They placed both of his arms over their shoulders, helping him walk. Smith didn't seem to be having trouble walking. He had issues with breathing, which slowed his walking down.



"Hey guys, before we go any farther. I need to check something out," Eric said.


He slipped out from under Smith's arm and jogged over the razor rat's corpse. Eric pulled his military-issued, heat-edged knife out of its sheath on his right side. He put a long vertical slit in the chest of the beast.


Eric remembered reading about these gems. They're in all beasts. They are small, long crystal-looking gems that radiated with energy, mostly likely this from the radiation and EMPs the world absorbed and pulsed with. People have just recently learned how to harness that energy to power vehicles and buildings.


The gems are also being used in weapons and armor. With these gems in these things, people can fuse their powers into their weapons and armor, making themselves more dangerous and durable. Without the gems, it would be impossible to infuse powers into items. The gems can also be melted and mixed with most metals. These gems help armor to be stronger and blades sharper. Even without powers infused.


That is how Eric got his knife to cut the hide of the rat. It is edged with the gem, and someone somewhere infused their fire power into the blade. Without a special weapon or powers, you cannot hurt the beasts.


Radiation gems are the hardest material known to man. It is also extremely light. These gems are in high demand. But they are only found in beasts. Beasts are extremely dangerous. Even a razor rat can kill three new soldiers from time to time, and that's a low-base-level beast. The boys got very lucky this time.


Eric shoved his hand into the slit he made into the rat and was moving it around. He knew it was somewhere near the heart. After a few minutes, he pulled out the gem, holding it in between his forefinger and thumb. His hand was covered in dark red blood, almost black.



<40/40 EXP>

< HP +5>


"I got it," Eric said.


"It. Glows," Smith said, surprised but still having a struggle with breathing well. 


"That's awesome, but he needs to head back now." Vincent said annoyed.


"Ok, you're right. Let's go," Eric said with urgency.


Eric went back and threw Smith's arm back over him. They went back to the academy and straight to the medic.