Vincent’s Match

The match was called. Eric placed his saber back in his sheath.

< Shadow Pin Deactivated>

"I'm sorry; I really didn't want to hurt you that badly. You are a beast, though. You didn't leave me any choice," Eric said with regret.

Elizabeth turned her head and looked up.

"It's ok; I would have done worse to you if I could have. Thank you, though," she said with a sweet smile.

Sergeant McKenny appeared next to Elizabeth. He placed his hand on her shoulder, and they vanished. Eric stood looking around awkwardly. After a moment, he walked away to stand with the other trainees that were watching their other matches going on.

Before he got to the pillars, Sergeant McKenny popped back into existence in the same spot he left from.


Eric turned around and said, "Sir, yes, sir."

"Congratulations on winning the match. Here is your reward for winning," McKenny said, handing a small gem to him.

Eric took it and said, "Thank you, sir."

Sergeant McKenny teleported away and called out two names for another match to begin. Eric stepped out of the arena he was in and looked around. He wanted to see if there was someone he knew that was fighting.

He noticed off to the other corner of the training center that there was a cloud of smoke hovering on the ground. Vincent was the only person he knew that had that power. He began walking in that direction. Stopping right outside of the pillar of rock that formed the area, Vincent and the other guy were fighting.

The person Vincent was fighting wasn't someone he recognized. He was a plain looking brown-headed male. Nothing about him stood out. He looked like what you would picture as an average Joe. The average Joe had water abilities.

It looked like the match started only minutes ago. The cloud of smoke was hovering on the ground, and Vincent could not be seen.

"I guess he is in his smoke dimension. I wonder how he has incorporated his sword fighting with his powers," Eric said to no one, but where others could hear him.

He could see that the cloud of smoke was slowly moving towards the average Joe. A stream of smoke shot out from the cloud and hit him in the face. He started gagging and swinging his arms about trying to move the smoke away.

After the smoke dissipated, the average Joe sliced his arm through the air. While doing that, water formed in the shape of a crescent moon and sprung toward the spot where the smoke shot out from, slightly ripping up the ground as it traveled. The water blade went all the way through the smoke cloud and hit one of the stone pillars, barely putting an indention into it. During all of this, the smoke cloud crept closer and closer to the average Joe. Everyone could see the look of fear on his face. It was as if he didn't know what to do. Moments later, he pulled out his sword. He stretched out his arm, pointing the blade at the smoke.

The smoke stopped moving closer and started to enclose around him. Then it happened. Vincent appeared out of the smoke and swung his sword at him, cutting the forearm that was holding the sword. The average Joe responded by throwing his palm toward Vincent and shooting off a jet stream of water.

Before hitting Vincent, he fell back into his smoke, and then he was gone. The jet stream didn't hit anything and went through the cloud. Another stream of smoke shot out, gagging Vincent's opponent. While he was swatting away the smoke, Vincent came out of the smoke just a few inches and swung again, hitting his leg.

The average Joe grabbed his leg and screamed in pain. Vincent swung again, but this time the average Joe lifted up his sword and blocked the attack. Immediately afterwards, he shot out another jet stream, but Vincent did the same thing again, fell back into the smoke, and disappeared. The jet stream also had the same result, with it hitting nothing but going through the smoke.

"Okay, he just going to go in and out of his smoke and attack, picking him apart. Nice," Eric said in approval.

Then Vincent came back out swinging his sword. This time the average Joe was ready for it. He blocked the attack and lunged forward. Grabbing on to Vincent, he said, "Now you can't go disappear."

Water was appearing above them, taking on the form of a hammer. Seeing this, Vincent blew in his face. A thick smog of smoke came out and gagged the guy. Loosening his grip, Vincent pushed him away and jumped back into the smoke, and with that he was gone again.

"That new," Eric responded to Vincent blowing smoke.

Average Joe opened wide his arms and pushed forward using his whole body. A large wall of water was created a few feet taller than the cloud of smoke. Then it fell forward, making a tidal wave that enveloped most of the cloud. The smoke that was hit was gone, except for a small little cloud of smoke, just large enough to fit four people in it.

Then Vincent came out of the dashing toward the guy and slashing at him. The guy blocked it and slashed back. They went back and forth for a few moments, showing off the sword skills they both have learned while being apart of the military.

Vincent lunged the sword at the guy, and he blocked, and when he did, Vincent threw a roundhouse kick to the leg he cut earlier in the fight. The guy fell to one knee, dropping his sword and grabbing his leg, gasping in pain.

Vincent took that moment and pulled back the saber preparing a power slash. The crowd that was watching the fight all held their breath. If that would hit him, he would lose his arm. It was that moment the guy lifted up his hand and unleashed a torrent of water coming from his palm. It hit Vincent in the dead center of his torso and lifted him a few inches off the ground, throwing him back ten feet.

The guy stood up and was limping toward Vincent. That's when everyone noticed how bad his leg really was. The pants leg of his uniform was red and being soaked with blood. While he was limping toward him, he swung his arm, creating a water slash. It was slightly ripping up the ground as it traveled to Vincent.

Vincent already getting up saw this and rolled out of the way. Vincent ran toward the guy, yelling. Not saying words and making a noise when charging in. The guy swung his other arm, sending out a water slash. Each time jumping out of the way. The guy kept throwing them out, alternating arms, until Vincent arrived at his location.

Vincent Jumped forward and grabbed him with both arms, like he was a bear hugging him. Smoke started to surround both of them until either one couldn't be seen anymore. The whole area became quiet. All the spectators that were watching the fight, were all waiting in expectation to see what would happen. Every few moments they would see a water ability shoot out of the cloud. Water slashes and jet streams came out. They could tell the fight was still going on in there.

The anticipation was excruciating for the crowd. The smoke started to slowly fade away. It took only a few moments before they all could see it. They saw the top part of Vincent, who was drenched from head to toe and drops of water dripping from his hair. He was also panting, exhausted from the fight.

Once the smoke fully cleared, they could see the other part of Vincent. He was standing over the average Joe with his foot on his chest. The guy was lying on the ground, a sprawled eagle. His sword was no longer in his hand; it was off to the side on the ground.

"Conner is the winner!" One of the sergeants proclaimed.

When Vincent heard that, he raised his arm to show his pride for the victory. Before he could actually enjoy the moment. Eric collapsed on the ground. Sergeant McKenny teleported to them both. He placed his hand on them, and then they vanished. Once again, it was only a few moments, and he reappeared in the same spot he left,

'Wow, Vincent must have gone all out in that fight. I guess he used all of his RP points in that fight.' Eric thought.

Using all of your RP points takes a toll on the body. It will exhaust the body. Not only that, fighting on top using all of their RP points makes most people tired to extreme proportions.

Eric decided to look at the results of his scan ability. Both of them were level four. After thinking about it, Vincent had grown a lot from being at the academy.

'Maybe he hasn't been chasing girls the entire time.'

"Cromwell and Hurst, you are up." The sergeant called for the next match.

"Now this is a match I have to see," Eric said.