
Eric and Hurst lost their breath at the sight of the razor rat that stood in front of them. They both could feel their hearts leap into their throats. The system responded.

< New Quest available.>

They both knew they would struggle with two razor rats. But they just fought one and now are about to fight two, without having a chance to recover RP points. The chances of survival became slim in just a few seconds. The quest popping up just confirmed that thought in Eric's mind.

Eric knew that he could fight both at the same time. But time isn't on his side.

"Hurst, move fast!" Eric yelled.

< Shadow manipulation activated.>

The shadows rose up and wrapped around the razor rat on the left, holding it into place. Before the creature even knew what was happening Eric was already on the move.

< Shadow step activated.>

< -5 RP>

Eric appeared next to the other beast and slashed at its leg hoping to maim it and create more time. Right before the saber came into contact with its leg, the creature lifted its leg and twisted out of the way. At that moment, Eric realized that this razor rat was faster. Maybe smarter and stronger.

Without making hesitation Eric slashed down trying to hit the razor rat. But the rat snapped a the the sword with the same speed Eric was slashing down. It caught the sword in its teeth. Eric tried pulling it out, but it was stuck in.

Eric let go of the sword and pulled out the knife again and fell forward with it. The knife sunk into the rat's flesh. The razor rat screeched in pain

< Shadow step activated.>

< -5 RP>

< -3 RP>

< -3 RP>

< -3 RP>

< 32/70 RP>

The rat dropped the saber from its mouth and jumped twisting around to claw at Eric, the cause of its pain.

< Shadow step activated.>

< -5 RP>

< 27/70 RP>

Eric suddenly emerged back to the other side. He picked up the sword from the ground and threw all of his body weight into his attack. Cutting into the side opening up the the rat's side. Blood started gushing out. It's legs fell out from underneath it.

< -3 RP>

< -3 RP>

< -3 RP>

< 18/70 RP>

Eric saw an earth spike go through the other razor rat and blood erupted. Some landed on Eric.

< Razor Rat has been defeated.>

< 50 EXP has been awarded.>

< 40/320 EXP>

< HP +5>

"Wait a minute what about the other razor rat?" Eric thought.

As soon as the thought was finished the razor rat, that wasn't impaled, chomped down Eric's calf.

"Aaaahhhhh!" Eric screened out in pain.

< -5 HP>

<45/50 HP>

A large rock came hurling into the rat's head. It loosened its grip on Eric's Leg.

< Shadow step activated.>

< -5 RP>

< 13/75 RP>

Eric teleported in front of the rat. His eyes were glowing purple. He held out his arm with all his fingers pointed toward the rat.

< New skill acquired>

< Shadow Spike level 1>

< -10 RP>

< 3/75>

A shadow rose looking and moving about like a snake, but where the head would be was a point was found. It shot straight out, penetrating through the eye and going out of the other side of the skull. Blood bursted out with the spike.

< Razor Rat has been defeated.>

< 50 EXP has been awarded.>

< 90/320 EXP>

< Quest complete>

< Total EXP: 190/320>

The glow in his eyes faded and he fell to his knees. He toppled forward Putting his hand forward to catch himself. He was panting, more than if he ran a 5k as fast as he could. His body was physically exhausted from almost depleting all of his RP.

He received a sudden reminder from the throbbing in his leg. He was bitten by a razor rat. Those things are disease-ridden creatures. Smith almost died from the razor rat claws being dug into his chest. How much worse will it be since he was bitten?

In haste, Eric got up and pulled the knife from the razor rat he just killed and started carving out the creature's chest and pulled out the beast gem. Placing it in his pocket he went over to the two razor rats and did the same thing.

< You have been infected.>

< Infection is spreading.>

< you will lose 2 HP every 5 minutes.>

"Damn, it takes about 2 hours to get to the academy from here. I doubt I can make it," Eric thought.

< New Quest available.>

< Survive from infection>

< Quest reward available>

< -2 HP>

< 43/50 HP>

Hurst was sitting on the ground. He was breathing hard like someone with emphysema. His earthly spike ability took a lot of RP. Thankfully it it was very effective. At least with the razor rats if it hit this it was an instant kill.

"Hurst, I'm going to need you to run. I was bit by those damn rats. Smith almost died from it last time. We need to get there as soon as possible. I might need you to carry me soon. The infection spreads quickly."

Hurst stood up with resolve on his face.

"Alright, let's do this."

They both grabbed the bags and started running down the path. Due to the urgency of the situation traveling out of the woods seemed longer than going into the woods. They traveled about one hour into the woods.

Eric kept being reminded of the gravity of the situation by the system notifications.

< -2 HP>

His HP went down every five minutes like clockwork. Every time he lost HP he noticed he felt a little fatigue burden his body. After close to 30 minutes of running, he was surprised to see that his RP was up to five.

"Stop!" Eric cried out.

"What? We don't have time," Hurst responded

They both stopped.

"I have an idea," Eric said walking up to Hurst and placing his hand on his shoulder.

< Shadow step activated.>

< -5 RP>

< 0/75 RP>

They both vanished and appeared at the edge of the woods they could see the main road a far off that connected the the academy and city. Hurst felt a surge of adrenaline go through him when they popped up. He was amazed by Eric's power. While Eric was just glad his plan worked. He didn't know if you could transport more than himself.

'There's probably a limit though. I'll just have to figure that out,' Eric thought.

"That should give us a little more time before I'm useless. Let's Go." Eric said to Hurst.

Eric looked at his HP Meter.

< 31/50 HP>

He should be able to make it, but once Eric wouldn't be able to move because of the infection Hurst would have to carry him. When that happens, it will take longer to travel.

They reached the road and turned to head to the academy. More specifically, to the medic. Hurst was able to run faster than Eric. Eric was getting burdened with fatigue from the infection every five minutes. regardless, Eric was impressed with his stamina.

'How high could his stamina be? I'm definitely faster and stronger than him, but he is always able to keep up. Is this the side effect of having earth powers? Or is this just from personal training,' Eric wondered.

They finally could see the academy. It was small and could fit in their hands, they were about twenty minutes away from entering the gates.

< -2 HP>

< 16/50 HP>

After losing those HP points. He felt a sharp pain in his muscles and it was hard to breathe. It felt like an elephant was sitting on his chest.

He fell over catching himself with one arm. The other was holding his chest. He would have screamed out in pain but he didn't have the breath to do it. He took a deep breath.


Hurst stopped and turned around abruptly. His usual Perfectly part brown hair was now damp with sweat and a mess.

"I got you," Hurst said sprinting to Eric.

Hurst got down to one knee with his back to Eric. Eric placed his arms over his shoulders and Hurst grabbed onto him. He started jogging once again to the academy.

< Your infection has gone septic>

< You will not lose 3 HP every 5 minutes>


When Hurst was 20 yards away Eric's vision went black. He could still hear and feel his body bouncing from Hurst jogging. He struggled to focus on what was happening.


< -3 HP>

< -3 HP>

< -3 HP>

< -3 HP>

< 4/50>


Eric could not see the system notification. He could still hear the system's robotic voice telling him the notification.


"Here give him to me, I can move faster than you with my power," A familiar voice said.


Eric couldn't finger on who it was. His ability to think was almost diminished. He could feel his body being jostled about.


"Wind corridor!"