Eric Vs Blake

The next day had arrived the the golden sun rising upon the Academy. Things were going on as usual. The trainees were getting ready, then breakfast, and the classes would begin once again. Still following the same process as the day before. Meditating for four hours and then to the training center to be matched up.

While the trainees were getting ready Lieutenant Cater was sitting in his office void of color, only white. He had sent a message out for someone to meet him. He was sitting at his desk, waiting patiently, looking at the picture on his desk.

A knock could be heard at the door. "Come in," The lieutenant said.

The door opened and the blonde with red frame glasses walked in. She at attention and saluted him. Cater stood up saluted her back and sat down.

"Please have a seat."

"Thank you, sir," Corporal Jones said, while sitting down in the chairs in front of the desk.

"I have two pieces of information I need to give you today. The first one is that you will be promoted to Sergeant. Congratulations."

"O, thank you, sir," She said in an unusually high voice for her. Her happiness busted out a little.

"Because your swordsmanship is better than anyone in the military and you are doing an amazing job with trainees, news of your achievements has reached the General's ears."

"Just doing what I am told to, sir"

Carter just smiled at Jones with her response. It was the most real smile that he could muster. 'Do what I am told is what I'm doing. But you're a genuinely good girl. This military will eventually tear you apart.'

"You will be officially awarded with your new rank in a few months at the ending year ceremony. Now onto the next set of business. The start of the next week I want you to a full squad and head out to scout the area up north."

"Yes sir."

I goal of this mission is to read the activity of the beasts. If you run into any straggling beasts, kill them. If you think, you can kill any more, feel free to kill them. But this isn't a do or die mission. Just gather their movements. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir. I do have one question, sir."

"Go ahead."

"What squad do you want me to take? Sir."

"I don't care, it is up to your discretion."

"I won't fail, sir."

"Good. You're dismissed."

Coronal Jones, now Sergeant Jones, got up saluted Lieutenant Cater and walked out the door to resume his duties.


Eric, Vincent, Alex, and Brandon were up that morning getting ready. While getting ready Eric told them about what happened and the soldier's movements. But he left out the detail that he went to the training center and stole some beast gems.

He thought it would be easier for them if they didn't know, there would be no way they could get in trouble and they didn't have to carry that on their conscience. Plus, it wasn't any of their business. There was no reason for them to know.

"That sounds like an easy job tonight. Just be careful! You know, the military has taken lives for less," Vincent said with a little worry in his voice.

"I know, I know, but I'll be fine. I'm not an easy one to touch at night."

Brandon stood up and and said, "Alright guys, I'll see you later. I'm on first watch," and he darted out the door. Everyone feeling a breeze.

'That was fast, did he just use his wind powers to move himself faster? I'm glad I don't have to fight him. Wait a minute, when this is all over I need to ask him about that fire power.'

The other three left the room together. They all meditated in class. This raised Eric's stats once again.

< + 1 Radiation>

< + 2 RP>

This brought his radiation to nineteen and his RP points to eighty-six. While he waited for names to be called out to battle he used his scan ability on everyone around him. He noticed that there were a few more level fives in the mix now. Another thing that caught his attention was there were fewer level twos among them.

"Blake Lowery and Eric Carson!"

Eric was pleasantly surprised that his new opponent was Blake. He was the one who was with Acer that time when Acer attacked Brandon. Blake was the one who placed his hand on his shoulder and flowed electricity through Eric's body.

'I am looking forward to this. I have to make sure he doesn't touch me.'

They both went and stood in the spots where they were to wait for the match signal.

"Begin," One of the sergeants yelled.

Sparks started to be seen around Blake's hand, and the next moment a bright light of lightning shot out toward Eric. He took a forward step getting closer to it.

< Shadow Step activated>

< - 5 RP>

< 81/86>

Eric appeared to the left of the lighting as it went past hitting one of the pillars. A chunk of rock was busted out of it. Not wasting any time Eric ran for Blake. Blake shot another bolt of lighting, but instead of using his shadow step to avoid it, he decided to use his improved dexterity and roll to the right to get out of the way.

Without any hesitation, he lol back onto his feet and kept running toward Blake.

'Wow, that was much easier than I thought it would be.'

He could see the sparks around Blake's hand before he shot out an attack. Eric stopped running toward him and started running around him, just to align his shadow to where it was pointing at him.

Blake did shoot out another bolt but it missed him.

'He must not have any experience with hitting a moving target. That is good to know.'

Eric was right in front of Blake. The bright white light was pulsing and wrapped around Blake's hand. "Lightning punch," He yelled out.

< Shadow Manipulation activated>

< Shadow Step activated>

< - 5 RP>

< 46/86 RP>

He activated both abilities at the same time. Shadows with a purple hue were wrapping around Blake's feet while Eric got out of the strike's path and appeared to Blake's left. He was able to do this because his shadow touched Blake's shadow.

As soon as he appeared he threw out a flurry of punches at his side, each strike much more powerful and faster than anyone thought he could do. The pain from the attacks stopped Blake in his tracks. He could turn around because of the shadows wrapped around his feet.

Eric could tell that he was trying to get out because he could see system notifications about him losing RP points.

He just kept punching and eventually, he heard a crack from one of his punches followed by a scream. When the scream was let out lighting covered Blake's body and Eric couldn't do anything about it because he was in contact with him.

Electricity filled his body to the point he couldn't move. A moment later, a loud pop sound could be heard and Eric went flying away close to 10 feet.

< - 15 HP>

< - 1 HP>

< - 1 HP>

< 38/55 HP>

'Crap! I can't take that hit too many times.'

Eric was glad that he could see his RP point still going down. That meant that while his body was still stiff and slow moving because of being shocked, Blake was still in the same spot where constricted him with his shadows.

He got off the ground pushing up on his knee. He looked at Blake still struggling with shadows.

<22/86 RP>

'I don't have many RP points left to finish this.'

< Shadow Step activated>

< - 5 RP>

< 17/86 RP>

He used the shadow step ability to travel down the shadow of one of the pillars that led next to Blake's shadow. He appeared out of the shadow and stepped into Blake's shadow.

< Shadow Pin activated>

< - RP>

< 07/86>

Blake stopped from struggling from being held in place by the shadow. His entire body stopped, he was stiff and couldn't move. With that being done, Eric drew his sword from his sheath.

'This ends here. I was really hoping to beat you to a pulp.'

He placed the sword next to Blake's neck. "This is over," Eric declared to the sergeant watching the match.

"The winner is Carson."

< Shadow Pin Deactivated>

With the deactivation of the ability, Blake fell forward. Blake looked at him and said, "You won this one. We will see each other again, but good job on the fight."

With those words, Blake walked out of the area.

'What a strange guy. I wouldn't mind fighting him again.'

The sergeant gave him the beast gem he won and then Eric and the sergeant left the field.

'I'll go back to the barracks absorb this gem, then take a nap and get ready for tonight. Tonight we find out what's going on with Arlo, at the very least what his ability.'